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The 3 Most Important Questions To Answer During The Next Full Moon

Starting from 5 May start to put the light on your shadows

By Claudia CiobanuPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Hannah Rochford, Astronomy Photographer of the Year 2022

Many of you, will not like what I'm about to say. But, I will say it.

This month is about healing and finally saying ''No'' to those who hurt us.

This is the perfect time to take your power back.

Use it in your favor.

I know this is a big challenge but if you want to upgrade this is what you need to do. There is no need in your life for more conflicts or dramas.

You need to focus on happiness.

I will scream from the rooftops. Start to say NO to people who manipulate, control, or bring you down.

Have faith in the power of No, and miracles will happen in your life. I can guarantee you that.

This is a time when the energy comes up to show us where we have to change things, which are our limiting beliefs, and what we have to do to gain certainty in our lives.

If you are feeling blocked right now in any area of your life, this is the perfect occasion to seek your truth. This full moon comes with a lot of cleansing energy.

Also, the dreams will be vivid. Dreaming mostly about the things that are holding you back, your fears, traumas, and negative perception. Take that information and write it down in your journal every single day, no matter how stupid you will find it.

The month of action. The month of vertical, strength, and authority. The month of personal power. Fight for your freedom and peace of mind.

This is not the time to indulge in discussions that drain our energy.

No, No.

I advise you to focus more on loving yourself and to understand how and where to say NO.

For those of you who are thinking that obedience is better than anything in the world, maybe if you try to say NO to people and situations will make you shift your paradigm.

This Full Moon allows you to decide what you truly want from your life. A lot of internal and external conflicts will come up.

Don't be scared. Understand what you want to choose.

For example, if you have been in conflicts for years with your in-laws, your friends, or business partners, this month is perfect to say no to them and to establish healthy boundaries for yourself.

You deserve a better outcome and is your responsibility to take charge.

Changes will come when you will start to say ''NO'' and when you will understand the power of boundaries.

Focus on healing and mediate.

A big occasion that reveals to us the things that are hidden in ourselves. Full Moon is a portal that puts as in a position to see and understand what needs to be changed.

Understand your behavior, your dependency, your anger, and your frustration, and understand what are the roots of these reactions. Seek for your truth and go deep into your being to find out.

I prepared the 3 most essential questions that you must answer during the full moon.

  1. What do I think about X conflict in my life
  2. Do you have certainty in your life?
  3. What types of negative emotions you hold in your body regarding this conflict?

The layers of your being are numerous. Have the courage to reveal and acknowledge them. Also I recommend you to clean your house, space every single day. Purify the place as much as you can. During so you will make room for new energy. Support your body with nutrients and drink water. Yoga is recommended during the period.

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About the Creator

Claudia Ciobanu

Top writer exiled from Medium. Finding my new home on Quora and Vocal Media.My gift: I help people understand with my stories what works and what doesn't in terms of relationships, life and even tech.

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