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4 best stories from Andrew Tate, how to be successful!

The real world (by Cobratate)

By OnlyForKingsPublished 10 months ago 4 min read
(the picture was taken from twitter)

1. Becoming a Super Hero!

Aspire to be a superhero,

Not a normal person with a bigger house and nicer car.

You can have 10M right now but if your wife is average, no powerful brothers to call on and you’re physically weak

You’re just a rich loser, instead of a poor one.

Money is not the goal,


Aspire to be a man who can do whatever he wants, when he wants.

You want a Russian model wife who truly loves you?

Message a Russian model from your verified Instagram account, charm her, arrange a first date, get on your private jet, connections sort the visa and you GET ONE.

You want to be able to buy your mom a house?

You buy her one, fully paid for.

Someone tries to take what you have?

You DESTROY them.

Superheroes are real.

They exist.

If you aspire to live as anything else, unfollow me.


I’m reaching out to the intelligent men who understand.

There is a level of human existence that a very select few individuals get to experience.

Most people don’t believe it’s possible.


You can have EVERYTHING.

- Tate

2. Is this normal?

All humans adapt to their environment.

It is both a blessing and a curse.

"Normal" is a very powerful concept.

To me,

It's normal to be big, strong, rich, well-spoken, famous.

It's my normal.

To be anything less or more, would feel out of place.

When I was in Jail,

I made a very conscious decision to not allow it to become "normal"

I fought the natural human instinct,

Because I know just how crippling it can be.

Normal leads to acceptance,

Acceptance leads to inaction.

And only action changes lives.

Look around yourself,

What is your normal?

Is it normal for you to be poor? Weak? Alone? Stupid?

Is this your normal?

Is this what you've allowed your body and mind to be accustomed to?

You need to be very aware of what you consider normal.

Normal is where you will naturally end up.

- Tate

3. Disruption and Chaos

I am not overexaggerating the opportunity you have access to.

There’s been a glitch in the Matrix.

The perfect storm.

Unlimited money printing combined with accessibility and disruptive technology.

If you are not acting on it,

Then you are missing the great opportunity of your lifetime,

And somehow you convince yourself it’s okay to miss it.

There is a rip in space-time.

There has never been this level of class mobility.

An opportunity to set up your legacy FOR GENERATIONS.

The Matrix has a portal that ANYONE can use to escape.

I do not know how long it will last.

Will you escape in time?

- Tate

4. The Road

Every day you have a choice.

You have a choice on which road you will go down,

A choice on which future you want for yourself and everybody around you.

You get to choose what you spend your time on today.

You can continue down the plain old road you're on, spending your time as you normally do.


You can be heroic and go down an epic road.

You can meet heroes and actually have a life story which is interesting.

Every day that you make the wrong choice, more of your potential is wasted.

I am here to help you make the right decision.

I am here to tell you the truth.

I am telling you, there is no honor in poverty.

There are no good feelings when your loved one needs an expensive medical procedure and you cannot afford to pay for it.

There's no happiness when you're walking with your child, get attacked and are unable to defend yourself.

There's no "relaxing" when you're fired from your job and the bills are due as your country begins a recession.

The average man's life is miserable,

There is nothing to be proud of there.

So today, like every day, you get to make your choice again.

But this day is special.

The road you choose today is the road you must take every day for the rest of your life.


Will you force yourself down the hard brutal road to exceptionalism?

Or will you continue down the one you will naturally "feel" like taking? Stay a "normal" person. Stay a loser.

Reply to this email with your answer.

Which road are you going to take?

- Tate

successquoteshow tohappinessgoalscelebritiesadviceBrotherhoodMasculinityLifestyleInspirationHealth

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