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Breaking Bottles of Good and Expensive Wine: A Costly Lesson in Care and Caution

A Best Life's Lesson About Care and Caution

By News BucksPublished 12 months ago 3 min read
Photo by Rahib Yaqubov:

Breaking Bottles of Good and Expensive Wine: A Costly Lesson in Care and Caution

There's something alluring about a bottle of good and expensive wine. The anticipation of opening it, savoring its exquisite flavors, and sharing it with friends can be a delightful experience. However, mishaps happen, and sometimes these precious bottles meet an unfortunate fate by breaking. In this article, we'll explore the importance of handling wine bottles with care and offer tips to prevent such costly accidents.

1. Understand the Value:

Before handling any bottle of good and expensive wine, it's crucial to acknowledge its value beyond the monetary aspect. These wines often represent years of meticulous craftsmanship, aging, and dedication from winemakers. Recognizing the effort and artistry behind each bottle can instill a sense of responsibility in handling them.

2. Maintain Proper Storage Conditions:

One of the primary factors that contribute to the fragility of wine bottles is improper storage. Ensure that your wine is stored in a stable environment with consistent temperature and humidity levels. Sudden fluctuations in temperature or exposure to extreme heat or cold can weaken the glass and increase the risk of breakage.

3. Handle Bottles with Care:

When handling a bottle of good and expensive wine, always exercise caution. Hold the bottle by the base, avoiding contact with the neck or punt (the indentation at the bottom). The neck is more vulnerable to damage, and mishandling the punt can compromise the integrity of the bottle.

4. Avoid Vibrations and Sudden Movements:

Minimize exposure to vibrations and sudden movements that can cause bottles to collide or tip over. Gentle handling and smooth movements are essential when transporting or moving bottles of wine. Be mindful of the surroundings and avoid situations where the bottles may be jostled or subject to impact.

5. Use Appropriate Wine Tools:

Invest in high-quality wine tools, such as a reliable corkscrew and a decanter. A sturdy corkscrew with a Teflon-coated worm ensures a smooth extraction of the cork without damaging it or the bottle. When using a decanter, choose one with a wide base for stability and pour wine slowly and steadily to avoid spills or mishaps.

6. Inspect Bottles Before Opening:

Before opening a bottle of good and expensive wine, carefully inspect it for any visible signs of damage or flaws. Check for cracks, chips, or compromised seals that might indicate potential breakage risks. If you notice any issues, it's best to consult a professional or consider replacing the bottle to prevent accidents.

7. Plan Ahead for Opening:

When the time comes to open a bottle, make sure you are prepared. Choose an appropriate location with ample space to maneuver safely. Clear the area of any potential hazards or obstructions. Have a clean, dry cloth on hand to wipe away any condensation or spills that may occur during the opening process.

8. Control the Opening Process:

When removing the cork, do so slowly and with controlled force. Steadily twist and pull the cork to avoid sudden, forceful popping that can lead to the bottle breaking. Keep your hand securely on the cork and maintain a firm grip on the bottle to prevent it from slipping or being knocked over accidentally.

9. Pour with Precision:

When pouring the wine, be deliberate and precise. Tilt the bottle slightly and pour slowly to avoid excessive splashing or overfilling the glass. Control the flow and maintain a steady hand to prevent accidents that can result in breakage or wasted wine.

10. Learn from Mistakes:

Even with the utmost care, accidents can still occur. If a bottle of good and expensive wine does break, it's essential to reflect on the incident and learn from it. Assess what went wrong and identify areas for improvement in your handling techniques. Use the experience as a reminder to exercise greater caution and care in the future.


Breaking a bottle of good and expensive wine can be a costly and disheartening experience. However, by understanding the value of these wines, handling them with care, and following proper procedures, you can minimize the risk of accidents. Treat each bottle as a precious treasure and appreciate the craftsmanship that went into creating it. By taking the necessary precautions, you can ensure that your wine experiences are filled with joy and delight, rather than disappointment and regret.

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News Bucks

Global News Reporter

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