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Just like that

like that

By DarkosPublished 8 months ago Updated 8 months ago 14 min read
by Ai Talk

Just like that becoming strong enough

To tell You

I survived the electromagnetic reload of the unknown fields

I am not a brave I just sense feel intense

sometimes its complicated to disconnect from the groups of them

sometimes I really need to for at least 4 hours to stop

these four hours even though still feeling deeply all

it brings the best results

at first its like taking a ride to an Adult Disneyland where You need to go through another magnetic vibrantic blocked aura

They try to speak like me sometimes then they can not get to the truth of the words

its so painful to experience especially when they still try but can not open up

I feel their fears troubled thoughts magnetic waves strongly blocked in traumas of life unhealed it becomes me as of the fields and energy

sometimes it feels like becoming insane I dont want to dive in there but in life often there is no chance to hide from all of them

they just come like that

sometimes its due to other circumstances from days before even if I get practice peace and love and comfort if another is crying for help

sure I try but then I often get another weapon from their acts

then another bunch of them is trying to literally kill and You as aware You dont need to prove about the truth experience of it all

there are maybe just a small group of people who are the light souls

but they do exist in this world

complex electromagnetic fields already healed 2020 by me

there are some practices that wont make me to jump fast from dao to the clean just psychological surface of viewing a one as connection with some to update an info about

its such a strong one to get the message of truth that the world made you forget for a moment or two

and suddenly these four hours were like another day another practice and magic exactly where I should I land I am so happy to be internally and outsider truly clean and this time I used something as in the flow from heaven within, God always listens to my prayers when it's unbearable and because I still serve still help when its so difficult to take

He later gifts me with a great mind to discover new Love in practice and outside of it all still being, connected

each day a different world a different experience in the practice and feeling to feel, sense, explore

I am happy to come back to my real being

I am happy they are happy more peaceful and calm

it all really works more and more

so much of it all did I really landed

where I thought so in here

probably at some point yes

but I never thought

and what it caused that

in just 3 seconds I knew the answer to my electromagnetic splot to release relax and be from the newly reborn

I so love this practice like love to another world it does feel as the whole as One

I am so in love with the feeling of my Life starting from the new each time it arrives from such a darkness drafts

sometimes yes pain leads me there but I love the state that I can't describe

cant explain harmony of being or maybe

"the new moon" rollercoaster fell into the air of another through practice landed me into a Loving to the whole of the being again

I told You there is nothing better than practicing emotionally reloading opening discovering yourself then you are ready to help again

also, I am already aware for real why some cant and some can

they just need a different way or at least complete the first phase

and some need to want if they are free they really do can do the healing for themselves

in my case limits create the self-recovery way

unblocking all finally

Enjoying myself inner smile

I don't wanna others to blur me again but I can not stop to share

that for each person

the qigong healing

through body mind heart and soul

is really possible

and eyes

that's all

thats whole

and everyday

is a new kind of arrivals!

Only if You stick to Gong it will repeat itself with forms the same for exactly three months even if just one gesture but how rich how far how deep and how from the kind of hard into light the practice does arrive in so many phases in so many approaches arrivals of a different kind synaesthesia and healing of the mind

feeling emotionally reading where still it needs a soft calm loving sound to heal from the roots of the inside and the soul inside

You become so light practice becomes a paradise like being in Love in the Chi state and Yourself and another no matter what happened before You can make it through feelings and emotions are being transformed into a more peaceful calm

What You need to add is Your own healing from all that You have experienced and still experiencing in life so when You practice express yourself and your emotions that come there will be whole so instead to go for another Zoom take time to express everything that still needs to be expressed and processed and digest with the whole of the rest of emotions that were suppressed while you needed to let them out there is always new kind of feeling of every day so make time for it to digest don't skip this phase to follow the whole rest

You may think in a lonely desert there is no friend around but They do are They always arrive

and suddenly I am healthy and happy again as I transformed into the One body mind soul heart on a desert

realizing, becoming, synchronized with the environment

then some Big Anankastia came and ruined all I am

He literally damaged my health step by step worser than a narcissist and with all these manipulative love-bombing games to monetize His way through stealing from another pretending He does help on Earth

sure He does help but for real how much damage is in there

His soul and heart are full of snakes that suck emotional freedom and intelligence out of Your veins

such people lack depth and consciousness there are lot of perfectionism in them and they are the so-called professionals and experts but just try to dive deeper and You will be shocked by their answers lacking truth empathy, understanding, depth they just experience things without feeling the whole of the rest that is still in there to be felt and discovered

somehow they are still good to help but only the ones who also dont care

something to be aware of and to accept they won't ever change their way!

they can not open up for another as they never truly loved and accepted themselves even if they are helped they will always choose the most harmful ways

they do not care for the people around limiting their life while opening theirs they manipulate all and want you to control through their own way which is not where You should stay

sure such things they create may help in copying with another narcissistic ones but how much of an emotional damage is inside just ask Yourself tap to the emotional energy and You will feel and sense

clean from them!

However, You truly want and can emotionally express each day because emotions are a human nature thing to do when others only know how to communicate through abuse

Do you need another pain ? Or You prefer to finally choose Your own life and healing way?

whoever He or She damaged and all the groups of them

Real truth Empaths and Real Highly sensitive still are trying to heal and repair

Suddenly the World Realized He was One Big Lie

He came to His senses once for a while He was thrown on a desert for all the damage that He brought into this World and He said in a reflective way of being to Himself this time as there was no more audience, applause, fame just He

engulfed in the desert's parched silence, He said to himself and to everyone He harmed He sent a message to the Universe: I was nothing but another grain of sand in the wind.

Dear reader the story is real but somehow all is One connected so I arrived from there into the challenge where you need follow some rules to take part it means writing under the Vocal law keep in mind its not always just free real truth writing but challenges at times that I love to take part when got a time :) as I am becoming One even I have the ability to synchronize like that :0) Enjoy have fun relax Heal from all the harm that people daily throw on You its better to heal then wait for someone to take away Your pain and wounded cells as Only you alone can be the best Healer for Yourself and find the best practices to help You coexist in between all these individuals that still want us to choose the wrong healing way to be! until they harm We need to stay alarmed! Stay away from them Your life is much more beautiful inside and outside something that Only You can experience inside!

Heal Yourself to Love Yourself More to Love another even Your enemy but stay away from people who damaged Your life and Health and If You cant

be aware of healing practice discover Your own life without them

Be Happy for Your life and for who You are for Your mind

Be Happy for How wonderful, and amazing You are

Be Happy for the tree outside

Be Happy for the birds that comes everytime You sing a song

Be Happy for all the real smiles that Help you to know the unknown

Be Happy for the food You can eat and have or not have yet in the fridge

Be Happy for the freedom of mind You have beside this writing space

Be Happy for the way You went through so far

Be Happy for all that You have healed from so far !

Be Happy to say No to people who are not there from Love !

Be Happy to have Your real truth space and to be free to say

You do not need anyone of them

You are just Happy as You are a human experiencing all of this around

it doesnt need to be always about people

there are many more different ways to Enjoy the Life :) and its essence

if You are Highly sensitive or real empath heal more alone because You will discover a completely different world and the connection that some may never tap in even though You thought years ago that it is like that with each soul who practices qigong to heal from all

with years of experience, You already know the truth of it all

always learn update on new things but your practice on your own is the most important and most healing thing so never skip it for another thing cause you already experienced what kind of a rollercoaster it brings

as highly sensitive you progress very fast you need to be aware of what it causes in another and how they truly react to that you struggle with jealousy and hate each time you share Ego of some wont ever melt

they never understand you are not trying you really know what will help but if they reject let them go

and if they still hang on being abusive no matter what You need to say No

it's not a joke its dangerous for your health to say Yes so that they continue the manipulative phase

if You can run away from them

You do not need to entirely serve or voluntary being treated like a punching bag that they can always turn to when stressed

They are not more important than Your life and Health

taking a break from them won't help as their energy is always the same

You need to disconnect from the ones who entirely behave bad at least from the ones virtually that You really do can do a favour for Your health

Enjoy the whole You did for all even the enormous pain they caused how much of a happiness there were to experience from the healings and the whole it will be always something incredibly beautiful focus on what You really did for them now its their own way to Heal themselves and You have right to change Your life journey to another path

You will be always healing from them and always you will help another in a new place so you need to be free from the ones who are causing chaos and pain and under any circumstances are willing to transform heal their pain to really change

animals and children they do act the same its really no difference

but there could be a difference if the qigong was injected from the very young year into thekindergarten and schools that was my dream at first but schools are not bringing anything good, especially to the ones who are more sensitive to human harm and they can tap where others can not other hand another less sensitive ones are to help with other kind of service so qigong could help them all to heal from the worst experiences that do happen in this world and with whole the rest of creative ways people with less traumatic mind could enjoy life sensitive ones would have better life as they will be able to recharge fast without all these worldly turmoil that affects them too much

people need to believe need start to believe in more good things to arrive to come to make it all easy and possible you just do you get but dont let anyone to change what works for real this time!

for three months I was implementing qi gong to children at the very start of the classes and the results were much better than before its not the system but the real will to help so you just do and it works !

the same is with a practice when you do you feel you know when you dont you dont even know where to go ! but in this world there is another kind of surface to be reborn in each of us and I think You all know what is that

untitled Yourself first to be a human but use wisdom and experience when its needed we are often more guided than you think we are and some dont need practice if they are healthy like that

some are genius type they tap into the consciousness more than just fast

so they get information from the inside of them these are autistic people, highly sensitive can connect with them without sharing a word they just know a lot more and they are straight forward so instead of calling autism disorder change it to a new genius order which they get pretty fast while highly sensitive as of energetic fields sensitivity they need to work on cleaning themselves from others which takes time

in general what psychology and psychiatry is calling disorder for me is something very normal and beautiful and interesting to experience

sure I may not understand their relationship way yet as I am not a genius type I just can advance fast if i am pressed in time or naturally just like that

also narcisstic people are very sensitive souls they are genius at creating discovering new things when they tap to their wisdom soul and they definitely know how entertain and make you laugh at times

i know highly sensitive are pretty difficult especially with all the neuron work dont even tell me about it all they always need more time as if they flow fast nobody can catch with them so thats why narcissists entirely stops them

but to be aware you need to gather all this characteristic then you need to know it from the real so that at least if you are more sensitive you wont be confused too much being aware is the first information to accept that it wont change that fast

but for You if You believe it will change

this is where practice can help

and for this all we should unite but at least when you are adult at the age of 40 years old You can help one another to do some emotional work and be aware that people are not the same they are actually completely different but the pain emotional damage not the Ego pain but another from human games is the same whether they are aware or not

every of them is different even though the same psychological types

we are all humans by name

different inside similar experiences on human earth and sharing them does help

but not as victim type as that may be a lie to entirely ask someone to bring a healing heal yourself alone and dont use healers or highly sensitive or empaths as a supply as it wont serve you for life

human who are healthier in behaviours they are more relaxed but aware they are stressed when danger is near or something really bad happened but they do the work in all layers of it all

so they can let it go

but they will transform and learn from it instead to go on entirely with the same thing without doing the effort

they will make that much effort as another wont be able to know it all so later its not easy to communicate and sharing where you are already at and the world need 20 or more years to develop beacause so what the times are shifting so fast emotional problems unhealed trauma are the main cause of all the turmoil and chaos

it leaves so many souls feeling lonely, blocked, and like the world is so slowly transforming but when they just tap into their own inner world the smile arrives all is all right just like that

then people acting from Ego even the empaths and highly sensitive ones will make you feel like nature is the one to be guided by :)

Befriend a tree it takes negative energy

but who we are for real only the life experience will tell

I prefer to know the person from real even though it may be a pain but sometimes i learn and i need to leave when the pain becomes their chronic fear and pain to my soul blockages need to go at least the ones that dont come from your family as its enough

so even these changes and decisions are more than difficult to take

You need to be aware of the whole rest

and why practice take so long because sometimes you need to heal from the new

sometimes you need to go beyond it all

when you heal you will tap to things that only you can know

and its not time to share it now all the rest you already have in the internet

only through practice and experience you can relief yourself heal yourself and become new self each day and you can take break as much as you can if you feel like you cant its okey you cant then You can again :)

but some people also need to work because life is not a game

changing environment is only possible when you are healthy strong and supported financially blessed

for this practice can help if you cant change the environment you live in and work for now

Hopefully, the best is to come!

Hopefully it will help somehow !

adviceself helphow tohealinghappiness

About the Creator


Human : painter, digital art maker, sound composer, poet, writer, qigong healer & trainer

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Nice work

Very well written. Keep up the good work!

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  1. Heartfelt and relatable

    The story invoked strong personal emotions

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Comments (4)

  • Test8 months ago

    Darkos you end on a positive note, reminding us that we are all capable of healing and finding happiness.❤️

  • Whoaaa, this was so powerful! I was so happy to see your name in my notifications! Been quite long since you published. Hope you're doing well ❤️

  • Babs Iverson8 months ago

    Lovely!!! Poignantly expressed !!! Loved it!!!💕❤️❤️

  • Lana V Lynx8 months ago

    Oh wow, that was quite a rollercoaster! Well done! Ultimately, we are all stardust and a grain of sand in the wind.

DarkosWritten by Darkos

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