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About empty mind

Master said: Empty your mind to understand Zen

By Fly AlonePublished 4 months ago 3 min read
About empty mind
Photo by Sean Stratton on Unsplash

Once upon a time, in an old-world village situated between hills and whispering pines. There lived a wise teacher named Anand. The village was a portrait lush green with gold crops. There was an eternal tranquility and constant charm for all seasons. It was autumn and the crunchy air carried the scent of fallen leaves, creating a symphony of rustling whispers.

One day, teacher Anand found himself yearning for a deeper understanding of Zen, the elusive philosophy that had intrigued him for years. Being so determined to unravel its secrets, he embarked on a journey to seek the guidance of a renowned Zen master named Master Ramji.

The meeting took place in a serene garden, adorned with blossoming and a gentle stream. Master Ramji, with his weathered face and eyes that held the wisdom of ages, welcomed the teacher with a nod. They sat on straw mats beneath a blooming Buddha tree, a moment suspended in time.

"Master I've come seeking the essence of Zen," teacher Anand told the reason for the visit, his voice echoing in the tranquility of the garden.

Master Ramji responded not with words, but with a simple gesture. He poured a cup of steaming tea, the fragrant aroma mingling with the delicate scent. The teacher watched as the tea reached the brim, yet Master Ramji continued to pour.

"Why do you keep pouring when the cup is full?" the teacher questioned, unable to hide his impatience.

"I just want to point out to you," the master said quietly, "that you are similarly attempting to understand Zen while your mind is full and it has no more space to be filled with something. First, empty your mind of preconceptions before you attempt to understand Zen."

The teacher was perplexed but listened intently. Master Ramji continued, "If your mind is empty, it is always ready for anything. It is open to everything. In the beginner's mind, there are many possibilities; in the expert's mind, there are few."

As the master spoke, the teacher realized the depth of the lesson. Life, Master Ramji explained, was often obscured by the clutter of preconceptions. The Teacher saw a reflection of his mind in the overflowing cup – full, and yet, craving more.

"In your life, we all are full of preconceptions all the time," Master Ramji continued. "We are constantly judging and trying to relate things, actions, and disasters to one another. But this is wrong. Our minds must be empty. We should not have any preconceptions, and we should take every event, every word, every feeling as what it is."

With these words, the teacher felt a shift within him. The garden seemed to come alive with newfound clarity. Master Ramji's teachings resonated like the rustling leaves, echoing the wisdom of the ages.

"Keep an empty mind, and your heart will always be full," the master concluded.

The Teacher left the garden with a lighter heart and a mind emptied of preoccupied preconceptions. As he journeyed back to the village, he carried the lessons of the Zen master with him. He felt a shift in his inside as autumn turned to winter; he embraced the simplicity of an empty mind, finding fulfillment in the vast expanse of possibilities that lay ahead.

And so, in the village where time moved like a tranquil river, the story of Anand and Master Koji became a whispered tale, a reminder to all that an only empty mind can be the key to a heart forever full.

Hope you have enjoyed the story. Be blessed with the wisdom of an empty mind. Have a good day.

self helpsuccesshealinghappinessadvice

About the Creator

Fly Alone

Hello! I am a poet and writer. I write whatever comes in my mind.

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