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Maintaining Your Independence Leads to a Life You’re Proud of

You’ll lose sight of your hopes and dreams if you don’t.

By Jordan MendiolaPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Photo by Tim Bogdanov on Unsplash

The moment you realize that you’re unhappy is when you know that you should change things up.

  • It’s about the people you surround yourself with.
  • It has to do with the music you listen to.
  • It depends on your habits, whether they’re good or bad.
  • It has to do with your actions aligning with your beliefs and values.
  • Remember, your happiness does not depend on anyone else but yourself.

    If you can be good on your own, stay true to how you are, and live life on your own terms, you can accomplish nearly anything.

    Regardless of whether we’re willing to admit it, we all need people.

    By maintaining your independence, I don’t mean go out there and cut everyone you love and care about out of your life.

    Instead, it’s necessary to have people in your life and take any advice, criticism, or judgment with a grain of salt.

    The people in our inner circle who judge us on our decision-making abilities might mean well but can come off as rude. You must nod, respect their opinions and move on with your day.

    True leaders don’t let criticism and backlash break them down. They’re so secure in themselves that not one person can dictate their happiness.

    So how do we get to a point where we’re secure in ourselves?

    We must search deeper within ourselves to achieve the life we want.

    Are you someone who’s searching for love and wants to settle down?

    Are you someone who wants to save and invest money to the point where money is no longer a problem?

    Are you someone so lost in life, and you need to take a risk that can shake things up for the better?

    Self-awareness is the first step to becoming fully in tune with your thoughts and emotions.

    Remember, a toxic mindset leads to toxic behaviors, and toxic behaviors lead to toxic actions — actions that you can’t take back.

    A downward spiral can happen if you don’t identify your needs, wants, and goals. Then, we can start identifying ourselves with particular people and lose sight of who we really are.

    The moment you realize that you’re living someone else’s hopes and dreams is the moment you must snap out of it and re-establish yourself.

    This means getting proper rest, eating right, working out, reading, journaling, traveling, surrounding yourself with positive people, meeting new people, and self-reflecting.

    Track your thoughts, actions, and habits.

    Your thoughts lead to action or inaction.

    Your actions lead to consequences — for the better or for worse.

    Your habits lead to a lifestyle, one you’re proud of or one you regret.

    Once you change up your routine in thinking, look for any patterns or clues that these changes are good for you mentally and emotionally.

    Without tracking your progress, you have no idea whether you should continue or adjust fire. Every person is different, which means that replicating another person’s life, beliefs, and thoughts isn’t necessarily the answer.

    Find your own inspiration, do your own research, and be in tune with yourself. Filter in the good, filter out the bad, and always keep your head up.

    Final Thoughts

    The pandemic definitely brought a lot of us closer together which in some ways is good, but in others it’s bad. We may have become codependent and inadequate with those in our household.

    You are in control of the environment you’re in.

    You are in control of the people you surround yourself with.

    You are in control of your day-to-day routines.

    Don’t ever lose sight of how much you have control of your life. Otherwise, you’re going to go your entire life feeling like something is missing.

    Keep your head up. Being independent doesn’t mean you’re lonely.

    It simply means that you are in control of your life and don’t have to rely on anyone else — and that will lead to a happier and healthier life for all of us.


    About the Creator

    Jordan Mendiola

    Jordan Mendiola is a horizontal construction engineer in the U.S. Army, Mendiola loves hands-on projects and writing inspirational blog posts about health, fitness, life, and investing.

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