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Never give up on your dreams

It may at difficult at times, but never give on your dreams.

By Kyri MartinezPublished 4 years ago 4 min read
Never give up on your dreams
Photo by Sasha Freemind on Unsplash

Surround Yourself with People Who Believe in You

There are people in every person's life who will tell them that their dreams are unachievable and not realistic. Ultimately, the one who makes the decision on whether or not you can achieve your dream or not is you. If you want to achieve your dreams, it is important to surround yourself with people who encourage you and believe in you. People who doubt you are only going to make you doubt yourself, and you don't need that.

People who believe in you will always be supportive and motivate you. Those are the people who are going to be saying things like, "What can we do today to help you achieve your goals?" and "You got this. I believe you can achieve anything you put your mind to."

My entire life, I have had people telling me what I can and can't do. I am so tired of saying no to doing things that I know would make me happy because someone told me that it wasn't practical to take that route in life. Every person should be making an effort to live life to the fullest and do what makes them happy. I believe that any person can achieve what they set their mind to accomplish.

By Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Set Goals

It is important to set goals for yourself to achieve at least each week that helps you move towards your dream. What can you do today to achieve your dream? Think about what dream you desire. What can you do to be one step closer to that dream?

If you want to be a famous singer or musician one day, try moving closer to a city where you will have opportunities to get scouted by a music producer. Make a goal to sing in public at a place that you know a producer is either near or walks by. Don't be a stalker but be motivated. If you want to be a coder, maybe try getting into a college course that could help you learn how to code. If you want to be a model, work on your pitch to a model agency on why they should use you as their model.

Confidence is key. If you are not confident in yourself, why would an employer or producer be interested in you? A great way to build and keep confidence is to keep your inner circle filled with positive people who only want the best for you and encourage you in your dreams.

By Geert Pieters on Unsplash

My Dream

I have a few different dreams that I would love to achieve. The ultimate dream for me is, I want to become a vocal and piano instructor. If I am being honest, I didn't even think it was possible to achieve this in today's world. I told myself that it wasn't a practical enough dream. However, once I started blogging and seeking to promote my blog, I was introduced to someone who I believe will be a lifelong friend. Thanks to Vocal, I am meeting many new friends and for me that is a huge accomplishment. Anyways, she told me about this opportunity that would make it possible for me to be a vocal and piano instructor.

The second dream for me is to be able to work from home. At first, I really didn't care what I did as long as I worked from home and was able to save money to help pay off debt. However, now I am seeing a world of opportunities that I could do to make this dream become a reality. One of them was the vocal and piano instructor, but I could also do a few other things. One of which is blogging. Many people have told me that blogging is an unrealistic way to make money, but I disagree. I believe that if you stay motivated and set a goal for your blog and keep to it, then you can definitely do blogging for an at home job. Would that not be the best job ever? If I can help even just one person through this blog, it would mean the world to me. All I want more than anything is to make a difference. There is one other opportunity that I am not ready to talk about yet, but I am super excited about it.

By Timothy Eberly on Unsplash

You Can't Just Sit Around Waiting for Opportunities to Come to You.

If you want to achieve your dreams, then go out there and get it. If you sit around and hope for opportunities to magically come to you, chances are they never will and you will always be waiting. That's is why you need to set goals. While you shouldn't go to the extent of having to live on the streets because you didn't want to get a job while you were working towards your dream, you should definitely always strive for your dream.

Don't live life in constant stress because you are working somewhere you hate. Life is too short to live that way. I encourage each person who reads this to set some goals for this week that will help you move towards your dream.


About the Creator

Kyri Martinez

Kyri Martinez is a 26 year old blogger seeking to relate to readers about life experiences, job hunting, politics, marriage, etc.

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