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30 Small Things to Do to Be Happier in 30 Days

How to create more joy and happiness in your life: 30-day challenge

By Mindful Women WorldPublished 11 months ago 4 min read
30 Small Things You Can Do to Be Happier in 30 Days - source mindfulwomenworld

Welcome, Radiant Being!

In this article, we are going to explore 30 simple and powerful actions you can take to bring more joy and happiness into your life. With these tiny practices in your daily routine, you’ll create a positive shift in your mindset and experience greater overall happiness. Let’s begin this 30-day adventure:

1. Declutter Your Space: Clear out physical clutter to create a harmonious environment. Organize your space and let go of items that no longer serve you.

2. Start a Morning Routine: Create a morning routine that sets a positive tone for the rest of the day. You can add activities like meditation and stretching, and/or simply journaling your feelings and thoughts.

3. Practice Random Acts of Kindness: This one may seem weird or unusual, but it will bring you inner peace, believe me. You can make little acts of kindness on you day-to-day life, like offering a genuine compliment or helping someone. That tiny little act may be very little to you, but it can change someone's whoooole day. It's magical like that!

4. Disconnect from Technology: Separate a few minutes each day to disconnect from the digital world. Not only your phone, but your computer and TV too. No screens at all! Be mindful of the present moment, it will bring you calm and centering.

5. Start a Gratitude Journal: Take a few minutes each day to write down three things you are grateful for. With time, you can increase that list.

6. Take a Nature Walk: Immerse yourself in the beauty of nature. As you walk, breathe and notice the colors, sounds, and textures around you. Be present, feel everything.

7. Deep Breathing: Take moments throughout the day to practice deep breathing. Inhale deeply through your nose and exhale slowly through your mouth, releasing tension. Try to do that at different moments, but especially in moments of bigger stress and tension.

8. Create a Self-Care Ritual: Take some minutes for you! Take some self-care activities that nourish your mind, body, and soul, like practicing yoga, having a skin care moment or listen to some music while enjoying a cup of tea.

9. Connect with Loved Ones: Reach out to family members or friends and schedule quality time together. Maybe go out to have some coffee, or go to a nice restaurant, or simply walking can make a huge difference in your relationship and emotional state.

10. Practice Mindful Eating: Don't rush when eating... Savor each bite of your meals and pay attention to the flavors, scents, textures... hmmmm!

11. Explore your Creative Expression: Tap into your creativity through art, writing, or any form of self-expression that brings you joy!

12. Celebrate Small Victories: Don't be so hard on yourself... Acknowledge and celebrate your achievements, no matter how small they may seem. That will make your heart feel lighter.

13. Use Positive Affirmations: Repeat positive affirmations that resonate with you. You can affirm your worthiness, strength, ability to create a happy and fulfilling life... (Check our Manifestation Journal Guide for more)

14. Play with pets: take some time to play with your dog/cat. If you don’t have any, you can pet some cute dogs when walking down the street or visiting a friend.

15. Dance like nobody is watching: Start a physical activity that brings you joy, whether it’s dancing, hiking, practicing pilates, yoga, etc.

16. Learn Something New: Challenge yourself to learn a new skill or explore a topic of interest.

17. Have a Relaxation Ritual after work: Create a ritual that helps you unwind and relax, such as lighting scented candles, listening to soothing music, or practicing gentle shaking and stretching of neck and shoulders.

18. Wear comfortable clothes: You can be stylish and feel comfortable at the same time. It’s not good for you to feel smashed into clothes. Your skin needs to breathe too!

19. Practice Daily Reflection: Set aside a few minutes each evening to reflect on your day. Celebrate moments of joy, express gratitude, and identify areas for personal growth.

20. Engage in Laughter Therapy: Seek opportunities for laughter and humor throughout your day. Watch a funny cat video, a nice tv show or share a joke with a friend!

21. Create a Vision Board: Visualize your dreams and aspirations by creating a vision board. Select images, words and phrases that represent your goals and desires and display it somewhere you can see it daily to stay inspired and focused on what brings you joy.

22. Practice Mindful Social Media Detox: Disconnect from social media distractions for a few hours. You’ll notice, in a few days of this practice, how your self-confidence will improve and you social media ‘mindless scrolling’ will be reduced by tons.

23. Pamper Yourself with Self-Massage: Take a few minutes each day to give yourself a gentle massage. Use soothing essential oils or lotions and focus on areas of tension or stress, like your shoulders and legs.

24. Meditate: Take a few minutes every night to simply sit in a comfortable position and connect with yourself in silence.

25. Create a Joyful Morning Playlist: Curate a playlist of uplifting and joyful songs that resonate with you. Start your mornings by playing this playlist.

26. Practice Random Acts of Self-Kindness: Treat yourself to a relaxing bath, have your favorite dessert or spend a cozy evening with a good book. Listen to your body, it talks to you.

27. Cultivate Mindful Relationships: Bring mindfulness into your relationships by being fully present when with loved ones.

28. Show Affection: Show affection to your loved ones through hugs, kisses, and gentle touches. Physical affection releases oxytocin, the hormone of love and connection.

29. Practice Daily Positive Self-Talk: Replace self-criticism with positive self-talk. Become aware of your internal dialogue and consciously shift negative thoughts into empowering and uplifting ones.

30. Create a Bedtime Ritual: Establish a soothing bedtime ritual that prepares your mind and body for a restful sleep. You can start reading a book, practicing relaxation techniques or writing in a gratitude journal.

By incorporating these small actions into your daily life, you’ll gradually create a greater sense of happiness and well-being. But don't forget: It’s the consistency and intention behind these practices that create lasting positive changes.

Wish you all the best,


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