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A Look Into The Unknown

Reflections In The Mirror

By Freddie's Lost TreasuresPublished 11 months ago 3 min read

What is retirement and how do you define it? Does it mean that you cannot work in the strictest sense of terms? Most people in the world, they take a job out high school, college, graduate school, trade school, etc., and attempt to stick to it for a lifetime. Once they reach their retirement age, they retire and live the rest of their life. I grew up seeing troves of people at my family’s businesses and they all had the same or similar story when it came to the generalization of working then retirement, usually at the age of 65+. I say, good for them. If they could not see the light of day, and that there was more to life than keeping a job until the point their mobility was such that they couldn’t physically enjoy life, then good for them. I think that light at the end of the tunnel will come quick and swift for them. If on the other hand, someone has the capability to break out of the lifetime working trance, they might just have a chance at seeing what life has to offer before it is swiftly out of reach.

You have heard me say it before, how much is enough? People never see outside their own box. They never realize that by maybe only working 10 years instead of 30+, and using their savings, they may be able to live a luxurious life abroad. Pick a country, do it at random and just go. You don’t need to listen to reviews, buy a tour guide, or invest in timeshares, just get up and go, not knowing what to expect. I have done this a multitude of times now and every time I do, I come away with something I didn’t know previously and I think, it makes me a more well-rounded person and knowledgeable to boot. In addition, I establish acquaintances/friendships that make me satisfied. Nothing is forced unto me I do not want, ever.

When life puts you into a predicament or a situation whereby someone is forcing you to do something you are not generally comfortable with, have the strength to walk away or just stop communicating, it’s that simple. Sure, hearts will be broken, but this person or people do not have your best interest at heart and your naiveté may get the best of you with an empty wallet at the conclusion of the night. So, break the ties and move on. Every person, culture, and country has their respective limits and you should know yours.

Being a Las Vegas native, I have seen people rise up and crash. I have also seen some who are smart enough to leave on top and make a very satisfying life for themselves, away from the so-called scene. There is no need to impress others with fancy cars, homes or jewelry. The superficial likes of which, Las Vegas and other major metropolitan areas possess. You can never get away from the fakeness until you really try to make a change. We grace this earth for a short period of time. Make your life, whereby you will be satisfied and full. Grow your own food, get a plot of land and begin your journey to the next chapter in your life. You will never look back onto your life wondering how life would be if you did a certain thing or what if I did this or that. You will be glad you took the leap and you will get that special feeling of having a sense of pride that will forever fill your heart.


Original story (created by me) published on Any changes and/or updates that have been added on are for content consumption purposes.

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About the Creator

Freddie's Lost Treasures

A traveler in search of lost and hidden treasures. I have assembled a lifelong learning of being in the business world and decided to take a leap to see what is outside the confines of brick and mortar and left the 9 to 5 behind.

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