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Follow your passion

A short story of a young girl who followed her passion

By Ses yohaPublished 8 months ago 3 min read
Follow your passion
Photo by Kenny Eliason on Unsplash

Once upon a time in a small village, there lived a young girl named Lily. Lily had a remarkable talent for painting, and her heart brimmed with passion for art. However, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thompson, believed that a stable and secure job was more important than following her dreams.

Lily's days were filled with mundane tasks and aching longing. One day, as she sat under a sprawling oak tree, she discovered a weathered journal hidden beneath a pile of fallen leaves. The journal belonged to an old artist who had once lived in the village.

In the journal, Lily found an entry that caught her attention. It read, "Follow your passion, for that is where true happiness lies." Inspired by these words, Lily made a bold decision. She would embark on a journey to find her true calling and pursue her love for art.

Leaving her village behind, Lily traveled to bustling cities, seeking opportunities to showcase her talent. Along the way, she encountered countless challenges and rejections. But she refused to give up, reminding herself of the old artist's words.

Finally, in a renowned art gallery, Lily's artwork caught the eye of a famous curator. Impressed by her unique style, the curator offered her a chance to exhibit her paintings. The news spread like wildfire, and people flocked to witness Lily's extraordinary talent.

Lily's paintings mesmerized the audience, evoking emotions and stirring hearts. Her artwork told stories of dreams, courage, and the pursuit of passion. Through her art, Lily not only found her calling but also inspired others to follow their own dreams.

As she stood before her paintings, Lily realized that the old artist's journal and the curator's recognition were not mere coincidences. They were signs that she was on the right path. From that day forward, Lily vowed to never let anyone or anything extinguish the fire of her passion.

And so, the story of Lily, the girl who followed her passion, became a legend in the village. It served as a reminder to all who heard it that embracing one's true calling brings joy, fulfillment, and a life painted with the vibrant colors of happiness.

The story of Lily conveys several important moral lessons:

1. Follow Your Passion: The central message of the story is to follow your passion and pursue what truly makes you happy. Lily's decision to follow her love for art ultimately leads to her finding happiness, fulfillment and success.

2. Resilience in the Face of Challenges: The story shows that the path to realizing one's dreams may be filled with challenges and rejections, but perseverance and determination can overcome these obstacles.

3. Inspiration to Others: Lily's journey not only fulfills her but also inspires others to follow their dreams. It highlights the positive impact that pursuing one's passion can have on both the individual and the community.

4. Trust in Signs and Intuition: The story suggests that sometimes, unexpected encounters or messages (like finding the old artist's journal) can serve as signs guiding us toward our true calling. Trusting one's intuition and paying attention to such signs can be valuable.

5. Don't Let Others Quench Your Passion: Lily's parents initially discouraged her from pursuing her passion, but she remained steadfast. The story teaches us not to let others extinguish our passions or dictate our life choices.

Overall, the story emphasizes the importance of following your heart, staying resilient in the face of adversity, and believing in the transformative power of pursuing your true calling.

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