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Man Walks 20 Miles To Work Until One Day Cop Follows Him And Sees Why

A Walk of Determination: How Walter Defied the Odds and Inspired a Community

By Franck SenpxPublished about a year ago 4 min read

The police car pulled up beside him, but he didn't falter. He was on a mission, determined to keep moving forward. Unbeknownst to him, the cop car continued to tail him, unwavering in its pursuit. He had a goal in mind - ten more miles to reach safety. Glancing at his watch, he quickened his pace, his legs aflame with exhaustion, yet he pushed on relentlessly. However, the policeman was relentless too. Walter had moved to Homewood, Alabama, with his mother after Hurricane Katrina had ravaged their home. They sought a fresh start, hoping to rebuild their shattered lives. As a twenty-year-old student, Walter was determined to work hard to support his mother. Little did he know how arduous that journey would be.

Rumors had reached Walter's ears about a job opening at Bellhops, a moving company located twenty miles away from his home. Despite the considerable distance, he drove there in his trusty old car, filled out an application, and fortunately landed an interview on the spot. Shaking hands with the hiring manager, he eagerly agreed to start the very next day. If only things were that simple. Just a few feet away from his driveway, his car sputtered and came to a halt. Panic coursed through Walter's veins as he opened the hood, desperately searching for a solution. Of all days, his car had chosen this moment to give up on him, billowing smoke from its engine. It was clear there would be no reviving it.

Frustrated and crestfallen, Walter reached for his phone, intending to inform the Bellhops manager that he couldn't make it after all. But then, a flicker of determination ignited within him. Walter was young and resilient, and he couldn't let this setback defeat him. He had heard it would take him seven hours to reach his destination on foot, according to Google Maps. The reality hit him like a ton of bricks, and he found himself on the verge of surrender. However, the stakes were too high. He needed this job to support his struggling mother and prevent them from facing homelessness once again.

Setting his alarm for midnight, Walter tried to snatch a few hours of sleep. When the clock struck twelve, he sprang into action, lacing up his most comfortable sneakers and donning his jacket. The night air enveloped him as he embarked on his arduous journey. Seven hours of walking loomed ahead, but Walter's determination burned brighter than ever. Every step he took was infused with purpose, as if he were defying the universe itself. Yet, life decided to challenge him further. At the halfway mark, his legs trembled, sweat drenched his face, and his feet throbbed with pain. The strain of walking over ten miles had taken its toll, but the fear of losing his job on the very first day kept him pushing forward, one foot after the other.

Unbeknownst to Walter, a car had been trailing him for the past ten minutes, its blue lights flashing in the darkness. Lost in his own thoughts, he had failed to notice its presence. The time was 4:20 a.m., and he still had countless miles left to cover. Suddenly, the car blared its siren and illuminated the road. Walter turned his head to see the cop car drawing alongside him. "Where are you rushing off to, buddy?" the officer asked, a hint of suspicion in his voice. Gasping for breath, Walter struggled to respond without breaking his stride. The ticking clock reminded him of the urgency. The cop had seen enough and demanded Walter's presence in the vehicle. Ignorant of Walter's purpose, he assumed the young man was up

to no good.

As the car drove silently for the next six miles, Walter's anxiety grew. It wasn't until he spotted the house in the distance that relief surged through his body. He had made it, just in the nick of time. Expressing his gratitude, Walter exited the police car, still shaken by the unexpected turn of events. However, fate had more surprises in store for him that fateful day. The officer accompanied Walter to the door, introducing him to the homeowner, Jenny Hayden. Stunned by Walter's extraordinary dedication, Jenny was at a loss for words.

When the rest of the Bellhops crew arrived, Walter, fueled by sheer determination, tirelessly loaded boxes onto the moving van. Exhaustion threatened to consume him, yet he persisted. It was then that Jenny decided to share their incredible encounter on Facebook. Overnight, her post exploded, captivating the hearts of thousands. The community rallied behind Walter, and Jenny started a GoFundMe campaign to raise money for his car repairs. Initially setting the target at $2,000, she never anticipated the overwhelming response. The Neeson family, touched by Jenny's heartfelt post, exceeded the goal by an astonishing $32,000.

Word of Walter's remarkable journey reached Luke Märklin, the CEO of Bellhops. Without hesitation, he drove his Ford Escape from Tennessee to Homewood, presenting Walter with the keys. Overwhelmed by the CEO's generosity, Walter couldn't hold back his tears. The entire community had united to support him, and his story inspired thousands, spreading across social media under the hashtag #BeLikeWalter.

Amidst the praise and admiration, Walter remained humble, shrugging off the accolades. "I just walked," he said. His aspirations extend beyond this extraordinary feat, aspiring to become a Marine one day. Walter has shown the world that he can conquer anything he sets his mind to, becoming a symbol of the hardworking American spirit.

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Franck Senpx

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    Franck SenpxWritten by Franck Senpx

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