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Mastering the Art of Manifestation

Unleashing Your Full Potential for Success and Abundance

By gina dela cruzPublished 9 months ago 4 min read
Mastering the Art of Manifestation
Photo by Samuel Clara on Unsplash

1. I firmly believe that our thoughts hold the key to achieving power and success in the world. Everything starts with our thoughts. Your words shape your reality, and where you are today is, in part, a reflection of what you've been telling yourself. Think of words as seeds; when you speak them, you breathe life into what you're saying. Keep saying something, and it can eventually become your reality, whether you're aware of it or not. In essence, you're prophesying your future. This is especially powerful when you're affirming positive statements like "I'm blessed," "I'm strong," "I will accomplish my dreams," or "I'm breaking free from debt." It's not merely about being positive; you're prophesying victory, success, and new levels. Your life will follow the direction set by your words. Sadly, many people inadvertently prophesy the opposite. Saying things like "I never catch any breaks," "I'll never get back in shape," "Business is slow," or "I'll probably get laid off," they unknowingly foretell defeat. It's as if they're summoning misfortune, mediocrity, and scarcity. You can't speak defeat and expect victory. You can't complain of lack, insufficiency, and being unable to afford something, and then hope for abundance. If your language is impoverished, your life will reflect it. If you're dissatisfied with what you're experiencing, start sowing different seeds.

2. To initiate change, the first step is to become aware of your subconscious thoughts and automatic behaviors. Pay attention to the emotions that tether you to the past. Once you gain full consciousness of these hidden states of mind and body, they won't easily slip past your awareness again. Familiarize yourself with your old self, so you don't revert to it. Begin thinking about new ways of being, defined by a vision, and plan your actions accordingly. Rehearse these actions in your mind repeatedly. As you do this, you'll become acquainted with this new state of mind. The process of change entails unlearning and relearning, breaking old habits, and reinventing yourself. You'll need to let go of emotions stored in your body and recondition it to align with your new mindset. It's like moving from your past to your future, replacing your old mind with a new one. This process might feel unfamiliar and uncomfortable at first, but if you persist and invest in your future rather than dwell on the past, it will gradually become more natural. Unexpectedly, something remarkable will happen in your life. When that occurs, take note of what you did internally to manifest it. This is human empowerment, and it's available to everyone.

3. Sometimes, when people struggle to make changes, it's not due to their environment or habits but rather their beliefs and values. For example, someone may not commit to reading daily because they don't value it. Some won't change their behavior, even if they learn the step-by-step process to remember names, because they don't believe they can. All behavior is driven by belief. To change a behavior, you must first adopt a belief that supports it. However, it may feel like you're faking it initially. To overcome this, focus on experiences that challenge your existing beliefs. For instance, Roger Bannister's ability to break the four-minute mile barrier was a result of a change in belief. Before that, people thought it was impossible. Similarly, your beliefs shape your reality. Embrace the identity of your desired self, the superhero version, and you'll find that resources matter less than your internal ones. To start, become aware of the different voices within you, differentiating between them, and making better decisions based on this awareness is crucial.

4. Our thoughts are the foundation of our lives. The saying "As you think, so shall you be" encapsulates this truth. This ancient proverb emphasizes that what we think about is what expands in our lives. Therefore, we must be mindful of our thoughts, ensuring they align with what we want to manifest. Avoid dwelling on thoughts that you wouldn't want to become your reality.

5. We all have that inner voice that sometimes doubts our ability to achieve our goals. It's crucial to train a new, more empowering inner voice. One effective method is through incantations. Unlike mere affirmations, incantations involve not just speaking but also embodying what you say with intensity and repetition. By doing this, you reprogram your subconscious mind to support your goals. For instance, I began doing incantations at the age of 17, even when I was facing numerous challenges, including financial limitations and self-doubt. Through these incantations, I was able to create a mindset of abundance and certainty, which ultimately led to a significant increase in my income.

advicesuccessself helphealinghappinessgoalscelebrities

About the Creator

gina dela cruz

With a lifelong love for the written word, I've been on a remarkable journey as a writer, and I'm thrilled to share my experiences and insights with you.

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