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Habits Changed My Mindset

They can change yours too!

By Meagan AshcroftPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
Habits Changed My Mindset
Photo by Lala Azizli on Unsplash

Habits Changed my Mindset

August 22, 2022

I can’t tell you the amount of times I have tried to make a new habit and failed. Not because I didn’t want it but because I didn’t understand how habits work and how to successfully implement them. Does this sound like a struggle you’ve had? Well after research I have successfully implemented new habits which have changed my mindset and can’t wait to share with you how I did it!


I love reading (If you don’t no worries, I read a book so you don’t have to) I prefer to research through books rather then on the internet. That being said I went to the bookstore and picked up a book called ‘Atomic Habits’ by James Clear. This book is a #1 New York Times bestseller and has sold over 4 million copies, and after reading it I see why. This book introduced me to something called ‘The Habit Loop’. A habit is broken down into 2 phases; the problem phase and the solution phase, the problem phase consists of 1. Cue , 2. Craving and the solution phase consists of 3. Response, 4. Reward. The book explains; “In summary, the cue triggers a craving, which motivates a response, which provides a reward, which satisfies the craving and ultimately, becomes associated with the cue.” (Clear,50) An example of how this works;

1. Cue 2. Craving 3. Response 4. Reward

1. Your Cat Meows at you at 6am. 2.You need to feed your cat. 3.You get up and feed your cat. 4.Your cat is fed. Feeding your cat becomes associated with your cat meowing at you at 6am.

How I Implemented it Into My Life.

Once I understood how habits are formed it was easier for me to structure my own. I started the habit of waking up every morning and doing yoga for 10 minutes. First thing I did was write down how this habit would work in the phases; 1.Cue; My alarm goes off, 2.Craving; get up and lay yoga matt out, 3. Response; Do yoga, 4. Reward; satisfaction of doing yoga and sticking to the habit. The book also discusses how you can set up your environment for success, I set mine up for success when I leave my yoga matt in a visible spot in my room. Because it is visible and easy to access in the morning it will make me more likely to following through with my habit. This is a small change that has helped me stay on track.

Your Goal vs. Your Habits

Goals are great things to have, but when it comes to accomplishing them you need to focus on your habits. Think about it, if you have a Goal to run a marathon your not going to wake up tomorrow and be able to run a marathon. You will have to set habits like; running everyday for 30 minutes. The book talks about getting 1% better everyday, that’s it, that is your focus. Yes, you have your main goal e.g. running a marathon, but the pressure from that big goal is enough to demotivate you and cause you to give up. Instead your going to focus on getting that 1% better everyday by creating your habits e.g. running everyday for 30 minutes. Start small and build your progress, adjust your habits as you go until you reach your goal!

How To Keep Up and Organize Your Habits.

To keep track/organize your habits and to determine whether or not a habit is good or bad for you, make a ‘habit list’. To do this you write down your list of habits and leave a box beside each one. Once you have filled out each one you will go through and decide whether that habit is; good(+), bad(-), or neutral(=). This will help you prioritize and get rid/make space for habits.

Here is an example of one of my ‘habit list’:

(+)Wake up

(=)Get out of bed

(+)Make bed

(=)Get dressed

(+)Lay out yoga matt

(+)Do 10 minutes of yoga

You make your list to suit you, could be longer or shorter.

Read more about a ‘habit list’ in the book Atomic Habits by James Clear.

My NEW Mindset.

I am still implementing new habits in to my daily routine, I would describe my mindset as hopeful and where there is hope there is motivation. I am now working on my first book! I am writing a non-fiction novel about relationships and my goal is to publish it one day. I have formed my habits around getting 1% better everyday in order to one day accomplish my overall goal.


The book ‘Atomic Habits’ by James Clear was an eye opener for me, and if you enjoy reading I would recommend it to anyone! Since implementing the strategies that the book has taught me I have been able to come closer to the version of myself that I want to be. I have also taken a leap to strive for the success I want to accomplish.


Clear, James. Atomic Habits: An Easy &Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones. Penguin Random House , 2018.

book reviewgoalshappinesshealingself helpsuccessadvice

About the Creator

Meagan Ashcroft

I love writing, I use it as an outlet for my feelings. I hope you enjoy reading my stories as much as I enjoy writing them!

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    Meagan AshcroftWritten by Meagan Ashcroft

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