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Be kind to you

just like how you advice your friend with love and kind words, do it for yourself

By Deborah IRAKOZE Published 14 days ago 3 min read
Be kind to you
Photo by Maddi Bazzocco on Unsplash

In a bustling city where the rhythm of life seemed to dictate every move, there lived a young woman named Maya. Maya was a diligent worker, a caring friend, and a devoted daughter, but amidst her busy schedule, she often forgot to be kind to herself. She would tirelessly push herself to meet deadlines, attend social gatherings, and cater to the needs of others, leaving little time for self-care.

One day, as Maya sat in her dimly lit apartment, exhaustion weighing heavily on her shoulders, she realized something had to change. She couldn't continue neglecting her own well-being in pursuit of pleasing others. Thus began her journey toward self-kindness. The first tip Maya discovered was the power of self-compassion. Instead of berating herself for every mistake or flaw, she learned to treat herself with the same empathy she would offer a friend. When she stumbled, she gently reminded herself that everyone makes mistakes and that she was deserving of understanding and forgiveness.

With each passing day, Maya incorporated small acts of self-kindness into her routine. She started by setting aside time for activities that brought her joy, whether it was reading a book, taking a leisurely walk in the park, or indulging in her favorite hobby of painting. These moments of self-indulgence rejuvenated her spirit and reminded her of the importance of nurturing her own happiness.

Another valuable lesson Maya learned was the significance of setting boundaries. She realized that saying "no" to certain commitments wasn't a sign of weakness but rather an act of self-respect. By prioritizing her own needs and limitations, she reclaimed control over her time and energy, allowing herself to focus on what truly mattered.

As Maya delved deeper into her journey of self-kindness, she discovered the importance of self-care rituals. She dedicated time each day to nourishing her body, mind, and soul. Whether it was practicing mindfulness meditation, enjoying a soothing bath, or treating herself to a nutritious meal, these simple acts of self-care became her sanctuary in the midst of life's chaos.

However, Maya also recognized that self-kindness wasn't just about pampering oneself; it also involved fostering a positive mindset. She made a conscious effort to silence her inner critic and cultivate self-affirming thoughts. Instead of dwelling on her shortcomings, she focused on her strengths and accomplishments, celebrating even the smallest victories along the way.

Throughout her journey, Maya found solace in the company of supportive friends and family who encouraged her to prioritize her well-being. They served as a constant reminder that she was worthy of love and kindness, both from others and from herself.

As Maya reflected on her transformation, she realized that self-kindness wasn't a destination but rather a lifelong journey—a journey filled with ups and downs, triumphs and setbacks. Yet, through it all, she remained steadfast in her commitment to treating herself with the same compassion and care she so freely bestowed upon others.

In the end, Maya discovered that by being kind to herself, she not only improved her own life but also had a positive impact on those around her. Her newfound sense of self-worth radiated outwards, touching the hearts of all who crossed her path.

And so, with a heart full of gratitude and a spirit renewed, Maya embraced the beauty of self-kindness—a gift she would cherish for a lifetime.

be kind to yourself it`s the best feeling each and every should feel , and also remember that being kind to yourself is not being selfish its just loving yourself in every possible ways , embracing your flows and do something about it in kind way just like the way you advice your friend in calm and loving voice.


About the Creator


hi my name is Deborah am Christian , all i know is that GOD loves you so much

you just live more and love more .

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  • Alex H Mittelman 14 days ago

    Fantastic story! Great work!!!

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