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A deeper love for myself

By Christal SeawrightPublished 9 months ago 3 min read

In the gentle hush of a quiet evening, I embarked on a journey that would forever change my perception of love. It wasn't a journey through distant lands or along winding roads; rather, it was a voyage within myself, to the depths of my heart and soul.

For so long, I had been my own harshest critic. I would scrutinize every flaw, every mistake, as if they were the defining features of who I was. But one day, as I gazed into the mirror, something shifted. Instead of seeing imperfections, I saw resilience and strength. The lines on my face told stories of battles fought and victories won. The scars were not blemishes, but rather badges of honor earned through life's challenges.

It was as if a veil had been lifted, revealing a truth I had long ignored: I was worthy of my own love. And so, my journey of falling in love with myself began.

I started with small acts of kindness. I treated myself to moments of solitude, allowing myself the space to reflect and rejuvenate. I spoke to myself with kindness, embracing my mistakes as opportunities for growth. With every step, the love I had denied myself for so long began to bloom like a fragile flower, gaining strength and vibrancy.

As I embraced my passions and pursued the things that brought me joy, I discovered the beauty of my own company. I found solace in the quiet moments, and a newfound appreciation for the intricate tapestry that made up my being. I learned to forgive myself for the times I had faltered and to celebrate the victories, no matter how small.

With time, I realized that the journey of self-love wasn't about becoming self-absorbed, but rather about becoming self-aware. It was about acknowledging my worth and treating myself with the same kindness and compassion I would extend to a dear friend.

And as the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, the love affair with myself deepened. It was a love that wasn't fleeting or conditional; it was a love that transcended the boundaries of doubt and fear. I began to see myself through eyes of compassion, and in doing so, I discovered a reservoir of strength and resilience that had always been there, waiting to be recognized.

Falling in love with myself became a journey of self-discovery, acceptance, and growth. It was a love story that didn't involve another person, but rather a deep connection with the person I had been all along. And as I stood before the mirror once again, I smiled not just at the reflection, but at the journey that had led me to this moment of self-love and self-acceptance.

In the quiet moments of introspection, I've come to understand that the most profound love story of all is the one we create within ourselves. The journey of falling in love with who we are is a path paved with self-discovery, kindness, and acceptance. It's a journey that requires patience and courage, as we navigate the labyrinth of our own thoughts, emotions, and experiences.

This journey isn't about arrogance or narcissism; it's about recognizing our inherent worth and embracing our uniqueness. It's about learning to hold our own hand through life's ups and downs, just as we would for a cherished friend. It's about acknowledging that we are worthy of the same love and compassion we so readily offer to others.

Falling in love with oneself is a transformative process that reshapes our relationship with the world. As we stand tall in the embrace of self-love, our interactions with others become richer, our boundaries become clearer, and our capacity to give and receive love deepens. It's a love that radiates from within, influencing every aspect of our lives.

So, as I reflect on the journey of self-discovery and self-love, I realize that it's a lifelong endeavor. It's a commitment to continually nurture and cultivate the bond we have with ourselves. It's a promise to honor our dreams, forgive our mistakes, and embrace our vulnerabilities. It's a celebration of the beautiful, complex, and ever-evolving person we are becoming.

In this conclusion, I find not an ending, but a new beginning. A beginning where self-love guides my choices, where self-acceptance empowers my growth, and where self-compassion fuels my journey forward. It's a journey that I embrace with an open heart, knowing that the love story I've written with myself is one that will continue to unfold with each passing day.

goalsself helphealinghappinessadvice

About the Creator

Christal Seawright

Passion for writing anything from creative to research type articles on a broad range of topics such as Mysteries of the world to gardening in small spaces. Loving life and the journey it has and is taking me on.

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