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Nevertheless: Welcome Change

Change is of the hardest challenges of life to live through, to overcome, to learn from and love.

By M R HerringPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

People are ever changing. Change can be horrendous. Change can be beautiful. Depending on the view, change can be anything between these two points.

I've seen both. These two worlds of change has given me much grief and pain, and at the other end of the tunnel there comes much joy and love. I know what it's like to lose someone very close. I know what it's like to love a new person and welcome them in life. I know how it feels when you think you haven't done enough. I have glimpsed the magnificent feelings of the heaviest of burdens be lifted off your shoulders. I know what life is like to have both good and evil and a line that should never be crossed. I know hatred and I know forgiveness. I know love for others, as well as self love. I know defeat and failure, and in the smallest, significant moments in life, I notice the success and overcoming nature I uncover within my bones. Motivation, inspiration, I search these out within myself and outside of myself. Good people and bad people are in my life. Who do I choose to spend more time with? And how do I differentiate the good ones from the bad one's? The way they either put me down or magnify who I am, that's how I know where they all belong. I let myself be vulnerable around the right ones. And I let my guard down with some. I open my ears and listen to the world. I realize who truly cares deeply and listens to themselves and others, and see who does nothing. I lessen my time with those who drain my spirit and sabotage my soul. And I spend more time with those who fill my heart with love and with peace of mind. I love change. I love every aspect of it. Without it in life, there is no flavor. Without change, life is dull, ugly, and stalled. Without change...there could very well be no such thing as life.

Consider what life means everyday. Consider what needs to be different. What needs to be changed. Who needs to be different? Who needs to change? Is it your self? Is it the environment surrounding you? Do you need to change the amount of time you spend watching the television, and begin enjoying the colorful aspects of life itself? What you dream of isn't far away, it's with you right now, whispering to you: "Get up. Get going. Do what you've always wanted. You're so close by. Just get down your ideas, draw out your blue prints, execute the plan, and live doing what you love!" When your soul screams to get your attention, "You're tired. Get UP! Go out and LIVE. What the hell are you doing?! What are YOU waiting for!?" Don't wait to be changed, BE the change kid.. change your own self and LIVE FEARLESSLY.


Sometimes I fear change. I'd rather sleep in. Imagine I've succeeded in life. Couch surf. Pretend I've done something meaningful this year and do it all over again. This is a nightmare. This is a bad habit. And never have I ever enjoyed letting myself live like this. I got to a serious point in life where I figuratively wanted to vaca over a cliff. It clicked. I know exactly what I want, when I want it, and how I'm going to get it. I've planned out my time to achieve every goal. They're realistic. They're phenomenal. They're pure and extremely difficult to obtain. But they're dreams worth reaching out for and it's not impossible to do so. I have welcomed change in my life little by little every day. I have seen the good it's given others. And I have seen and felt what it's brought out in everything in life. I can't imagine a world where change does not exist. It would be bizarre and boring. I am very grateful I know change. I have grown to be a better person, a happier woman, and a more motivated and inspired character in this world to finally live my dreams ever since I let myself love change. I'm growing stronger in who I am. I know what's right for me. Finally. I know what I need to do. And I can't wait to share my life and understandings with the world entire.

self help

About the Creator

M R Herring

She aspires to be a linguist, an author, an entrepreneur, and actress. She's overcome every nightmare in her world, and now she's headed down the wonderful path of life to make her dreams come alive!

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