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A Pro Guide On Living In Peace. Inspired By Great Philosophers!

By AlwazPublished 11 months ago 3 min read
Photo by Ante Hamersmit on Unsplash

What I suppose is that most of you have not heard about the term, ‘Stoicism’. Or, if you have, you probably misunderstood it. So, I would want to start with its curtain-raiser before we jump into the realm of stoic philosophy.

It dates back to the 3rd century(BC) in parts of ancient Greece and Rome, where the belief in living a virtuous life prevailed. It is a way of life that maximizes positive emotions, reduces negative emotions, and helps individuals to hone their virtues of character.

Today, to a common person, this passionate, task-oriented, and paradigm-shifting way of living has become shorthand for “emotionlessness”. It is a tool in the pursuit of self-mastery, perseverance, and wisdom. Unfortunately, this is the path least taken.

Nowadays, stoics try to focus on tranquillity and well-being. Stoics could never convene to affirm all their tenants precisely. They are concerned for a righteous life. Stoics think that a good life is one of moral action. If you want to live well, you have got to be a morally just person.

By Timothy Dachraoui on Unsplash

In this bemused world today, we mostly focus on materialistic things and wealth as our measure of happiness and comfort in life. We are rarely satisfied with what we have and keep blaming others.

— →Question Stoics Must Ask Themselves Daily.

Did you enjoy the good things today? Because nothing lasts forever.

What is the worst that can happen?

What are my priorities?

How can I help others?

Does this matter?

If we even start thinking about the questions, we live a simple yet, happy life. Inadvertently, our society claims stoics to be too extreme and ruthless towards life. It is the doctrine of indifference that is probably responsible for Stocism’s reputation as harsh and pitiless.

“The stoics practice negative visualization”, writes Ryan Holiday the author of The Daily Stoic. Let me talk a bit more about this. You are scheduled to have your driving test tomorrow. But you expect failure and plan to improve and try again in a month.

Having failure as your expectation will prepare you for, ‘what if’ you do fail. In the case, you do get through, sheer pleasure will be your companion. This is what is called negative visualization. To expect the worst while working for the best and be thankful when you succeed.

“Waste no more time arguing what a good man should be. Be One.”

– Marcus Aurelius

“No person has the power to have everything they want, but it is in their power not to want what they don’t have, and to cheerfully put to good use what they do have.”

– Seneca

“God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, And wisdom to know the difference.”


From the powerful words of the stoics above, we can realize the need to feel perfect with what we have rather than cry for what you not have.

Also, becoming a man of character and righteousness is more necessary than just lecturing others about these traits. Being a great person is better than telling someone to be one.

By Aaron Burden on Unsplash

One of the best books you can read related to this genre are:

  1. Meditations By Marcus Aurelius.(Writings from Aurelius later published as a book)
  2. The Daily Stoic By Ryan Holiday.
  3. How To Be A Stoic By Massimo Pigliucci

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Comments (1)

  • Sarah D11 months ago

    Nice. I can use this info for my philosophy class assignments. Read mine too? (A story about a girl that loved studying)

AWritten by Alwaz

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