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Ed Mylett's Ultimate Advice to Students


By Ebrahim ElgazarPublished about a year ago 7 min read

For people that feel like they're wasting their time they're not getting the results they want, What is one thing that they could be doing right now that would turn things around for them? I think one of the things is the way that we approach time this is something that almost no one talks about anymore so.

I feel like you may be behind you may actually be behind your destiny right now like maybe you're not on Pace in fact I think most people watching this listening will say I am behind on achieving my destiny, I'm not exactly sure what it is but I feel like it's slipping, I feel like I'm behind so you better figure out time differently and you can bend and manipulate time to your advantage and so I about 25 years ago went I'm not the most talented I'm not the smartest and I'm really not I don't come from you know a whole track record of success right I don't have the perfect upbringing how in the world am I going to win, I got to do things other people aren't willing to do and I got to fix the way I look at time the most stupid Antiquated ridiculous concept on planet Earth today very well may be that a day is 24 hours.

it's so stupid it's the dumbest thing ever 24-hour days were contrived when there were no cars there was no electricity if I wanted to get you a message I had to write something down if I could send it on a horseback hope you get it that's insane never mind the internet so it used to take hours days weeks months years to do can be done now in a millisecond in the internet or on our smartphones yet we measure the time the same way that guy did that's bananas that is so stupid and so my days now are from 6 a.m. to noon, that's a day it's six hours and in that day some days you just chill but in that day, I'm gonna get the amount of productivity Faith working out fitness money business you name it in that day we've all had a morning

Where we go I got more done this morning I have in weeks well why can't you do that every morning so I measure time I've compressed and condensed time I bent it my day is 6 a.m. to noon and I'm not crazy you're crazy for thinking it takes 24 hours just like some dude in a cave did 300 years ago and it's unfair that people have taught you this my second day starts at noon and goes till 6 p.m. that's day two but what the cool thing is at the end of day one this clock goes off about noon every day bro and goes what did I just get done what didn't I do what do I need to be accountable

For what do I need to double my efforts just like you do at the end of most days right and then the next day is 6 p.m. to midnight and some of those are just fun dates Sundays I chill right but some days they're really super productive what I've done now is I have changed a manipulated time I now get 21 days a week stack that up over a month I'm gonna kick your butt stack it up over a year your toast stack it up over five years my entire life is different than it would have been otherwise and if you do this for about 90 of your traditional days that you think are you will come back to me and go that profoundly impacted my life and here's the other thing that happens the world responds to you differently when you value your time like that what is precious is valuable that's why a diamond or this watch is way more expensive than the piece of paper that's written down there because it's more scarce when your time when you interact with the world is slightly more scarce they respond to you as if you're more valuable to get more accountability more productivity more fun more joy and the world flips its response to you all of a sudden you become more valuable and precious to people when your time is different and you'll get thousands more days in your life and live a much more Blissful and happy life than the person only gets 24 hours building self-confidence is the process of keeping the promises you make to yourself.

If you lack self-confidence you've got a relationship and reputation with yourself that's not very favorable but in life as you know we don't get like our goal we get about 25 of our goals but we ultimately always get our standards long term you will get your standards so the question becomes what's the standard need to be then and that standard needs to be you keep the promises you make to yourself and one more so if you're going to do 30 minutes on the treadmill every day you don't do 30 minutes you do the 30 minutes you do one more you're going to make 10 contacts in a day you don't make 10 contacts in a day you do the 10 contacts and you make one more so you start stacking up mathematically all of these one more you've just done more so you're better but you've changed the standard of your life and you've built this superhuman type self-confidence that I normally do what I say I'm going to do I do one more than I'm saying I'm going to do and that's something almost nobody's willing to do so I'm going to get things almost nobody's going to get so that's one thing initially everybody can do this is something that if we could train ourselves to do our entire lives would change which is that do the inconvenient or difficult thing in your day or in your life human nature is to avoid that you talk you call it being lazy but it's just to avoid the inconvenience Napoleon Hill says and Think and Grow Rich which I love he says on the other type of temporary pain you are introduced to your other self and that other self produces another life so what we have to change I think to some extent is our relationship with pain.

I'm willing to pursue pain I'm willing to pursue discomfort and do the inconvenient thing because on the other side of that I have extended my capacity I've literally changed Who I Am by getting on the other side of that when you find a family or a person that's happy and successful or either one somewhere back in their lineage they weren't that family wasn't and then the one shows up the one and that one changes that family forever it changes the way they live the way the world treats them the way they think they're the Neo they're the one in their family and in my family I'm the one I'm the one I didn't like it I didn't hope for it I fought for it and if you're listening to this or watching it why don't you consider the fact that potentially maybe you're the one and the fact that you don't think you are or that you're not qualified to be the one or don't have the background or the skills or the confidence probably makes you the one because that was me you're listening to this or watching it stop discounting yourself stop carrying these bags of your life of the things you're embarrassed or ashamed of or that you think are insignificant that don't amount to anything those are the things you precious you that could change another precious human being's life in a moment where they need you the most.

If you don't believe you're qualified if you don't believe you can do it you're gonna miss those moments in your life and your entire existence here wasn't what it was supposed to be I was with Kobe the week before he passed away I wonder if someone were to Whispering Colby when he got in the car today six more days how would that week maybe have been different for him what would he have said who would he have loved who would he have reached out to what would have mattered to him about the Saturday before Kobe more day see it hits us when I say that and there's a whisper happening that you can't hear we forget we're gonna die Napoleon Hill says begin with the end in mind what if you do that with your life what if you began with the end of your life and mind and worked it backwards see when we begin to distill downs and we realize yeah there's a power to one more because they're not promised how many we have and there's a power and there's a blessing that you get one more in your life have another day to change their life they have another opportunity to do one more they have another opportunity to make their family proud of them they still have more time they don't just have one more day probably to be the one in their family life is beautiful it's precious and sometimes we only have an appreciation for it in its absence sometimes we only have an appreciation for the power of the one Moors or the people in our lives when we imagine their absence and so I would just ask everybody to consider that.

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Ebrahim Elgazar

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    Ebrahim ElgazarWritten by Ebrahim Elgazar

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