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Let It Be...

Power of Calmness and Patience

By Vivek SagarPublished 10 months ago 3 min read
Let It Be...
Photo by Radu Florin on Unsplash

Once upon a time, in the early days of Buddha's spiritual journey, he was traveling from one town to another with a small group of devoted followers. Along their path, they happened upon a serene lake, its crystalline waters glistening under the warm sun. The weary travelers decided to take a moment to rest and refresh themselves.

As they settled near the lake, Buddha felt a thirst overcoming him. He turned to one of his disciples and requested, "I am thirsty. Please fetch me some water from the lake over there."

The disciple nodded and dutifully made his way towards the lake. However, as he approached, he noticed something peculiar. Several villagers were using the lake to wash their clothes, causing the water to become muddy and turbid. To make matters worse, just as the disciple reached the water's edge, a bull cart began crossing the lake, churning the water into a swirling mess.

The disciple hesitated, perplexed by the sight before him. How could he present this muddy water to Buddha? With a heavy heart, he decided it was unfit for his revered teacher and returned to Buddha, explaining, "The water in the lake is very muddy. I don't think it is suitable to drink."

Buddha, ever calm and wise, simply smiled. "Let us rest here under the shade of this tree for a while," he suggested, his serene voice carrying a soothing effect. The disciples nodded in agreement, and they settled down, seeking solace amidst nature's embrace.

Time passed, the moments floating by like delicate petals carried on a gentle breeze. After about half an hour, Buddha turned to the same disciple who had gone to fetch water earlier. He spoke softly, "Could you please go to the lake once again and bring me some water to drink?"

Understanding his teacher's request, the disciple stood up and retraced his steps towards the lake. As he approached, he couldn't believe his eyes. The water that was once muddy had settled down, revealing a crystal-clear surface that sparkled with purity. It seemed as though the chaos and disturbance had dissipated, leaving behind a tranquil oasis.

Filled with awe, the disciple carefully collected water in a pot and made his way back to Buddha. Upon receiving the pot, Buddha gazed into the clear water, a serene smile gracing his lips. He then raised his eyes to meet the disciple's gaze and spoke with profound wisdom, "Do you see? By simply letting the water be, the mud settled down on its own. You obtained clear water effortlessly, without any force or struggle."

The disciple listened intently, captivated by Buddha's words. His heart and mind absorbed the profound lesson being imparted. Buddha continued, his voice a gentle melody, "Just as the water in the lake, so too is the nature of our minds. When our minds are disturbed, agitated by the turbidity of thoughts and emotions, we need not exert ourselves to calm them. Instead, if we let them be and give them time, they will naturally settle down on their own."

The disciple's face brightened with understanding. The realization washed over him like a cool stream, bringing tranquility to his being. He grasped the significance of remaining calm amidst the storms of life, knowing that clarity and discernment arise effortlessly from a mind that is at peace.

"In the stillness of our minds, we can make the best decisions and navigate life's challenges with wisdom and grace. So, whenever your mind is disturbed, remember to let it be, give it time, and it will settle down on its own."

In conclusion, the short Buddha story carries a powerful message that resonates with people across time and cultures. It teaches us the profound wisdom of letting our minds settle naturally, just as the muddy water in the lake eventually cleared on its own. By staying calm and giving ourselves time, we can find clarity and make better decisions in life. This story serves as a reminder to embrace tranquility and trust in the natural process of finding peace within ourselves. As viewers of the story, we are motivated to stay blessed and find solace amidst life's challenges. May we all be inspired to cultivate a calm mind and experience the beauty that arises when we allow the muddy waters of our thoughts to settle, revealing the clarity within.

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Vivek Sagar

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