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The #1 Must To Creating Your Most Authentic, Successful & Fulfilling Life

Do you really know what you want in life?

By Jolie DownsPublished 11 months ago 5 min read

Do you really know what you want in life?

Take a minute and think about that – do you know how you want your life to look over the next five years or are you just going through the motions and letting life happen?

I ask because a huge percentage of the population really has not given this question much thought, at least not recently. They are too busy reacting and existing to think about creating the life they really want to live.

That’s how I was living my life for many years, subsisting. But I’ve learned a lot through my own experiences, and I’ve also learned a great deal through other people’s stories. With my podcast, Fresh Blood (soon to be re-branded to Thriving After 40), where I talk to people over the age of 40 who are thriving in life about what it takes to have continued success, I have been fascinated to learn there are absolute common denominators to living that contented, fulfilling life. Story after story share the same themes.

I want to share with you the biggest recurring theme - the thing that must happen if you want to reach your true authentic success – which is creating your own personal life vision.

The majority of the people I have spoken with who are now embodying their best life, had a pivotal moment in their story, where crisis became an unwelcome houseguest and everything seemed to start falling apart. This is true for myself as well. The end result for each of these stories, including mine, was that once everything was stripped away, time was finally taken to figure out what was really wanted in life. Finding that clarity, doing that internal deep dive where you strip away everyone else’s voices, listening to the only one that really matters, yours, and becoming clear about your true wants, seems to the be the catalyst that begins moving people towards their personal success.

You don’t have to wait for crisis to hit. You can learn from the lessons of others and do this for yourself now. Develop a deeply compelling vision of your life. In all its facets. In all its fantasy. Not based on the stories others have told, not based on the limiting beliefs that have been picked up along the way, but the full fantasy of:

What if everything went absolutely perfectly for the next five years? What would your life look like?

Where would you live? What would your relationships be like?

What would you be learning? What is your purpose? How are you providing value?

If you had all the money and time in the world, what work would you choose to do to fulfill you?

I want you to build your fantasy life, whatever it is that is right for you, and it will be very different for each and every one of you, as it should be. We are each carrying our own special dream and our own special super hero powers inside of ourselves.

It is your job to get in touch with that. To get really clear on that.

When I was drowning in my life, buried underneath all the things I did not want, I had a clear realization that I didn’t really know what it was that I DID want.

How many of you can identify with that feeling? Not fully knowing what you really want? I would bet a lot more than let on. A large percentage of the population never stops moving long enough to focus on even asking themselves that question or they are so consumed with needs that they think they don’t have the luxury of wants.

This is a mistake.

It all starts with the wants.

And you must write it down. Write it all down.

There is power in finding clarity and writing out your intentions. Getting clear on your goals and writing them down brings a special kind of magic and the universe conspires to make it all happen with you.

I want to share a story to show you how powerful this process can be.

Veronica Villanueva was unhappy in her marriage and unhappy in her job when she found herself diagnosed with stage 4 incurable lung cancer and given 6 months to live. Being given a diagnosis such as that brings a serious clarity to what you really want. Veronica wanted life. Veronica refused to accept the diagnosis and instead of planning for her death, she made a plan for her LIFE. She decided to focus on creating the life she wanted to see for herself. She stayed focused on the things she could control, let go of the things she couldn’t, eliminating everything that made her unhappy, including letting go of unfulfilling work and going through a difficult divorce while dealing with cancer treatments. She got herself so excited about creating and embodying this new life she WANTED that she was fully living and thriving instead of focusing on the cancer.

She is still alive today, 5 years later, cancer free, thriving in a new career, in a new life and never happier. (You can listen to more of her story here:

The minute you identify what you want, you create this awareness in your mind and your eyes begin to open. This process triggers your reticular activating system which causes you to see the world in a new way. Just like if you were to decide to buy a dog, the minute you made that decision, you would start to see dogs EVERYWHERE! They were always there, but you didn’t fully notice them until you decided to buy a dog. Have you experienced this? Same thing happens when you get really clear on what you want your life to look like. You’ll start noticing the potential all around that can help you reach your goals and it will feel like doors suddenly start opening.

Spend some time tonight building that fantasy life, writing it out on paper, every single goal, every single ideal scenario – everything – health/fitness, character, love, relationships, financial, intellectual, spiritual – what would the ideal look like in 5 years for you, write it down and then start taking baby steps each day towards your goals. I promise you, you will see beautiful transformation begin to happen.

“A vision without a task is but a dream. A task without a vision is drudgery. A vision with a task is the hope of the world. “ - Inscription on a church wall in Sussex England c. 1730

Hold The Vision

Trust The Process

successself helphappinessgoals

About the Creator

Jolie Downs

I am an entrepreneur at heart, a seeker, a creator and life long learner. I am a Partner and Recruiter with Paradigm Staffing, a recruiting firm specializing in PR & Marketing. I am the host of the podcast Fresh Blood, Killing It After 40.

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