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From Dreams to Reality

How 'Someday' Becomes 'Now

By gina dela cruzPublished 9 months ago 3 min read
From Dreams to Reality
Photo by Randy Tarampi on Unsplash

Reflecting on the path that has brought me to my current position, I find myself contemplating the very essence of the human condition, a condition characterized by a relentless pursuit of "someday." It was not so long ago that I harbored dreams of embarking on worldly adventures, amplifying my voice, and perhaps even establishing my very own enterprise. Yet, "someday" always felt like a distant concept, a wistful longing cast adrift in the boundless sea of the future.

Now, as I stand firmly in the present moment, it appears as if that future has finally arrived. I have traversed through unfamiliar terrains, unapologetically expressed my authentic self, and taken the bold leap into entrepreneurship. The individuals I have chosen to surround myself with resonate with my values and passions. On the financial front, I have made significant strides, affording me the luxury of dedicating more time to pursuits that ignite my soul. In many ways, I find myself living the very aspects of the envisioned future I once held in my heart.

However, there exists a subtle paradox in this journey. As we grow and evolve, so do our aspirations. It's a perpetual chase, an ever-shifting trajectory. There is always a new summit to scale, a loftier goal to attain. The challenge does not lie in harboring ambitions, but in acknowledging the unending nature of the expedition.

In the relentless pursuit of our next conquest, it is all too easy to overlook the extent of our accomplishments. We often become so engrossed in reaching for the future that we neglect to appreciate the present. We fail to give due credit to the strides we have taken and the hurdles we have surmounted. In our ceaseless drive to outdo ourselves, we inadvertently dismiss the milestones we have already achieved.

It is crucial, then, to pause and reflect upon our personal growth. We must take stock of our progress and bear witness to the journey we have undertaken. Recognize that we now stand upon terrain that was once a distant goal, that you have evolved significantly over the past decade, and that this is an achievement deserving of acknowledgment and pride.

Understanding the significance of this recognition is paramount, for it furnishes us with the motivation to persist on our path of self-improvement. It serves as a reminder that we have transformed our aspirations from abstract dreams into tangible realities. The awareness that we have converted aspirations once deemed fantastical into concrete accomplishments serves as irrefutable proof of our capabilities.

However, we must not fall into the trap of assuming that the journey concludes at this juncture. Our aspirations will continue to evolve, and that is perfectly acceptable. Embrace the fact that you are in a perpetual state of growth, acquiring knowledge, and reaching for loftier summits. Each fulfilled aspiration becomes the sturdy foundation upon which the next one is built.

In the grand tapestry of life, we are not mere passive spectators; we are the weavers, crafting our destiny with every choice and every action. Our journey is not confined to a singular destination but is instead a dynamic, ever-expanding voyage of self-discovery and self-realization.

So, let us cherish our accomplishments while remaining steadfast in our pursuit of greater heights. Let us honor the present moment as a testament to our progress, all while eagerly embracing the infinite potential that lies ahead. For in the grand saga of "someday," each today is a page turned, each aspiration achieved, and each dream realized is a testament to the indomitable spirit within us, forever yearning for the next "someday" on the horizon.

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About the Creator

gina dela cruz

With a lifelong love for the written word, I've been on a remarkable journey as a writer, and I'm thrilled to share my experiences and insights with you.

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