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Martial Arts are Impacting Your Business

Martial Arts legacy has more influence in your business than you think. It is affecting every side of the business in every way possible.

By Agron MorinaPublished about a year ago 5 min read
Bruce Lee - Martial artist, Instructor, and Philosopher

Martial arts as we know, teach discipline, respect, courage, and harmony. Just think for a second about teaching the same values in business and leadership. Business leaders strive to inspire and motivate people to team spirit, respect, courage, and for winning mindset.

Martial Arts legacy has more influence in your business than you think. It is affecting every side of the business in every way possible.

The Application of Martial Arts in Modern Business

Modern businesses are implementing methods and techniques such as Hijenuka, Poka-Yoke, Lean, Kaizen, or models like Kano. All these help to perfect products, services, processes, and customer experience and even affect the supply chain.

Business leaders, just like teachers in Taekwondo, Kung Fu, Aikido, etc., are training their teams about team discipline, order, control, harmony, and a winning mindset. They are being empowered every day with methods and techniques that increase efficiency in manufacturing, logistics, marketing, and any other field. As in karate, they are contracting the so-called Black Belt masters to train their team leaders and certify with a yellow belt for Six Sigma.

Black belt in Martial Arts

As if this is not enough, they are being empowered with modern "weaponry" such as Artificial Intelligence.

Whether we like it or not, both solopreneurs and entrepreneurs are in some sort of successive battle. And, if we want to survive in the modern world of business, we must at least theoretically learn Mixed Martial Arts of efficiency, and productivity.

Methods and Techniques for Productivity

Some of the work methods for both entrepreneurs and solopreneurs that promise higher productivity are Kanban, The SMART goals method, The Action Method; the Time Blocking Method; The Eisenhower Matrix, etc. The list can be extended.

However, each of these methods has its pros and cons, they can be used depending on the environment and work dynamics. Just like in martial arts, depending on the opponent or the circumstances of the fight you must choose the right method or technique.

The best method for productivity respectively depends on your personality, the character of your organization, your work style, or the goals you want to achieve. In short, there is no magic technique or method.

So, what methods, techniques, or models should you use to increase business efficiency? The answer, again, lies in martial arts. Each martial art has its strengths and weaknesses. Mixed Martial Arts on the other hand is a combination of several methods and techniques.

First, it is necessary to understand what a method is indeed and what is a technique. Because often methods and techniques as terms are used interchangeably.

A METHOD is an objective plan or set of orderly procedures that are based on a reliable approach. It reveals what needs to be done systematically and how to focus on achieving those goals.

A TECHNIQUE is a precise strategy, concrete trick, or a tried and trusted tip that is designed to help you achieve your goals.

Technique in essence is the way or trick of how to execute that method or that set of regular procedures in the best possible way. If the method directs the orderly and reliable procedure, techniques (tricks) can be used to do the same job faster and more efficiently. Example: In school, we learn work methods, while with practice and repetition, we discover techniques and develop them over time.

The same happens in martial arts. If you go to a martial arts school, the teacher will not teach you the techniques but will explain the regular method that is based on a reliable approach. It systematically shows you how to focus on achieving your goals. With enough practice, you will later learn and advance the right techniques to be more effective.

I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times.

Bruce Lee

Current Opportunities

Just like Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) doesn't mean you have to limit yourself to one method. Even in productive, efficient, or effective work methods, you can and should combine some of those methods to reach the goal.

Obey the principles without being bound by them.

Bruce Lee

Young entrepreneurs may not have heard of the legend Bruce Lee. He was a martial artist, martial arts instructor, and philosopher. He was the founder of Jeet Kune Do, a hybrid philosophy of martial arts that is formed from various combat disciplines.

We don’t know for sure whether he inspired revolutionary businesses. But it's interesting how Bruce Lee's story is similar to the story of revolutionary businesses. Despite the conditions and circumstances of the time, companies such as Google, Amazon, Apple, Microsoft, etc. They have created opportunities and managed to establish their own rules of the game.

These companies once (but still today) set their standards for search engines, online sales, mobile phones, personal computers, etc.

Bruce Lee - Statue in Hong Kong

One of Bruce Lee's most famous sayings was: "To hell with the circumstances, I create opportunities".

Bruce Lee was not welcome in the USA at that time, especially not welcomed by Hollywood. So, he decided to go to Hong Kong to create his films, which broke records and thus managed to attract the attention of Hollywood. The once unwanted were now invited by Hollywood itself. He had created his opportunities and you had set the rules of the game.

The Future

Today, it's easier than ever to be the best in your category. You can become the best version of yourself only by adapting the most proven methods and techniques. A good starting point would be to define your needs and requirements. Because as we said above, every method and technique has its weak and strong points. We still don't know which method is best for us.

Related article: "What best-in-class people do that we don't".

DMAIC stands for Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control. A quite simple method to start your improvement in any field. Especially useful if you don't know where to start.

The biggest challenge for any individual or business is the challenge of defining what they want. The opportunity for improvement and development has existed even without advanced tools since ancient times. But man has developed and evolved only when he has defined what he needs.

You never know what the future will bring. You cannot predict the skills of your opponents. You better be prepared for the worst. Combine methods and techniques. AI should be among your weapons to "fight" in the modern world. However, like any other weapon, AI must be used responsibly. Otherwise, just like in martial arts, you may harm yourself.

In a business context, with improper use of AI, you may harm your reputation, lose your loyal customers, and lose respect.

Artificial Intelligence indeed provides you with the world of knowledge at your command. However, no artificial device, no matter how clever, can provide you with a strong and unshakable character.

Knowledge will give you power, but character respect.

Bruce Lee.

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About the Creator

Agron Morina

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