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Heal Yourself Series

How to Successfully Navigate Life's Catastrophe (Part 1)

By Tomi HōfuPublished 12 months ago 6 min read

I'm tired of being surrounded by negativity! Are you sure? This universe is tainted and revolting. I find it difficult to watch the news, read the newspaper, or even talk to my neighbors. I don't want to come out as detached. I sincerely care about the people around me. This world, on the other hand, has made us cold and vicious.

As a result, we have a society full of unhappy individuals. More than half of all marriages end in divorce. Over half of all young adults do not believe in marriage. We need to return to a time when it was normal to speak to strangers and it was unnatural not to be nice.

People back then sincerely believed in love and cared about their neighbors. We must reclaim our self-esteem. We must all strive to be the change we wish to see in the world. We need to heal and start loving ourselves again.

People who are content with their lives are successful. This is because happiness makes it simpler to stay motivated to attain your goals. Your thoughts have a huge impact on your life and the quality of your interactions with family, friends, and significant others. Some believe that our attitudes and ideas have a larger influence on our health than modern medicine.

That being said, it has been scientifically established that merely changing the way you think about yourself and the environment around you may enhance your health, career, and relationships. This is a lot less expensive than paying for therapy sessions or a divorce lawyer.

Part 1 - Know Thy Self

“The more you know yourself, the more patience you have for what you see in others.” - Erik Erikson

Knowing who you are is essential for self-healing. How can you avoid disaster if you're just drifting through life, unsure of what you stand for or what you won't tolerate?

There's a reason why the small-town girl with big dreams who goes to the big city usually finds herself in an unpleasant and, dare I say, compromising situation.

Consider the disgruntled Doctor who is only a Doctor because his parents decided he needed to be the family's first Doctor. What about the mama's boy who dates a woman he despises just to please his mother? These three have a lot in common.

Their difficulty is described by an old adage that states that if we don't know where we're going, any path will be the proper one. And, even better, 'if we do not stand for anything, we will fall for anything.' In other words, if we do not understand ourselves, including our aims, desires, and aspirations, it will be simple for anyone to force us into making a mistake we will regret for the rest of our lives. Living down a decision you regret, especially if you have to deal with the repercussions on a daily basis, will be one of the most difficult things you have ever had to do. Living with the results of these actions leads to the bitterness and brutality of many people. This is not the life path I want you to pursue.

We will have the keys to unlock our own potential when we take the time to grasp who we truly are, the complexities of our own personalities. You can't be your best self if you don't know what that looks like. When you know yourself, you are more likely to choose a profession that you enjoy. And when you are pursuing a job that you are enthusiastic about, it is pretty simple to be passionately pushed to achieve great things.

Furthermore, when you are at the top of your game, you will seek out companions and friends who will make you happy and so bring out the best in you. They will understand how you think and may perhaps think similarly to you. These are the folks who will not mock your ambitions or be jealous of your achievement. Being around by caring, supporting people will transform you into a nicer, happier, and, dare I say, more successful individual.

Individuals who have a strong sense of self are frequently more determined and optimistic. This is because these people had complete control over their life choices, and they made wise ones. Where others see failures, others see possibilities. When you like what you do, it takes significantly less effort to be effective. Furthermore, the fact that you like your job will provide you a competitive advantage, since you will not be motivated by the praise of others. The joy of a task well done will motivate you to keep going.

I understand that these appear to be perfect circumstances, where our decisions are not influenced by our family's demands and where we are all strong enough not to submit to the pressure they will place on us to make a certain option. But believe me when I say that knowing and genuinely understanding yourself will open doors to chances you would not have noticed otherwise. When you know without a doubt what the proper option for you is, it will be simpler for you to stand up to the demands around you. I am not urging you to shirk your obligations of providing for your family; rather, I am encouraging you to realize who you are and to always be true to yourself.

How to Understand Yourself

Although it is easier said than done, it is not impossible. You can begin with some objective evaluation. This does not suggest just asking your surroundings what they think of you. Your contacts with them, whether favorable or bad, will keep them from being as objective as you require. A more reliable method would be to employ a renowned personality test.

A popular option is the Myers-Briggs Personality Type Test. This test will determine which of the 16 personality types described by the theory best represents you. It has lately gained popularity since the findings may be utilized to determine the best working environment for you and even how you interact with those around you. Furthermore, whether you agree with the results or not, they are typically rather accurate.

Another excellent alternative is to take career aptitude tests. These are intended to assist you better understand your skill set and how you may use these skills to choose the proper job. It is never too late to begin a job that you will enjoy.

Once you've thought it through and have a strategy that will enable you to take care of your responsibilities while still pursuing a career that you like, go for it. It's feasible that money is tight and you're already short on time, making a decision impossible right now. However, I would encourage you to continue working on your preparations. Continue to learn everything you can about the profession, whether online or from those around you. That way, if an opportunity presents itself, you will be ready to seize it.

When you take the time to learn about yourself, you may discover some dirty laundry and hidden wounds that you would have like to keep buried. Unfortunately, you have been displaying these wounds in your interactions with others around you every day. These wounds may have left you too sensitive to communicate your feelings or too frigid to care about the sentiments of others. Now that you can see yourself clearly, strive to be your best self. Respect yourself. Above everything, stay true to yourself. Knowing your limitations is another key skill to grasp in order to properly navigate this chaotic world. This will be tackled in the next SERIES.

To be continued in Part 2.

quotessuccessself helphow tohealinghappinessgoalsadvice

About the Creator

Tomi Hōfu

I love to ramble things that I wanted to express and think of. I believe that expressing our thoughts can help improve yourself and others as well.

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