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8 Skin Habits That Make You Look Older

Eight Bad Skincare Habits and How to Fix Them

By Tahir Mahmood KhokharPublished about a year ago 6 min read

Eight Bad Skincare Habits and How to Fix Them

You've tried every trick written in the beauty Bible. You wash your face before bedtime, apply anti-aging cream to each wrinkle, and switch skincare products so often that you're sure you've memorized every brand by heart. However, the sad truth is that nothing seems to work. Would you resort to drastic measures to make your skin smooth, soft, and radiant once again? Do you need a crazy amount of money to spend on complicated medical procedures? Hold it! What if the problem is the way you treat your skin? You're probably unaware of the bad skincare habits you've picked up over the years.

In today's article, we will discuss the most popular mistakes you need to stop making if you want to keep your skin healthy and young for a long time. We will cover each bad habit in detail and provide you with effective solutions to fix them. So, let's dive in and discover what you've been doing wrong.


1. Introduction

2. Table of Contents

3. Bad Habit 1: Using Facial Scrubs Too Often

4. Bad Habit 2: Relying Solely on Anti-Wrinkle Cream

5. Bad Habit 3: Improperly Drying Your Face

6. Bad Habit 4: Sleeping with Your Hair Down

7. Bad Habit 5: Neglecting Your Pillow and Pillowcase

8. Bad Habit 6: Ignoring Clay Masks

9. Bad Habit 7: Neglecting a Healthy Diet for Your Skin

10. Bad Habit 8: Hiding Skin Problems Instead of Solving Them

11. Conclusion

12. FAQs

Eight Bad Skincare Habits and How to Fix Them

You've probably heard the saying, "old habits die hard." When it comes to skincare, some of these habits may be doing more harm than good. In this article, we'll address eight bad skincare habits that you need to break. We'll explain why they are detrimental to your skin and provide you with practical solutions to fix them.

Bad Habit 1: Using Facial Scrubs Too Often

Facial scrubs are designed to exfoliate and cleanse your face, removing dead skin cells and revealing healthier, smoother skin. However, using facial scrubs too often can be damaging. Signs of over-exfoliation include flakiness, dryness, stinging sensations, redness, and shiny, tight, or tingly skin.

The key to proper exfoliation depends on your skin type. For normal to combination skin, exfoliating three times a week is recommended. For oily skin, five times a week is appropriate. If you have sensitive skin, limit exfoliation to once or twice a week.

Additionally, avoid facial scrubs that contain ground seeds or shells, as their sharp edges can harm your skin. Instead, opt for chemical-based facial scrubs that effectively remove dirt from your pores.

Bad Habit 2: Relying Solely on Anti-Wrinkle Cream

While anti-aging creams can help reduce fine lines, wrinkles, and age spots, they cannot eliminate wrinkles entirely. To delay the appearance of wrinkles, be proactive and moisturize your skin regularly. Dermatologists recommend using sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher daily to protect your skin from the sun's harmful rays.

Prevention is the best medicine against skin aging. Remember, a visit to a plastic surgeon is the only way to completely remove wrinkles.

Bad Habit 3: Improperly Drying Your Face

After washing your face, you may be inadvertently damaging your skin by drying it with a towel. Rubbing your face vigorously with a towel can irritate and inflame your skin, leading to pimples and forcing bacteria deep into your pores.

To properly dry your face, gently pat it with a towel and allow it to air dry. Use a special towel, preferably made of organic cotton, exclusively for your face. Remember to change it regularly to avoid bacterial growth.

Bad Habit 4: Sleeping with Your Hair Down

Your hair can accumulate dirt, grease, natural oils, and chemicals from haircare products throughout the day. When your hair touches your face while sleeping, these substances can seep into your pores, causing breakouts.

To prevent this, tie your hair loosely enough to not cover your face. Avoid using elastic bands that can damage your hair. Instead, opt for a loose ponytail using a scrunchie or wrap your hair in a silk scarf if you find it more comfortable.

Bad Habit 5: Neglecting Your Pillow and Pillowcase

Believe it or not, your pillow and pillowcase can contribute to pimples and acne. Pillowcases can accumulate grime, dirt, and sweat, leading to acne mechanica—a type of acne caused by objects or materials touching your face.

To combat this, change your pillowcase every two to three days or at least once a week. Opt for a pillowcase made from a different material if possible. Regardless of the material, make sure to launder and replace it regularly to prevent the accumulation of dirt and bacteria.

Bad Habit 6: Ignoring Clay Masks

Clay masks are often underrated as a skincare treatment. They offer numerous benefits, such as reducing blemishes, redness, inflammation, tightening the skin, minimizing acne, refining pores, removing impurities, and reducing eye bags and puffiness.

Different clay masks cater to different skin types. Kaolin clay is suitable for normal skin, Rose clay is recommended for sensitive skin, and French green clay is ideal for oily skin. Incorporating clay masks into your skincare routine can detoxify your skin and provide visible improvements.

Bad Habit 7: Neglecting a Healthy Diet for Your Skin

Eating foods that promote healthy skin is a natural and effective way to achieve a radiant complexion. Instead of relying solely on skincare products, consider adding these skin-friendly foods to your diet:

• Broccoli: Reduces swelling and skin redness after sun exposure.

• Tomatoes and Apricots: Protect against the sun's harmful UV rays and give a slight tan.

• Carrots and Peaches: Can substitute for sunbathing and provide skin benefits.

• Fatty Fish: Source of omega-3 fatty acids, which keep the skin supple and moisturized.

• Red and Yellow Bell Peppers: Help maintain firm and strong skin.

• Soy: Improves skin elasticity, keeping it smooth and healthy.

• Dark Chocolate: Thickens and hydrates the skin while acting as a sunscreen.

By incorporating these foods into your diet, you can nourish your skin from within and achieve a healthy, radiant complexion.

Bad Habit 8: Hiding Skin Problems Instead of Solving Them

If you find yourself relying on concealers all the time, it's essential to address the underlying skin problems instead of covering them up. Consult a dermatologist who can guide you towards suitable skincare treatments and solutions tailored to your specific needs.

Don't let your skin problems linger or worsen. Seek professional advice to develop an effective skincare routine and address any persistent issues.


By breaking these bad skincare habits, you can transform your skincare routine and improve the health and appearance of your skin. Remember, skincare is a long-term commitment that requires consistency and patience. Embrace healthy habits, prioritize prevention, and seek professional guidance when needed.

Investing time and effort into proper skincare practices will reward you with healthy, glowing skin that radiates beauty from within.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. Can I use facial scrubs every day?

No, using facial scrubs every day can be too harsh on your skin, especially if you have sensitive or dry skin. Excessive exfoliation can lead to flakiness, dryness, redness, and irritation. It's best to follow the recommended exfoliation frequency based on your skin type.

2. Are anti-wrinkle creams enough to eliminate wrinkles?

Anti-wrinkle creams can help reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and age spots, but they cannot eliminate wrinkles completely. To delay the onset of wrinkles, it's crucial to moisturize your skin regularly, protect it from the sun with sunscreen, and practice a comprehensive skincare routine.

3. How should I dry my face after washing?

Instead of rubbing your face with a towel, which can irritate the skin, gently pat your face with a towel and allow it to air dry. It's advisable to use a separate towel exclusively for your face and change it regularly to maintain hygiene.

4. Can clay masks benefit all skin types?

Yes, clay masks offer benefits for various skin types. Kaolin clay suits normal skin, Rose clay is gentle for sensitive skin, and French green clay helps control excess oil in oily skin. Choosing the right clay mask for your skin type can help address specific concerns and promote healthier skin.

5. How often should I change my pillowcase?

It's recommended to change your pillowcase every two to three days or at least once a week to prevent the accumulation of dirt, grime, and sweat. Regularly laundering and replacing your pillowcase helps maintain a clean sleeping environment and reduces the likelihood of acne-causing bacteria.

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Incorporating these tips and breaking bad skincare habits can have a significant impact on the health and appearance of your skin. Remember, it's never too late to start taking better care of your skin. Invest in good skincare practices, nurture your skin with nourishing ingredients, and embrace a holistic approach to achieve the smooth, soft, and radiant skin you desire.

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    TMKWritten by Tahir Mahmood Khokhar

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