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Simple Strategies to Improve your Walking

Walk Your Way to Health

By Simply ExplorerPublished 10 months ago 5 min read
Simple Strategies to Improve your Walking
Photo by Sincerely Media on Unsplash

You've been walking your whole life, so you probably don't think much about how you do it. But walking is a fundamental human movement that can have a huge impact on your health, mood, and productivity. The way you walk affects everything from your energy level to your posture to your attitude. With some simple tweaks, you can turn your everyday walk into an energizing experience that leaves you feeling happier and healthier. By picking up your pace, pumping your arms, and holding your head high, you'll be striding with purpose in no time. Put more pep in your step and you'll be amazed at how much better you feel.

The open road is calling - let's get moving!

Pick Up the Pace: Walk Faster for Added Benefits

Want to take your walking to the next level? Pick up the pace. Walking at a faster speed provides greater health benefits like improving your heart health and burning more calories.

By Ákos Nemes on Unsplash
  • Aim for 3 to 4 miles per hour. If you're strolling at a casual 2 miles per hour, bump it up to at least 3. At 4 miles per hour, you'll be walking at a brisk pace. Time yourself to get a feel for the different speeds. Start with just 10-15 minutes of brisk walking and build up from there as your endurance improves.
  • Swing your arms and lengthen your stride. Walking with purpose will help you move faster. Bend your elbows, swing your arms, and roll your shoulders. Take longer strides, but don't over-stride - your front foot should land under your body, not ahead of it.
  • Consider interval or power walking. For interval walking, alternate between your normal pace and short 1-2 minute bursts of a faster pace. For power walking, maintain a brisk 4-6 mile per hour pace the entire time. Start with just 10-15 minutes 2-3 times a week and increase duration and frequency over time as your fitness level improves.
  • Stay motivated. Play upbeat music to keep you pumped. Set goals to beat your time or distance and reward yourself when you achieve them. Walk with a partner for accountability and encouragement. The rewards of walking at a faster pace are well worth the effort. Your heart, body, and mood will thank you! Start today by putting some pep in your step.

Add in Strength and Stretching Exercises

To really boost your walking workout, add some strength and stretching exercises.

By Michael DeMoya on Unsplash
  • Do calf raises. Stand up straight and lift your heels off the floor so you're on your tiptoes. Hold for a second, then lower back down. Repeat for 2-3 sets of 10-15 reps each. This strengthens your calves and ankles, which will make walking easier.
  • Strengthen your quads and hamstrings. Sit on the edge of a chair with knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Straighten one leg and raise it slightly off the floor, then lower it back down. Do 2-3 sets of 10-15 reps on each leg. For hamstrings, lie on your back with one knee bent and your foot flat on the floor. Raise and lower the other leg. Repeat with the other leg.
  • Hip openers are key. Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Raise one knee toward your chest and grasp it behind the thigh to pull it closer to your torso. Hold for 30 sec and release. Repeat on the other side. Do 2-3 reps on each side.
  • Don't skip stretching. Calf stretches, quad stretches, hamstring stretches, and hip openers will keep you flexible and prevent injury. Hold each stretch for 15-30 seconds without bouncing.

Adding strength and stretching work 2-3 times a week can really take your walking to the next level. Start light and build up slowly. Stay consistent and in just a few weeks, you'll notice walking feels easier and your endurance has shot through the roof! With these simple additions, you'll be well on your way to walking with an extra pep in your step.

Change Up Your Route: New Scenery Means New Motivation

Mixing It Up

By Sébastien Goldberg on Unsplash

Walking the same route day after day can get boring and zap your motivation. Spice up your walking routine by changing your course. Exploring new neighborhoods or trails exposes you to fresh scenery and makes walking interesting again.

Try driving to a nearby park or trail you’ve never visited before. Many communities offer paved walking paths and hiking trails that most residents don’t even know exist! Doing an online search for “walking trails” or “hiking trails” in your city or county will turn up plenty of options.

Walking in a new environment also challenges your body in different ways. A hilly trail, for example, provides an extra cardio workout for your heart and lungs. If possible, walk the trail in both directions to experience the uphill and downhill. The variety will make you a stronger walker overall.

When you’re short on time, simply reverse your usual route or make a detour through side streets you’ve never wandered down before. Notice the houses, gardens, and scenery that you often miss when walking the same path every day. Appreciating simple details in your neighborhood can make a familiar walk feel fresh again.

Changing up your walking route, location or direction introduces new sights and sensations that stimulate your mind and motivate your body. The extra mental and physical challenges will boost your walking enjoyment, endurance, and speed. Before you know it, you'll be putting more pep in your step!


So, there you have it, a handful of easy ways to put more pep in your step. Making simple tweaks to your walking technique, speed, and stride can help you get the most out of your walking routine. Keep good posture, swing your arms, and pick up the pace. Challenge yourself to walk a little farther each time. Find an inspiring walking partner or soundtrack to keep you motivated.

Walking is simple, free, and one of the best ways to stay active and improve your health. Why not make the most of it? Put these tips to work and start reaping the rewards of reinvigorated walking practice. Your mood, body, and overall well-being will thank you.

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About the Creator

Simply Explorer

I am passionate about the power of words to convey my thoughts, ideas and knowledge. Always seeking new adventures and love to learn from my experiences.

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