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you are loved

Jesus loved you before you were born.

By Deborah IRAKOZE Published 21 days ago 3 min read
you are loved
Photo by Jeremy McKnight on Unsplash

In the quiet, somber corners of a small town, there existed a child whose arrival was marked not by joyous anticipation, but by the heavy burden of unwanted. From the moment he drew his first breath, he was greeted not with tender embraces and loving whispers, but with a silence that spoke volumes—a silence pregnant with the weight of unspoken regret and unfulfilled dreams.

His mother, burdened by circumstances beyond her control, could not find it within herself to love the child she had brought into the world. Perhaps it was the absence of a loving partner to share the journey of parenthood, or the crushing weight of societal expectations bearing down upon her weary shoulders. Whatever the reason, the child was left to navigate the treacherous waters of childhood without the compass of maternal affection to guide him.

For years, he yearned for the warmth of a mother's touch, for the soothing lullabies that would chase away the nightmares of the night. But instead, he was met with indifference—a cold, unyielding wall that kept him at arm's length, never allowing him to breach the fortress of his mother's heart.

As he grew, so too did the ache within him—a gnawing hunger for love and acceptance that no amount of worldly success could ever hope to satiate. He watched with envy as his peers reveled in the unconditional love of their parents, their lives illuminated by the radiant glow of familial affection. Meanwhile, he remained a mere shadow, relegated to the sidelines of his own existence, longing for a love that seemed forever out of reach.

With each passing year, the burden grew heavier, the pain more acute. He sought solace in the fleeting distractions of the world—drugs, alcohol, meaningless relationships—but none could fill the void that echoed within him, the emptiness that seemed to consume his very soul.

It wasn't until his twenties, in a moment of desperation and despair, that he encountered a glimmer of hope—a flickering flame amidst the darkness that threatened to engulf him whole. It came not in the form of worldly riches or fleeting pleasures, but in the gentle whisper of a Savior's voice—a voice filled with love and compassion, reaching out to him across the vast expanse of his brokenness.

In that sacred moment, everything changed. The shackles of his past were broken, the chains of his pain cast aside. In the embrace of Jesus Christ, he found the love he had so desperately sought—a love that knew no bounds, that transcended the limitations of human understanding.

For the first time in his life, he felt truly seen, truly known. In the eyes of his Savior, he found acceptance without judgment, forgiveness without reservation. He wept tears of joy as the weight of his burdens was lifted from his weary shoulders, replaced by a peace that surpassed all understanding.

With Jesus as his guide, he embarked on a journey of healing and restoration—a journey that would lead him to places he had never dared to dream possible. No longer bound by the chains of his past, he embraced each new day as a gift, a chance to live out the love that had been poured into his heart.

And though the scars of his past would always remain—a testament to the trials he had overcome—they no longer held power over him. Instead, they served as a reminder of the redemptive power of love—a love that had the power to transform even the most broken of souls.

In the light of his Savior's love, he found the courage to confront the pain of his past, to extend forgiveness to his mother who had failed him in so many ways. And in that act of forgiveness, he found freedom—a freedom to love and be loved in return, to live out the purpose for which he had been created.

For the child who had once been born into a world devoid of love had now become a beacon of hope—a living testimony to the transformative power of faith. And as he walked hand in hand with his Savior, he knew that his journey was only just beginning—a journey filled with infinite possibilities, boundless love, and unending grace.


About the Creator


hi my name is Deborah am Christian , all i know is that GOD loves you so much

you just live more and love more .

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