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Let Go and Move On

A Journey to Embrace Change

By Keith WebberPublished 11 months ago 3 min read

There's a popular saying that just because you've spent a long time making a mistake doesn't mean you need to continue making it. In life, there is an incredible advantage for those who can separate the past from the future, recognizing sunk costs and having the courage to move on. However, the challenge lies in our instinct to preserve what we have invested in, even if it no longer serves us. This blog post dives deep into the importance of letting go of the past, embracing change, and creating a new beginning.

The Fallacy of Sunk Costs:

We often find ourselves trapped by the notion of sunk costs—believing that the time and resources we have already invested in something should dictate our future decisions. However, the reality is that the time and money spent are gone and cannot be recovered, regardless of our actions going forward. There's no reason to feel obliged to maintain the same trajectory or hold onto a specific identity or pattern of behavior. Instead, we should see past mistakes as integral steps in our learning process and aspects of growth.

Living in the Present:

The focal point should not be on yesterday but rather on what matters now and how we can move forward. We have grown, evolved, and changed, and our targets have shifted accordingly. It is crucial to understand the concept of sunk costs, realizing that we are not indebted to the resources we have exhausted. We don't need to be slaves to previous decisions; instead, we should let go and focus on what truly matters to us. While this may seem obvious, it is essential to reflect on the decisions we have made and recognize how external factors have influenced our choices.

Unlocking the Cell Door:

Life is too short to stay stagnant. We shouldn't wake up every day and repeat the same mistakes simply because we have spent a long time making them. Reality exists within our minds, and we have the power to unlock the cell door and walk out. The greatest gift we have is the opportunity for a new beginning that exists in every second. We can take new turns, remove the masks we wear, and embrace new roles. Let the excitement of new experiences pull us toward growth, and let go of what we cannot change.

Choosing a New Path:

We are not confined to yesterday's destination or the expectations others have for us. The simple formula for progress is understanding what is best for ourselves and determining how to get there. We should focus on our own goals and needs, disregarding the noise and expectations of others. The world doesn't get to dictate our story; we have the power to shape our own narrative. By changing our perspective and seeing the world through a different lens, we can uncover the endless possibilities that lie ahead.

The Power of the Present Moment:

Every second, moment, and day is an opportunity for interpretation and transformation. We must embrace gratitude and recognize the value in every situation. What lies in front of us is a chance to make it work for us, regardless of the circumstances. Our mindset plays a significant role in shaping our reality. By cultivating gratitude and understanding our own worth, we can navigate through challenges and setbacks.

Embracing Change:

Change is not a one-time event; it is a daily process. We will always face occurrences that challenge us and threaten our understanding of ourselves and our capabilities. However, we must resist the temptation to turn opportunities into problems and heroes into villains. By giving ourselves mental space to welcome new habits and beliefs, we can transform into the best versions of ourselves.


Change begins with recognizing the power within ourselves to shape our own stories. It is never too late to become what we might have been. Each new day holds the potential to be something extraordinary if only we choose to make it so.

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About the Creator

Keith Webber

Come on an odyssey through the realms of writing, on views and opinions and solutions. Open your heart and mind to an alternative easy to understand way of expression.

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