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Intelligent Answers Part 1

Weaving Genius into the Fabric of Conversation

By Mostafa MohammedPublished 5 months ago 4 min read

Alexander the Great & Escape Machine

While Alexander was showing off his soldiers, and he was riding a wonderful horse. A soldier came to him and was riding a lame horse..Alexander became angry and ordered his expulsion from the army. So the soldier went and laughed. Alexander became more angry at the soldier's laughter and ordered him to come back.

"What made you laugh?" Alexander asked.

"I laughed and wondered what you did!" The soldier said.

"how?" Alexander asked.

"Because you're king and you ride the escape machine (meaning the strong horse), and I'm riding the stand and stability machine, and you're firing me," The soldier replied.

Alexander was impressed by his words, and returned him in the army and increased his salary.

Time doesn't wait

The drawing teacher was walking around an art gallery with his students and said to them "If the gallery suddenly caught fire and you had only one chance to save five paintings from the gallery, What paintings do you choose?

"The paintings closest to the door," One of the students answered immediately.

Philosopher and archer

A philosopher looked at a man shooting his arrows, going right and left, So he sat in site of the target.

He was told, "What are you doing!"

"I did not see a place safer than site of the target," he replied.

Why don't luxury car companies show ads on TV?

The owner of a luxury car company was asked why we don't see ads for your cars?

"Because people who can afford those cars aren't watching TV"

Algorithmi & Morals

Muhammad ben Musa al-Khwarizmi(Algorithmi) is famous for his mathematical works, which introduced Hindu-Arabic numerals and algebra to European mathematicians. In fact, the words algorithm and algebra come from his name and the title of one of his works.

When the mathematician's al-Khwarizmi, was asked about human?

He replied: If a person has morals, then he = 1

If a person is beautiful, then add 0 to 1 = 10

If he has money, also add another zero = 100.

If it has highborn, add another zero = 1000

If there is no number one, which represents morality, The person value is gone, and the zeros remain (000).

Boxing champion & Running champion

A man entered a restaurant, hung his coat, put a piece of paper on coat and wrote in it "This coat is for the boxing champion, and he'll be back in ten minutes." When he came back, he did not find the coat. And instead of the coat he found a paper written in it, "The running champion took the coat and he'll never come back."

Learn wisdom

"Who taught you wisdom?" A wise man was asked.

"From the ignorant, whenever I see a flaw from them, I avoid it," he answered.

Really reply of a wise man

A wise man sat between two young men, and they agreed to make fun of him, and they asked him, "Are you an idiot or an ignorant man?"

He said, "I'm between them."

Wife of the President of France

Charles de Gaulle is one of the most famous presidents of France in history of France. He led France at the time of the second World War. One day he decided to go with his wife to a simple restaurant at a purlieu away from noise and bodyguards to have dinner. They went to the restaurant and the manager of the restaurant welcomed them greatly as he was surprised because the president of France came to have dinner at his restaurant. After they began to eat, the manager asked Charles de Gaulle's wife to talk to her alone. Although Charles de Gaulle was surprised, he agreed. She went and spoke to him. When she returned Charles asked her

"What's the matter? What did he want?"

She said "I remembered that I know him before, He wanted to marry me a long time ago so he welcomed me, told me about his affairs and asked me how life is going with me."

Charles de Gaulle didn't like that so he wanted to annoy her so he said to her: -" if you had married him, you'd have been the owner of that poor restaurant."

She said: "No, if I had married him, he'd have been the president of France."

Tasks exchange is better

A philosopher passed through a city. He saw the leader of the soldiers had never won a war. And he saw their doctor cause the deaths of patients.

He said to the people of that city, "I wish your doctor was the leader of the soldiers; because he is an expert at killing people, and I wish the leader of your soldiers would be a doctor, he would take care of people's lives."

quotesself helphappiness

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