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I lost my job because of my weight and making $4500 per week

this is my true story

By DeanPublished about a year ago 3 min read

and here are the things that helped me>>

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Losing a job can be a difficult experience, especially when the reason behind it is something out of your control. This was the case for me when I was let go from my previous job, solely because of my weight. At the time, I weighed around 120 kg and had been struggling with weight issues for most of my adult life.

It was devastating to hear that I had lost my job due to my weight. I had always been conscious of my size, but I never thought it would be the reason why I'd lose my job. I realized that my weight was not only affecting my physical health, but it was also impacting my mental health and career opportunities.

It was then when I realized that I had two choices; either to let the situation control me, or I could take control of the situation and make a positive change in my life. I chose to take control of my health and make the necessary changes in my life to lose weight and improve my overall well-being.

At first, it was extremely challenging to make lifestyle changes that I knew were necessary for me to be healthy. I started by researching various strategies to lose weight and improve my overall health. I created a meal plan that ensured my daily caloric intake was a deficit and that I was meeting all my nutritional needs. I began exercising regularly, which was a difficult adjustment as I had not been doing any formal exercise in years.

At the outset, the road to weight loss was slow, and it took a lot of time, consistency, and patience to see noticeable changes. However, I remained focused and committed to my goals, and as I began to see the results of my efforts, it became addictive. To keep myself motivated, I started tracking my progress regularly, which included taking pictures, measurements, and logging my workout and diet patterns.

Six months later, I had lost a significant amount of weight, dropping down to 80 kg then 60 kg. I felt amazing and proud of myself for making a positive change in my life. But I knew that I needed to find a way to support myself financially as well. So, I started brainstorming different ways I could use my skills and passions to generate an income.

One of my biggest passions was music. I have always been fond of music, and I had a particular interest in music production. So, I decided to take a leap of faith and start my own music production company. I invested a significant amount of time and savings in buying quality equipment to start my business. Then, I started reaching out to local artists, offering my music production services.

To my surprise, my business took off in a significant way. Within months of starting, I had a steady stream of clients, and my business was bringing in an average of $4500 per week. With the help of social media, my business quickly began to thrive, and I was getting new bookings regularly. My music production business not only allowed me to pursue my passion but also supported me financially.

Looking back, I realized that losing my job was the best thing that ever happened to me. It pushed me out of my comfort zone and motivated me to take control of my health and start a successful business. I now live a healthier, more fulfilling life while pursuing my passion for music and helping other artists create their own masterpieces.

My advice to anyone experiencing a similar situation and struggle with weight would be to take control, and although it isn't straightforward, the effort is worth it. Life is full of unexpected twists and turns, and we need to be ready to adapt to change.

and here are the things that helped me>>

and this >>>

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