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Just the night before

Overcoming inner doubts

By Jesumbo OniPublished 8 months ago 3 min read
She's coming out stronger!

In a dimly lit room, Jessy sat alone, tears streaming down her face as the voices echoed louder and more terrifying than ever.

"Why are these cruel specters after me? What's wrong with me?"

They had haunted her for as long as she could remember, gnawing at her self-esteem like relentless vultures.

"The voices, yes, the voices," she whispered to herself, her voice quivering. "They roar in my head and tell me I'm less capable than I am."

With each word, Jessy felt the weight of her own doubt crushing her spirit. It was as if a storm of negativity raged within her, drowning her in a sea of self-loathing.

But this night was different. As the voices grew unbearable, she became angrier, and for the first time in her entire twenty-five years on Earth, she felt she had the power of attorney over her destiny. Though her head had always known this, now her heart understood it so well.

Walking through the grocery store just the night before was a miracle. Jack, a sales rep in a grocery store, had played a podcast on his phone, and she heard, "Never give in to those voices in your head saying you're not enough! Whosoever the Son sets free is free indeed! Get up and move on!"

Jessy felt those words were directed at her. Being a believer in Jesus, she knew she had an identity of right standing with God, the creator, and owner of the universe!

Each of those words was like a soothing balm to her wounds. Now, she couldn't let them win anymore. The consciousness of her identity in Christ became stronger. Those voices had tormented her and had stolen too many opportunities, too many dreams from her.

Closing her eyes, she took a trembling breath and began to confront each voice, one by one with God's word. The voice that told her she wasn't smart enough was met with memories of late-night study sessions and accolades she had earned. The voice that said she wasn't strong enough was countered with images of overcoming personal challenges and pushing herself to new limits by the strength of her spirit.

With each confrontation, tears mixed with determination. Jessy battled her inner struggles with the pure streams of who God had said she was, recounting her triumphs and shouting down the lies that had held her back for so long.

Hours passed, and the room began to brighten with the dawn of a new day approaching. Jessy's face was streaked with tears, but her spirit burned brighter than ever. She had found newfound joy and peace that passed all understanding. A lion had risen up within her.

The voices still whispered, but they had lost their power. Jessy knew that this was just the beginning of her journey to self-discovery and self-acceptance. With tearful resolve, she embraced the emotional scars of her past and vowed to use them as stepping stones toward a brighter, more confident future.

Jessy has transitioned into managing numerous projects since then and currently holds a seat on the board of a prominent organization.

In the journey of life, you need to embrace the truth of who you are and let no doubt rob you of your existence!

Embrace all that God, your source, has said concerning you and move on to your greatness.

Seek inspiration from people who have gone ahead in your chosen path, be grateful for past triumphs and the unwavering support of those who believe in you.

With determination and purposefulness, you can step over self-doubt and turn it into your greatest motivator.

Believe in God, and believe in yourself, for within you lies the strength to conquer even the mightiest of doubts.

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Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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  1. Easy to read and follow

    Well-structured & engaging content

  2. Eye opening

    Niche topic & fresh perspectives

  3. Heartfelt and relatable

    The story invoked strong personal emotions

  1. Masterful proofreading

    Zero grammar & spelling mistakes

  2. On-point and relevant

    Writing reflected the title & theme

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  • Gbotemi Olasehinde8 months ago

    Hmmm... Thank you for this. Even at our lowest moments, God still go out of His way to talk to us and help us to come out of it victoriously.

  • Moyosore8 months ago

    Thank you Jesumbo Oni for this message at this time, it’s so timely for me. I will continue to stay focused and determined , will not give room for distractions 👏

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