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"I Am Jazz: My Journey to Self-Love and Body Positivity Through Weight Gain"

"Finding Confidence and Embracing My True Beauty Despite Society's Narrow Standards"

By PreethiPublished about a year ago 4 min read

Jazz had always plodded with her weight. From a youthful age, she had been on the heavier side and had noway really been suitable to exfoliate those redundant pounds no matter how hard she tried. She had tried every diet under the sun, from the low-carb mode to the grapefruit diet, but nothing sounded to work for her.

Despite her struggles, Jazz had always been a confident and gregarious person. She loved fashion and always made sure to dress in a way that made her feel good about herself, no matter her size. She was also a talented cotillion and had been a part of her high academy's cotillion platoon.

But as Jazz entered the council, she started to feel more tone-conscious about her weight. She was no longer the only plus-sized person in her group of musketeers and she set up herself comparing herself to the other girls who sounded to painlessly stay thin. Jazz started to feel like she was missing out on openings because of her size.

One day, Jazz's roommate suggested that they join an original weight loss program together. Jazz was reluctant at first, but ultimately agreed. The program was violent, with strict mess plans and challenging exercises. Jazz threw herself into it, determined to eventually lose the weight and feel good about herself.

But as the weeks went by, Jazz set up herself floundering to keep up with the program. She was constantly empty and exhausted, and the scale sounded to be stuck at the same number no matter how hard she tried. She began to feel like a failure and started to lose provocation.

One day, Jazz's roommate invited her to go out to a club with some musketeers. Jazz dithered, feeling tone-conscious about her appearance, but her roommate claimed that they go and have a good time.

At the club, Jazz set up herself girdled by thin, beautiful people, and she felt indeed more tone-conscious about her own size. She tried to have a good time, but ended up feeling miserable and left early.

On the drive home, Jazz's roommate turned to her and said," I know you are trying really hard, but perhaps this weight loss program is not the right fit for you. You are always empty and exhausted, and it's not sustainable. perhaps it's time to try commodity differently."

Jazz was surprised by her roommate's words, but as she allowed about it, she realized that her roommate was right. She had been so focused on trying to fit into society's narrow description of beauty that she had neglected her own happiness and well-being.

The coming day, Jazz made the decision to stop the weight loss program and concentrate on herself. She started to pay further attention to how she felt physically and emotionally, and made the decision to start eating and exercising in a way that made her feel good.

As she started to prioritize her own happiness, Jazz set up that the weight started to come off naturally. She began to feel more confident and comfortable in her own skin, and her tone- knowledge about her size started to fade down.

And as she embraced her own unique beauty, Jazz set up that she was attracting further openings and making deeper connections with people. She realized that it was no way about her size, but about her confidence and how she carried herself.

Jazz learned that true beauty comes from within and that it's important to concentrate on your own happiness and well-being, rather than trying to conform to society's narrow norms. She was thankful to have had the support of her roommate, who had helped her see the significance of tone- love and tone- care.

As time passed, Jazz continued to embrace her body and her own unique sense of style. She no longer felt the need to constantly diet and circumscribe herself, and rather concentrated on living a healthy and balanced life.

She also came more oral about body positivity and tone love, using her platform on social media to inspire and empower others. She participated in her trip and encouraged others to embrace their own bodies, no matter their size.

Jazz entered an inviting response from her followers, with numerous people thanking her for her honesty and frippery. She was touched by the impact she was having on others and felt thankful to be suitable to inspire change.

As Jazz looked back on her trip, she could not believe how far she had come. She had gone from feeling tone-conscious and unhappy about her weight to confidently embracing her body and loving herself just the way she was.

She realized that her weight gain had actually been a blessing in disguise, as it had forced her to defy her own precariousness and learn to love herself. And she was determined to continue spreading that communication of tone- love and body positivity to anyone who demanded to hear it.

Jazz was proud of who she had come and knew that no matter what the scale said, she was beautiful and meritorious of love and happiness. And she was thankful for the trip that had led her to this point.

goalshow tohealinghappiness

About the Creator


I am a writer, and writing is my passion. I love creating stories and bringing my ideas to life through the written word. Whether it's fiction or non-fiction, I believe that writing is a vital form of self-expression

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    PWritten by Preethi

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