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Playing The Game of Life

Learning how to decide what you want to do with your life, embracing discomfort & living fully during this once chance you have.

By Manifestation Mindset MentorPublished about a year ago 4 min read

The concept that this human experience is just a game that we are playing can be a difficult one to fully grasp. On one hand, it can feel like everything we do has immense weight and meaning, and on the other hand, it can feel like nothing we do really matters in the grand scheme of things. However, the truth is likely somewhere in the middle.

While it is true that our actions and decisions may not have any inherent meaning in the grand scheme of the universe, they certainly have meaning to us. Our experiences, our relationships, and our passions all contribute to shaping our individual lives and the lives of those around us. The fact that we only get one chance at this life is precisely why it is so important to make the most of it.

One of the biggest challenges that many people face is the problem of not knowing what they want to do with their lives. Some people have too many passions, while others have none at all. This can be a difficult obstacle to overcome, but it is also an opportunity for growth and self-discovery. Without problems to solve, we would never learn anything about ourselves, and we would never grow into the people we are meant to be.

The discomfort that we feel when we are not living up to our potential or pursuing our passions is actually a gift. It is the universe's way of telling us that we can do better, that there is something more out there for us. It is up to us to listen to that discomfort and use it as a catalyst for change.

It is important to remember that life is not always going to be comfortable or easy. In fact, it is often the uncomfortable moments that push us to grow and become better versions of ourselves. Embracing discomfort and using it to propel us forward is a key component of living a fulfilling life.

One of the most powerful tools we have in this game of life is our mindset. The way we think about ourselves and our experiences can have a profound impact on our lives. If we choose to view discomfort as a negative thing, we will be less likely to take risks and pursue our passions. On the other hand, if we choose to view discomfort as a positive thing, as a sign that we are capable of more, we will be more likely to take action and make meaningful changes in our lives.

Ultimately, the key to living a fulfilling life is to take action. It is not enough to simply think about our dreams and passions; we must actively pursue them. This may mean stepping outside of our comfort zones, taking risks, and facing our fears. But the rewards are well worth it. When we live in alignment with our true selves and pursue the things that light us up, we experience a sense of joy and fulfillment that cannot be found anywhere else.

It's important to note that discomfort can take many different forms. It might manifest as a sense of restlessness, a feeling of being stuck, or a nagging sense of unfulfillment. Whatever form it takes, it is a call to action. We have a choice in how we respond to discomfort - we can either ignore it and continue on as we always have, or we can lean into it and use it as a catalyst for change.

The beauty of discomfort is that it can lead us to discover our passions and purpose. By trying new things and pushing ourselves outside of our comfort zones, we can gain clarity on what truly matters to us and what we want to create in the world. This process can be messy and uncertain, but it is also incredibly rewarding. When we tap into our passions and align our actions with our values, we can create a sense of fulfillment and purpose that is deeply meaningful.

Of course, pursuing our passions and purpose isn't always easy. There will be obstacles, setbacks, and challenges along the way. However, these challenges are an integral part of the journey. They provide us with opportunities to learn and grow, to develop resilience and grit, and to become the person we want to be. Without these challenges, life would be stagnant and unfulfilling.

In order to embrace discomfort and navigate the challenges that come with pursuing our passions, we must develop a strong sense of self-awareness and self-belief. We must be willing to take responsibility for our own emotions and to cultivate a positive, grounded internal state. This means learning to control our thoughts, feelings, and actions, and taking ownership of our experiences.

When we develop this level of self-awareness and self-belief, we can begin to manifest the things we desire in life. By aligning our thoughts and actions with our goals, we can attract people, experiences, and opportunities that are in alignment with our values and vision. This isn't to say that everything will be perfect - life will still have its ups and downs - but we will have the inner resources to navigate those challenges with grace and resilience.

Embracing discomfort is a powerful way to tap into our instincts, discover our passions, and pursue our purpose. By taking responsibility for our own emotions and cultivating a positive internal state, we can manifest the things we desire in life and create a sense of fulfillment and purpose that is deeply meaningful. It may not always be easy, but it is worth it. So go forth and embrace discomfort, knowing that it is a gift from the universe, guiding you towards your true potential.

In conclusion, while the concept that this human experience is just a game that we are playing may feel daunting, it is also liberating. It means that we have the power to shape our own lives, to pursue our passions, and to create a sense of meaning and purpose for ourselves. The discomfort and challenges that we face along the way are simply part of the game, and they are there to help us grow and evolve. So, take a deep breath, step outside of your comfort zone, and start playing the game of life to win.

successself helphealinghappinessgoals

About the Creator

Manifestation Mindset Mentor

Rach is a traveling mindset mentor living out her dreams. She's fascinated by all things manifestation, and lives her life by making decisions based on energy rather than logic. She hopes to inspire others.

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    Manifestation Mindset MentorWritten by Manifestation Mindset Mentor

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