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Law 14: Pose as a Friend, Work as a Spy

From the "48 Laws of Power" by Robert Greene

By David OdubolaPublished 11 months ago 3 min read

Law 14: Pose as a Friend, Work as a Spy

This law states that in order to gain power, you must learn to gather information about your enemies and rivals. The best way to do this is to pose as a friend and gain their trust. Once you have their trust, you can then use the information you have gathered to your advantage.


The 14th Law of Power states that you should "pose as a friend, work as a spy." This means that you should be friendly and approachable, but you should also be gathering information about the people around you. This information can be used to your advantage in a number of ways, such as predicting your opponents' moves, gaining an advantage in negotiations, or simply knowing more about the people you interact with on a daily basis.

Why is this law important?

In the world of power, information is king. The more you know about your opponents, the better equipped you will be to defeat them. By posing as a friend and gathering information, you can gain a significant advantage over your rivals.

How can you use this law?

There are a number of ways to use the 14th Law of Power. Here are a few tips:

  • Be friendly and approachable. People are more likely to trust you and share information with you if they feel like you are a friend.
  • Ask indirect questions. Don't just come out and ask people for information. Instead, ask them indirect questions that will get them talking.
  • Be a good listener. When people are talking, really listen to what they have to say. Don't just wait for your turn to talk.
  • Be discreet. Once you have gathered information, be careful about who you share it with. You don't want to give your opponents an advantage.

Examples of how this law has been used

  • There are many examples of how the 14th Law of Power has been used throughout history. One famous example is the story of Sun Tzu, the Chinese military strategist. Sun Tzu was known for his ability to gather intelligence about his opponents. He would often pose as a merchant or a traveler in order to gain access to enemy territory. Once he had gathered enough information, he would use it to plan his military campaigns.
  • Another example of how the 14th Law of Power has been used is the story of Machiavelli. Machiavelli was an Italian diplomat and political theorist. He is best known for his book The Prince, which is a treatise on how to acquire and maintain power. In The Prince, Machiavelli argues that it is important for leaders to be able to manipulate and deceive their opponents. He also argues that it is important for leaders to be able to keep secrets.
  • A politician might pose as a friend to a business leader in order to get information about the business's plans. This information could then be used to help the politician win an election.
  • A CEO might pose as a friend to a potential investor in order to get the investor to invest in the company. This investment could then be used to help the company grow.
  • A spy might pose as a friend to a foreign government official in order to get information about the government's plans. This information could then be used to help the spy's own government.

The dangers of this law

There are a few dangers associated with using the 14th Law of Power. First, if you are not careful, you could end up revealing too much information about yourself. This could give your opponents an advantage. Second, if you are not discreet, you could damage your reputation. People may start to see you as untrustworthy or manipulative.


You must be careful not to use the information you have gathered in a way that will damage your relationships with others. If you are seen as a gossip or a manipulator, people will be less likely to trust you in the future.

The 14th Law of Power is a powerful tool that can be used to gain an advantage in the world of power. However, it is important to use this law with caution. If you are not careful, you could end up hurting yourself more than you help yourself.

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About the Creator

David Odubola

My articles are full of practical advice and relatable example stories. I believe that everyone has the power to change their lives, and I want to help people make that happen. I am currently working on the "48 laws of power ".

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