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Importance of decision making.

"Your decisions today shape the life you'll lead tomorrow - make them wisely and with purpose."

By Sadia IqbalPublished about a year ago 3 min read
You are capable of achieving greatness, take that first step and see where it leads you.

In life, the decisions we make can have a profound impact on our future. Sometimes we make decisions that we later regret, and other times our decisions lead us down paths we never thought possible. This is a story about a young woman who learned the importance of decision-making the hard way.

Her name was Sarah. She had grown up in a small town in the Midwest, and had always dreamed of traveling the world. After high school, she decided to attend a prestigious university in New York City. She was determined to make the most of her college experience, and spent her first few years studying hard and immersing herself in the culture of the city.

But as time went on, Sarah began to feel restless. She had always been interested in fashion, and she started to wonder if there might be a career for her in that industry. She did some research and found out that there was a prestigious fashion school in Paris. She applied, and to her surprise, she was accepted.

Sarah was thrilled at the opportunity to live in Paris and study fashion. She felt like this was the chance of a lifetime. But there was one problem: the cost of the program was astronomical. Sarah's parents were unable to help her financially, and she knew that taking out a loan would mean being in debt for years to come.

Sarah struggled with the decision for weeks. She knew that going to Paris would be an incredible experience, but she also knew that the financial burden could be crippling. In the end, she decided to take the risk and go for it.

Sarah arrived in Paris and was immediately struck by the beauty and culture of the city. She threw herself into her studies, and soon found herself making connections in the fashion industry. She felt like she was on the cusp of something great.

But then, disaster struck. Sarah's landlord informed her that she was behind on rent, and that if she didn't pay up, she would be evicted. Sarah was devastated. She had been so focused on her studies and her career that she had neglected to keep track of her finances.

Sarah knew that she had to make a decision. She could either drop out of school and return home, or she could find a way to make the money she needed to stay in Paris. She chose the latter.

Sarah started working odd jobs, doing everything from cleaning houses to babysitting. She was determined to make enough money to pay her rent and stay in school. She worked tirelessly, often sacrificing sleep and socializing in order to make ends meet.

As time went on, Sarah realized that the experience of struggling to survive in a foreign country was actually teaching her more than she ever could have learned in a classroom. She was learning about resilience, determination, and the importance of hard work. She was also learning the importance of decision-making.

Sarah realized that the decision to come to Paris had been a risky one, but it had also been the right one. She had learned so much about herself and the world around her, and she knew that she would never have had those experiences if she had stayed in her hometown.

In the end, Sarah was able to make enough money to pay her rent and finish her studies. She graduated from the fashion school in Paris with honors, and went on to work for some of the biggest names in the industry.

Looking back on her experience, Sarah knew that it was the decisions she made that had brought her to where she was today. She had made the decision to take a risk and go to Paris, and she had made the decision to work hard and stay there. Those decisions had shaped her life in ways she could never have imagined.

Sarah learned that decision-making isn't always easy, but it is always important. The decisions we make can shape our lives and our futures. Sometimes the right decision is the may lead to failure but don't give up cause every failure is sign that you can be succesful one day.

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About the Creator

Sadia Iqbal

A passionate learner with an insatiable curiosity for new knowledge. Always eager to share insights with others and inspire a love of learning.

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    Sadia IqbalWritten by Sadia Iqbal

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