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GUIDED MEDITATION SCRIPT: Self Love Affirmations - 5 Minute Meditation in the Morning

I Am Affirmations for SELF-LOVE

By Lisa ChapmanPublished 11 months ago 6 min read

Start your day empowered! Quick self-love affirmations pack a punch in this 5 minute morning meditation. Focus on connecting with your core, with these I Am Affirmations for Self Love.

Find this guided meditation script recorded on video: YouTube @meditationangel9999 and audio:

You’ll feel more confident, calm and forgiving. Set your intention to give up judgment and gain peace. Be your loving authentic self and you will magnetize that throughout your day.

The Importance of Self Love Affirmations

Self-love affirmations are important messages of kindness - to ourselves. When we focus on these positive thoughts regularly, we are happier and more confident.

Self-love affirmations teach us to take care of ourselves and believe that we are important and deserving of love and happiness. They make us feel strong and help us grow into the best version of ourselves.

Listening for 30 days, or twice a day, will deepen this powerful hypnotic positive effect.

All the Guides at Meditation Angel wish to assist you in achieving your deepest desires, as well as more peace, vibrancy and love in your life today.


What Is A Strong Affirmation For Self-Love?

A powerful affirmation for self-love is like a big warm hug for your soul! Here's one that you can repeat to yourself daily: "I am worthy of love and acceptance just as I am."

When you say this affirmation, you're reminding yourself that you are enough – just the way you are. It's like giving yourself permission to embrace your imperfections and celebrate your uniqueness.

Affirmations are like positive messages you send to yourself, and they can be incredibly effective in boosting your self-love and confidence. By repeating this affirmation regularly, you'll start to believe it deep down in your core.

Remember, self-love is about treating yourself with kindness, compassion, and respect. Embrace this affirmation like a mantra, and let it be a gentle reminder that you are deserving of love and happiness.

Do Affirmations Work For Self-Love?

Yes! Affirmations can be a super effective tool for cultivating self-love. They work like planting seeds of positivity in your mind and heart. When you repeat affirmations regularly, they can help shift your mindset and boost your self-esteem.

The key to making affirmations work is repetition and belief. It's like watering a plant – you need to nurture it regularly for it to grow. When you repeat affirmations, your mind starts to accept them as true, and they become part of your self-perception.

Affirmations help counter negative self-talk and replace it with kinder, more supportive thoughts. Instead of being your own worst critic, you become your biggest cheerleader.

To make affirmations work for self-love, say them with intention and conviction. Practice saying them aloud or write them down in a journal. You can even create sticky notes with affirmations and place them where you'll see them often, like on your mirror or computer screen.

Remember, self-love is a journey, and affirmations are like stepping stones along the way. Be patient with yourself, and celebrate each little victory. With consistent practice, affirmations can help you build a strong foundation of self-love and confidence.

What Are The Affirmations For Self-Esteem?

Affirmations for self-esteem are like empowering pep talks for your confidence! Here are a few powerful ones you can try:

"I believe in myself and my abilities."

"I am worthy of success and happiness."

"I am capable of overcoming challenges and growing stronger."

"I am confident in expressing my authentic self."

"I embrace my uniqueness and value who I am."

These affirmations are like boosts of self-confidence and encouragement. When you repeat them regularly, they become ingrained in your mindset, helping you build a strong and positive sense of self.

Choose affirmations that resonate with you and feel authentic. They should reflect your aspirations and values. Remember, affirmations are like personalized mantras, so make them your own!

To supercharge the effectiveness of these affirmations, say them with conviction and visualize yourself embodying their messages. Feel the confidence and strength flowing through you as you repeat them.

As you practice these affirmations, you might notice a shift in your self-perception. Embrace your uniqueness and celebrate your accomplishments. With consistent affirmation practice, your self-esteem will flourish like a beautiful garden.

What Is The Intention Of Self-Love?

The intention of self-love is like setting a compass to guide you towards a happier and more fulfilling life. Self-love is all about treating yourself with kindness, compassion, and acceptance – just as you would treat a beloved friend.

When you practice self-love, you cultivate a positive relationship with yourself. It's like becoming your own best friend and biggest supporter. Self-love is not about being self-absorbed or egocentric; it's about recognizing your inherent worth and nurturing your well-being.

The Intention Of Self-Love Is To:

Boost Confidence:

Self-love helps you embrace your strengths and accept your flaws. It's like building an unshakable foundation of confidence that empowers you to pursue your dreams.

Cultivate Resilience:

When you love yourself, you become more resilient in the face of challenges. It's like having a shield of self-compassion that helps you bounce back from setbacks and grow stronger.

Set Boundaries:

Self-love allows you to set healthy boundaries and prioritize your well-being. It's like saying "yes" to what uplifts you and "no" to what drains you.

Practice Self-Care:

Self-love is about caring for your physical, mental, and emotional needs. It's like nurturing your mind, body, and soul, like a beautiful garden that requires attention and care.

Cultivate Inner Peace:

When you love yourself, you find peace within, even amidst life's challenges. It's like discovering a serene oasis in the midst of a bustling world.

The intention of self-love is to live a life that aligns with your authentic self and values. It's about being kind to yourself, forgiving your mistakes, and celebrating your achievements.

Remember, self-love is a continuous journey, not a destination. Embrace the intention of self-love like a guiding star that leads you to a life filled with happiness, fulfillment, and a deep sense of contentment.

GUIDED MEDITATION SCRIPT: 5 Minute Meditation Morning Self Love Affirmations

We are here to focus on self-love,

knowing that at our core,

we are loving beings, first and foremost.

So find a comfortable position,

and gently close your eyes.

I’ll guide you, with a series of progressive affirmations that all start with "I am".

Now set your intention to open your heart,

to fully receive these affirmations of self-love.

Allow them to deepen that pure love, living within you.

Repeat each affirmation silently,

while absorbing its meaning and truth.


I am enough, just as I am.

I am whole and complete.

I am connecting with my authentic self.

I am releasing judgment.

I am forgiving myself, and others.

I am releasing attachments that do not serve me.

I am honoring my needs.

I am choosing self-care.

I am embracing and loving my whole self.

I am giving and receiving loving kindness.

I am honoring my choices.

I am embracing my own unique journey.

I am treating myself with love and compassion.

I am nurturing my inner wisdom.

I am cultivating deeper self-compassion.

I am awakening to the boundless love within me.

I am nourishing my mind, my body, and my spirit.

I am trusting my intuition to guide me.

I am a wellspring of loving kindness.

I am radiating love from the core of my being.

I am a magnet for divine love.

I am a vessel of love.

I am love.

(End of Self Love Affirmations and I Am Affirmations)

Now take a moment to bathe in these affirmations.

Trust that the light of self-love within you continually grows stronger.

As you cultivate self-love in your daily life, know that you are also spreading this love and compassion to others.

When you're ready, gently bring your awareness back to the present moment,

open your eyes,

and carry this love with you, throughout your day.

(END of Guided Meditation Script: 5 Min Meditation - Morning I Am Affirmations and Self Love Affirmations)

ABOUT Meditation Angel & Guided Meditation Scripts

Any time you desire an energy shift, our Meditation Angel Guides will lead you into a more peaceful and restorative state. Meditation Angel is dedicated to delivering the most compassionate guided meditation scripts – physically, emotionally and spiritually. Choose from short 3 minute meditations, 5 minutes, 15 minutes, and up to 1 hour guided meditations, some with affirmations or visualizations. Each guided meditation script has been recorded by several different Guides. Discover the voice which resonates with you.

Image: no attribution required.

©MeditationAngel and @meditationangel9999 All Rights Reserved.


About the Creator

Lisa Chapman

Writing for: BUSINESS: I've loved Content Marketing / SEO since 2005. Been 'writing to rank' ever since. PLEASURE: I studied under hit songwriters in Nashville, Lyrics only w/ a musician cowriter. Fun fun fun! Word challenges? I'm in.

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    Lisa ChapmanWritten by Lisa Chapman

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