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Don’t Look for Answers Where They Are Supposed to Be

Look for Them Where They Are

By W.T. HamiltonPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Don’t Look for Answers Where They Are Supposed to Be
Photo by Christin Hume on Unsplash

It's easy to assume that we know everything, or that we know exactly where to find the information we're looking for. However, it's often when we assume we have the answer that we're most likely to be disappointed. Have you ever read an article or visited a landing page that promised to provide the missing piece of the puzzle, only to find out that it was just trying to sell you something?

Most of us already know what we want to achieve; the real challenge is figuring out how to get there. How can we manifest our dreams and desires? How can we stay positive and motivated on our journey? How can we establish a winning routine?

These are the types of questions we should be focusing on. By doing so, we can find the answers where they truly are, instead of where we assume they should be.

Don’t Look for Answers Where They Are Supposed to Be

Personally, I've found that the most perplexing problems are often solved when I stop actively seeking the answer. I can search Google, read articles, and watch videos, but they usually only provide the "what," not the "how." It's only when I let go of the question that the answer presents itself, sometimes in unexpected ways.

For example, when my partner and I were trying to promote our new coaching program, "Elevate Your Success," we were struggling to find the right approach. We contacted landing page sites, watched YouTube videos, and read marketing blogs, but nothing seemed to help us drive traffic to our program.

A day or two later, I received an email from Selfgrowth offering a free PDF download on finding clients in "hotspots." Although it wasn't directly applicable to our online promotion, it was helpful for one-on-one coaching. The very next day, my partner downloaded a PDF training that was exactly what we had been looking for. It turned out that the coach who created the training was the same one who had provided the PDF I had downloaded earlier.

Look for Them Where They Are

By exploring alternative avenues and being open to unexpected opportunities, we found the answer where we least expected it. This is just one example of how we can bring the answers we need to achieve our goals.

The universe works in mysterious ways, delivering our requests through unexpected opportunities. Success comes from recognizing these opportunities and being curious enough to explore them. I've learned that I can always find a solution to any problem, as long as I'm open to where the answer may come from. The path to success is rarely a straight and direct road, but by being open-minded and curious, we can find the solution we need.

So the next time you're struggling to find an answer, remember that it may be hidden behind an unrelated breadcrumb. Stay open to unexpected opportunities, and don't limit yourself to where you think the solution should come from.

Thank You!

Firstly, I want to express my gratitude to you for taking the time to read my blog. I hope that you found the tips and strategies helpful. Please let me know, comment below and share what has worked for you. By sharing, together we can help others learn and grow!

Let Me Ask You This

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About the Creator

W.T. Hamilton

W.T. Hamilton is a mutiple time, award winning author, entrepreneur and mindset coach specializing in helping people turn their dreams into awesome products and services.

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  • W.T. Hamilton (Author)about a year ago

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