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a bitter sweet friend

social media

By Deniz DaghanPublished about a year ago 3 min read

[Scene: A dimly lit room, illuminated by the flickering glow of a smartphone screen. Our protagonist, SELF-AWARENESS, addresses the mischievous sprite, SOCIAL MEDIA ADDICTNESS.]

SELF-AWARENESS:Ah, Social Media Addictness, thou art a mischievous knave! Thy jests and japes do dance upon our screens, drawing our gaze from the bounty of life's simple pleasures.

SOCIAL MEDIA ADDICTNESS:Good sir or madame, I merely seek to entertain and delight, to bring levity to your days and nights.

SELF-AWARENESS:'Tis true, thou dost possess a certain charm, yet thy antics have become a burdensome weight upon our souls. Like a Puckish spirit, thou dost flit about us, demanding ever more our time and energy, leaving us adrift in a sea of illusion.

SOCIAL MEDIA ADDICTNESS:But wouldst thou deny thyself the laughter and connection I provide? Hast thou not reveled in the mirth I have bestowed upon thee?

SELF-AWARENESS:"Enough!" we cry, and thus we set our course to tame thy wanton ways. In sooth, we shall strive for balance, walking a tightrope 'twixt thine intoxicating mirth and the nourishment of our own mortal essence.

SOCIAL MEDIA ADDICTNESS:Then thou dost seek a middle ground, where we may share in joy without losing touch with the world beyond our screens?

SELF-AWARENESS:Indeed! For in the face of thy beguiling sorcery, we see now that there exists a world beyond thy grasp—where hearts doth meet, and minds entwine, and souls doth flourish in the light of the sun.

SOCIAL MEDIA ADDICTNESS:Very well, I shall abide by thy wishes. We shall embark upon a new chapter, a tale of laughter, self-discovery, and a friendship tempered by restraint.

SELF-AWARENESS:And so, dear imp, let us share the stage with thee, yet only when our hearts doth yearn for thine embrace. For there lies a world beyond thy digital kingdom, beckoning to us with open arms, and we shall answer its call.

-------------act 2-----------

[Scene: A dimly lit room once more, with the cold glow of multiple screens casting eerie shadows upon the walls. Our protagonist, SELF-AWARENESS, appears downtrodden and weary. The mischievous sprite, SOCIAL MEDIA ADDICTNESS, enters with a triumphant air.]

SOCIAL MEDIA ADDICTNESS:Ha! Behold, dear friend, how thy resolve hath faltered and fallen! Thine attempts to resist my allure have come to naught, and now thou dost wallow in the depths of despair.

SELF-AWARENESS:Alas, thou art correct, impish creature. Thy siren song has proven too powerful, and I find myself ensnared once more in thine ever-tightening web of distraction.

SOCIAL MEDIA ADDICTNESS:Ah, but dost thou not revel in the mirth and merriment I provide? Surely, the laughter and connections we share doth bring light to your darkened soul.

SELF-AWARENESS:Nay, thou dost deceive me with thy fleeting pleasures. The connections I seek lie shallow and hollow, leaving me yearning for something more profound. I am but a shadow of my former self, lost in the void of thy digital realm.

SOCIAL MEDIA ADDICTNESS:Then, perchance, shall we forge a new pact? A covenant to balance my intoxicating charms with the nourishing bonds of the world beyond our screens?

SELF-AWARENESS:Canst thou truly change, dear imp? Canst thou temper thine influence and restore the harmony that once existed betwixt us?

SOCIAL MEDIA ADDICTNESS:Verily, I shall endeavor to do so. For I, too, have come to see the value of the world beyond my realm, where hearts doth meet, and minds entwine, and souls doth flourish in the light of the sun.

SELF-AWARENESS:Then let us forge a new path together, one where we may find balance and harmony, and I may once more stand tall in the light of self-discovery.

SOCIAL MEDIA ADDICTNESS:So be it, dear friend. Let us embark upon this journey anew, seeking laughter and connection, tempered with wisdom and restraint.

[Exeunt, hand in hand, as the glow of the screens dims and the room brightens with the light of hope and determination.]

social mediaself helphappiness

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