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3 Ways Working at a Warehouse Has Made a Difference

It’s been a better experience than I expected.

By Jordan MendiolaPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
Photo by CHUTTERSNAP on Unsplash

Prior to working at a warehouse, I always thought of it as backbreaking work that I wouldn’t enjoy. I was wrong

That mindset changed when I began working for a great company back in October and I was instantly hooked.

Something about working as a team and in a system made me feel incredibly fulfilled.

It helps that our warehouse distributes medical supplies to medical and veterinarian hospitals because at least I know that the work I do makes a difference and saves lives.

I would like to share three of the biggest lessons that I’ve learned working at a warehouse for the past four months.

1. Working in a system and completing new tasks every day is extremely rewarding.

Unlike some warehouses, I have a small staff in mine so everything is on a smaller scale operation with a fair amount of work.

If you’re someone who wants to ditch the work-from-home mundane lifestyle and want something on your feet where you’re active, then a warehouse is a great alternative.

When I started out, I tried to be as observant as possible and ended up making changes within my first week:

  • I added labels to some racks that didn’t have labels.
  • I found more efficient ways to organize and pick the items.
  • I identified my team’s strengths and weaknesses to see what would work best.
  • I learned how to use a forklift and minimize the distance needed to travel in specific situations.

It may not seem like much, but when you add up all the different things you get to do at a warehouse, it takes away the thought that you’re in a factory doing the same mundane tasks every day.

Getting stuff done and feeling productive is a rewarding feeling that I only get from working at a warehouse, finishing a workout, or working on personal goals — the same can go for you too.

As a warehouse worker, every day, you make a difference: you keep our economy and supply chains running.

2. Every single day is unique in its own way

Back when I worked from home, it felt like the same day all over again. It was way too comfortable.

I would wake up at nearly the last minute for work, hardly groom myself, and the only commute would be from my bed to my desk.

At a warehouse, you can expect to pick up on the work you were focused on the day prior — or not.

Businesses are always changing their mind on how they want you pack and ship items out which can be chaotic, yet I find it exciting.

I find many benefits to a unique to-do-list every day:

  • Spontaneity and thinking fast on your feet make you a more adaptable problem solver.
  • When you know what to expect, things feel mundane and you can easily feel like you’re re-living the same day over and over.
  • You learn to go with the flow of things and come up with solutions.
  • It makes everything else in life seem so much easier to solve and your brain organizes itself to work in the most efficient way possible — work smarter not harder.
  • Although I don’t see myself working in a warehouse forever, it’s kept my life interesting and determined to accomplish tasks on top of getting physical exercise along the way.

    3. You start noticing small details

    If you’re OCD about small details, then working at a warehouse is where you’ll thrive. There are loads of numbers, codes, boxes, locations, and ways to pack your shipments. Everything is variable.

    One day might seem completely chaotic to start, but by the end, you’re proud of the system you developed and made it work.

    In my everyday life, I’m more observant with traffic, my spending, cooking my meals to perfection, and how I spend my time.

    Noticing small details benefits you in several ways:

    • You make fewer mistakes and avoid issues later down the line.
    • Small details can end up making your life a whole lot easier in the long run.
    • You will become more diligent in everything you do, and perform to a. high standard.

    If I were to do it all over again, I would have loved to experience working at a warehouse at a younger age because it would put me in a mindset of systems and organization a bit better.

    Although a warehouse isn’t glamorous, it’s a great place to take your mind off things and just get stuff done.

    Final Thought

    As stated earlier, working at a warehouse forever isn’t my end all-be all.

    However, after a lot of life changes and being moved out for the first time, it’s helped me get into a better state of mind.

    Many individuals I’ve talked to enjoy working at a warehouse — playing their music, working in teams, and serving customers their essentials.

    It may only be a small part of the day, but it’s enough to get you proper exercise, brush up on problem-solving skills, and help someone on the other end.


    About the Creator

    Jordan Mendiola

    Jordan Mendiola is a horizontal construction engineer in the U.S. Army, Mendiola loves hands-on projects and writing inspirational blog posts about health, fitness, life, and investing.

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