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Embracing Digital Minimalism: Redefining Screen Time for a More Fulfilling Life

Now get into the real social world and socialize on social media..

By Oğuz KaraçamPublished 10 months ago 4 min read

Over the past 30 years, with the advancement of internet and information technologies, screen time has escalated to the point that it makes us forget we even have eyelids, spending a significant amount of time in front of screens. Whether eating, driving, working in the office, or walking on the street, we reflexively grab our phones for a quick glance at the screen, even if it's just for a second. Mobile and computer games also contribute significantly to the prolongation of screen time. Moreover, social media applications, which trigger dopamine release without much effort, can easily top the list. These devices have made us so dependent that setting them aside to experience the real world, increase our productivity, and boost our creativity seems like a daunting task.

By embracing the philosophy of digital minimalism, we can feel mentally and physically healthier, happier, and more energized. If you've been conducting such research, you might have already sensed that some things have gone too far. Distance from devices like phones, which have become an integral part of us, can bring us closer to our true selves.

1. Eliminate Unnecessary Applications

Deleting unnecessary apps from your phone and computer reduces your screen time and ensures that these technological devices remain simple, preventing you from wasting time needlessly.

By doing this, you can use these devices only when you genuinely need them, thus enhancing the benefits you derive from technology. Your focus will improve, and you'll have more energy to spend quality time with loved ones and devote yourself more to the real world. Managing your time effectively can positively impact your performance in both work and creativity.

2. Cultivate Hobbies

Having a hobby will keep your mind engaged, increasing the likelihood of staying away from the screen. Through your hobbies, you can acquire new skills, such as learning a new language, developing a craft, or even gaining knowledge in a new profession that could take you further. As you effectively manage your time, your screen time will decrease, and instead of mindlessly scrolling through social media, you'll be engaged in activities related to your hobby or new profession, generating creative ideas. This can lead to a sense of fulfillment from engaging in real work, allowing you to approach the real world more positively, free from the negative effects of social media.

3. Set Time Limits

Instead of using your phone right before bedtime, consider putting it aside one hour before going to bed. During this time, you can read a book, practice yoga, or engage in meditation to keep your mind alert. Upon returning home, challenge yourself to stay away from the screen for one hour. Instead of being engrossed in your phone or screen when with your loved ones, strive to communicate and be present. We are social beings in the real world. Of course, we will continue to benefit from technology and look at the screen when necessary. These time limits can reduce your screen time and increase the benefits you derive from technology.

For instance, when you wonder about the time, consider looking at your wristwatch or wall clock instead of your phone.

4. Identify Your Excesses

Review and analyze the apps or habits that lead to prolonged screen time. It could be games, social media, movies, or TV series that don't provide any real value to you. Identify these excesses and set boundaries. You might also be overindulging by reading unnecessary notifications. By turning off notifications, you can avoid excessive distractions. Your close friends, colleagues, or superiors can still reach you in urgent situations, as your phone will ring when they try to contact you. As a result, you can reduce unnecessary notifications and messages, allowing others to reach you when truly necessary, thus decreasing your screen time.

5. Be Antisocial On Social Media

When on vacation, instead of immediately taking selfies and uploading pictures of natural beauty to social media, consider setting aside your devices throughout the holiday to truly savor the historical or geographical wonders of the destination. If you're in a beach resort, immerse yourself in the sea and enjoy swimming to the fullest. When dining at a restaurant with your loved ones, relish the meal and their company. By cherishing the moment with your loved ones, you can stay away from the screen and maintain healthy communication with them.

6. Finally

In today's world, where we find ourselves deeply embedded in technological devices, sometimes out of necessity, completely eliminating screen time is not feasible, of course. However, by embracing the philosophy of digital minimalism, we can minimize it to a near-zero level. By efficiently utilizing the benefits of technology while also appreciating the wonders of our colorful world beyond those 6-inch screens, we can embark on profound explorations. Whether it's taking selfies in front of natural beauties to upload on social media and missing the true essence of the moment or fixating on a few pixels to repeatedly view the same scenery, the choice is ultimately yours.

successsocial mediaself helphow tohealinghappiness

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  • Aadi Malik10 months ago


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