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Self-care, a must, a need

Prioritizing self-care

By Varee KhanPublished about a year ago 12 min read

As a young person in the past I struggled with hardship and had to deal with all circumstances which are unfortunately common to us women, facing many challenges. What I was fortunate enough to have is that strong desire to find solutions to permanently defeat the factors and eliminate, keep learning to face new challenges. The desire was strong enough to keep me going against all odds. Here is all what I found, learned and feel the urge to share as many of us women have a tendency for the most part to put all, wants, the needs and comfort of others first, this is who we are and always have been, most selfless and turning our own needs down, so mostly just putting away emotions and desires into preferences so that don't always get fulfilled. Basically forgetting how important it is for each one of us to take care of our well-being through including and adopting self-care activities that will help keep us refreshed and boost mood to feel somewhat energized. Simply caring for one self shouldn't have to be seen as selfish but here we are, still we may think this way because society doesn’t value self-esteem in the same way it does other human qualities like kindness or generosity. In reality, when we give ourselves more love and attention, it truly translates in so many wonderful benefits and not just for our own selves. Self-Care fundamentally provides you with the base for growing strength which is essentially needed and Makes For A Healthier Mindset When you invest time in tending your mental health through relaxation techniques and other positive activities like yoga or meditation, not only will you feel calmer but also better able to make decisions and approach problem-solving with clarity, thinking calmly provides some meaningful readiness and rational. By mastering these tools we necessarily can employ them any time new stress enters your life giving you control over any challenging situations that come up feeling secure instead reactive in response which may go against your natural inclination as a woman towards taking on every burden for everyone else! Fun Too Is As Important As Resting, Too much work without playful light moments makes Jack feel stale indeed! Self-care is a delicate process to start taking gradual shape to provide what it need to and it needs a deliberate clear constant effort to get you there, reach a milestone. Look for more from wider means to help you get going in the best way to the form and shape you need, not just physical, but still you must prioritize finding better means from wider spectrum of self-care activities which resonates more to yourself to begin healing.

Being women, we often prioritize the needs of others before our own. We spend our days taking care of our families, providing for others needs and care for what others want, at our jobs, and at our homes. We make sure everyone else is happy and healthy, often at the expense of our own wellbeing. But what if I told you that putting yourself first is not only okay, it's necessary for your overall health and happiness? We often tempt to forget that we are person of our own. It should not have to be this way but we tend to lose sight of what we want from life and keep putting others first, that leads to allowing them to see us weak and take advantage, which eventually let us get abused often.

Self-care is the act of taking care of oneself, and it has become more challenging in recent years if you see and follow trends, you will find how much more is growingly expected of us each day just to survive and fit in. It can mean different things to different people, but at its core, self-care is about prioritizing your own basic fundamental needs and taking the time to do things that make you feel good. It's about nurturing your body, mind, and spirit, and recognizing that you deserve to be taken care of just as much as anyone else. You deserve it and make no mistake, nor let anyone tell otherwise as we have our similar needs as human beings.

So let’s begin from, why is self-care so dang important? For starters, taking care of one self prepares you with calmness with better vision, grasp and grip over matters, helps improve physical health, mental health and aid in lifting our spirits up lighter. Allowing yourself to nurture and care to provide a balance diet at the right times, eating well, getting enough regular sleep, and exercising regularly are all important components of self-care that can have a positive impact on your overall wellbeing. Studies have also shown that practicing self-care can reduce stress, anxiety, and depression, and improve your ability to cope with life's challenges. So far the important aspects of take away are, prioritize yourself, your needs, make adjustments to make time not finding spare slots but initially you must work balancing to put forth concentrated efforts in figuring out restful relax time for yourself as priority without compromises, no negligence allowed, not even by yourself, commit to it, be true to yourself first, self-love is true love, mind it.

But self-care is just not about taking care of your physical health. It's very much also about taking care of your emotional and spiritual health. Taking time to meditate, journal, or simply sit quietly can help you connect with your true self and strengthen your core to gain better insight to meaningful knowledge of your inner needs, cater for them, help with your thought cycles to get you free from over thinking and spare you energy to coup and better manage feelings. Engaging in activities that bring you joy and fulfillment, whether solo like painting, dancing, or with others like spending time with loved ones, can also help boost your overall moral, mood, and you feel more passionate emotionally, balanced and fulfilled.

Of course, practicing self-care isn't always easy and that is why we are here, talking, taking this time to emphasize about concentrated efforts. It can be real pain in the a$$ initially with our overwhelming lives, stressful routines and hectic cycles to make ends meet and taking all into consideration as well established and understood about our lives, it is certainly hard to find the time and motivation to prioritize your own needs when you're so used to putting others first. But remember, self-care is true face of love and appreciation, value and so it just can't be selfish. It's about taking charge, taking control, get the grip you need, take the wheel and steer to start caring for yourself so you can be there mentally and not just physically and show up as your best self for the people and things that matter most to you.

Once you have determined commitment to yourself, make the inner call to find and figure how so you can start including self-care into your daily routine?

Here are a few primary starting point ideas to get you going:

1. Set aside time each day for essential must self-care routine, like say twice, once when you start the day and one towards ending your day. Make a point to prioritize your sleep cycle to a stable routine. This could be as simple as taking a few minutes to meditate or stretch in the morning, or as involved as scheduling a weekly spa day, but mind it, this is not it, as there is so much more to cater to and find what suits you best.

2. Say no to things that don't serve you. It's just fine, okay to decline invitations or say no to commitments that don't align with your values or priorities. These are important distinctions as you are not in charge and responsible for everyone else happiness with you, so stop bothering about what others say or think, most important is that you value yourself, your time and your well-being.

3. Practice gratitude. Taking time to reflect on the things you're grateful for can help shift your mindset to a more positive tone to start giving you a reliable point in boosting your self-esteem.

4. Get outside. Spending time in nature as it has proven undeniable benefits as been shown to have a positive impact on mental health.

5. Connect with loved ones. Spending time with people who uplift and support you no matter what, celebrates your presence and cheer for you, appreciate and value you and hype your morals which truly can help you feel more connected and fulfilled to let you be able to start gathering your pieces to make you back feel as whole.

In the end, self-care is all about giving yourself the genuine love and undivided attention you deserve. It's about recognizing that you are if not more, than just as important as anyone else, and that taking care of yourself is essential for your overall wellbeing, longevity. So go ahead, prioritize yourself. You deserve it. You must make sure to put forth faith, trust and true belief that you are awesome, you rock. Make a point and tell yourself each day with honest conviction.

Now, let's add some light-hearted humor to the mix. Did you know that laughter is actually good for your health? According to the studies and research, laughing can stimulate your organs, release endorphins, and relieve stress, which gives you not just better chances of survival but let you add some more life. So in the spirit of self-care, here are a few one-liners to brighten your day:

• Why did the tomato turn red? Because it saw the salad dressing!

• I'm on a whiskey diet. I've lost three days already.

• Why don't scientists trust atoms? Because they make up everything.

• Why did the bicycle fall over? Because it was two-tired.

Okay, maybe those jokes were a little cheesy, but who cares, we need a silly laugh or two.

As a mature woman, I learned a thing or two about the importance of self-care. And as someone who wants to empower and uplift the women in my community, I know that self-care is essential for not just physical health, but emotional, mental, and spiritual wellbeing as well. I just wish that I would have learned it all earlier in time, back in my youth days so try and take notes carefully. But let's not get too serious here, shall we? Let's sprinkle in some humor and fun facts to keep things light and delightful!

Did you know that self-care can actually make you more productive in many ways? It's very true! When you take the time to prioritize your own needs, you'll have more energy, and you are more aware of all developments and surrounding, able to pay attention, not distracted but much focused when needed to tackle the tasks and responsibilities not because they come your way, but you feel right to look into. So go ahead and take that bubble bath, or read that book you've been meaning to get to. It might just give you the boost you need to crush your to-do list.

And speaking of bubble baths, did you know that lavender is a natural stress-reliever? So next time you're feeling overwhelmed, try adding a few drops of lavender essential oil to your bathwater, with an addition of little lime. You'll come out feeling relaxed and rejuvenated.

But as mentioned earlier, self-care isn't just about the physical. It's also about the mental and emotional well-being. Taking the time to connect with yourself and your emotions can be incredibly healing. So go ahead and indulge in a good cry or two. It's not a sign of weakness in no way, shape or form, it's a sign that you're human, and you're processing your emotions in a healthy way, letting out helps you get rid of unwanted baggage and make room for positivity and hope.

And let's not forget about the spiritual aspect of self-care. Whether you're religious or not, taking time to connect with something greater than yourself can be incredibly grounding and uplifting simultaneously, which is extraordinary brilliant and incredible booster to get internal healing going. So light a candle, say something if you would like, like a prayer, or simply take a few deep breaths and connect with the universe around you and have a simple moment to yourself, because as you must know, you are precious, beautiful, and you are powerful, independent person of your own.

Now, I know that self-care can sometimes feel indulgent to some or even selfish which is crazy wrong to be honest. But here's the thing: taking care of yourself is not only necessary, it's also an act of true love and kindness which all begins with you. When you prioritize your own needs, you're showing yourself the same love and care that you would show to a loved one. And when you're operating from a place of love and care, you're able to show up as your best self in all areas of your life.

So go ahead, don’t ever miss on treating yourself the best above all, and treat yourself to that yoga class or that piece of chocolate. Take a nap or a walk in nature. Take a warm bath, whatever helps you feel well. Whatever it is that brings you joy and nourishes your soul, make time for it. You deserve it and you need it to be you, whole you and not your version of others liking, not fraction of you but whole you.

Taking time to process, heal, and provide needed care for ourselves should no longer be considered an indulgence, or even a luxury. Rather, it is a must, for so many reasons, it's a necessity, and you must know, now more than ever. Learn to evaluate your situation from time to time to find gaps and room for improvements, eradicate impurities which can contaminate your aura.

And speaking of joy, did you know that laughter is actually good for your health? According to the expert studies, laughter can stimulate your organs, release endorphins, and relieve stress. So in the spirit of self-care, here are a few one-liners to brighten your day:

• Why did the scarecrow win an award? Because he was outstanding in his field!

• I told my wife she was drawing her eyebrows too high. She looked surprised. (I know, this is not a good one)

• Why did the coffee file a police report? It got mugged.

• I used to play piano by ear, but now I use my hands.

Okay, maybe those jokes weren't the best, but hopefully they brought a smile to your face. And that's really what self-care is all about: bringing in true joy and lightness into your life. So go forth and take care of yourself, my dear friends. You deserve it. Do whatever you have to and never give up. Don’t you dare giving up. Seek required attention whenever possible. Here some more important tips to take note.

There is simply no just reason to justify any cruelty from anyone.

Do not overwhelm yourself for no reason in non-stop thinking for things which do not contribute or add value to your life.

Don’t let society erected barriers define who you are, what you are capable of and what you must do.

When you feel alone, feel against tides, reach out.

Get out of cycle of constant nagging or any such negativity from people, try surrounding yourself with strong compassionate women and make efforts to pave better ways to reduce stress inducing factors, eliminate as much you possibly can from your life.

Make the point to have every uplifting opportunity added to your routine and keep on slaying, no apologies required, never. Your personality is unique with multitude and do not let it diminish for anyone or any reason, by caring for others approval. Be firm, be unapologetic and stand tall. Very importantly understand that “keep enduring” does not make anyone of us more of a women, so take charge and stand up in supporting each other in fight for your rights, for dignity, help lifting each other up always.

Put together a well thought daily acre plan and stick to it to begin the journey and keep improving on, keep on building yourself a better support framework.

Here is a link check it out, simply found it handy to care for skin, just to begin with one thing, so have a look. Keep looking up the ways to provide better caring option to treat yourself with, look often. Our veneer is built with intricate complexity and the web is complicated so to unravel you must seek proper ways and start treating yourself right, expand your horizon of possibilities to look for better ways and means. Read more, collaborate if you feel like, and discuss what you may to feel right with the people who are there for you, who care to be involved. Seek attention and do not struggle alone on your own. Internal conflicting argument is not going to lead you anywhere but will get on your nerves as burden gradually and you still be contemplating for right resolution, so there is in no way you can allow and let your energy wasted for no good reason.

Add a weekly slot for yourself promoting your mental health with exploring new ways and venues. Make an effort to get you what you feel like need at the time.

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About the Creator

Varee Khan

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