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10 Signs You Are An Exceptionally Charming Person

Charm is the power or quality of delighting, attracting or fascinating others. And we all know that ONE person that everybody loves to be around. They seem to have a certain magnetism that people are attracted to. Charming people can easily gain the trust of others and create a positive image of themselves. But, what is it about these people that seems so irresistible? Are you one of them? Let’s see if you exhibit any the following traits of an exceptionally charming person!

By Space OnlinePublished 11 months ago 4 min read

10 Signs You Are An Exceptionally Charming Person

Charm is the power or quality of delighting, attracting or fascinating others. And we all know that ONE person that everybody loves to be around. They seem to have a certain magnetism that people are attracted to. Charming people can easily gain the trust of others and create a positive image of themselves. But, what is it about these people that seems so irresistible? Are you one of them? Let’s see if you exhibit any the following traits of an exceptionally charming person!

Number 1 - Happy To See Others Charming people easily bond with those around them because they truly care about and appreciate other people’s company. And you, as a charming person, truly love people and you’re fascinated by the psychology of human nature! You genuinely enjoy spending time with others, not just because you are lonely or expect some something in return. You maintain eye contact, focus on what others are saying, and you listen carefully, paying close attention to their emotions.

Number 2 - Body Language Charming people don’t have to be the center of attention to show their charm; but they can express their emotions very well. As a charming person, you are very likeable! You are able to express your emotions accurately, and you can turn any boring story into a highly engaging conversation. By appropriately using gestures and facial expressions, you express the mood of your conversations. This gently fires up interest in the other person you are talking to.

Number 3 - Power of Touch Charming people are very good at reading whether or not someone is open to touch, and they use it to bond and show openness. Touching is a very powerful tool! It can help you better understand other people’s emotions. Touching bridges a connection between people, and makes them feel included and appreciated. This applies to things for example, like congratulating someone. You shake their hand or gently pat them on their shoulder or upper arm to help reinforce the sincerity of your words.

Number 4 - Good Listener Most people can’t listen at all. They just want to share their own news. And nobody wants to be with someone that talks about themselves all the time. But you, as a charming person, are very good at listening. You don’t just wait for your turn to talk, you actually listen carefully to what others are saying. You understand that you can learn something from everyone, and everything fascinates you. This also helps you learn more about a person and helps you find something in common.

Number 5 - Remember Names and Details It can be awkward walking into a conversation when someone doesn’t remember your name. It kind of distracts you from the bond you otherwise would have created. Charming and charismatic people remember names and small details, even when they’ve met someone just once, or have only known them for a short while. And by simply doing this, you make other people feel good about themselves. It makes them feel like they matter and are worthy of being remembered.

Number 6 - Mutual Understanding It’s easy to automatically look for points of disagreement rather than agreement, and while most people unconsciously do just this, charming people always seek common ground with everyone. You don't actively or unknowingly look to disagree. You look for points of agreement! Then, if it's appropriate, you gently share a different point of view. This way, you help create an outstanding conversation and get positive emotions from your conversational partner.

Number 7 - Not Afraid To Show Quirks It can be very intimidating when a person doesn’t admit to any of their flaws. It makes them seem unapproachable and unrelatable. But you, being a charming person, are not afraid to be awkward, and actually, people respect you even more for this trait. You are comfortable showing your quirks, and you’re not afraid to look silly. And being able to laugh at yourself for the sake of social bonding really sets you apart from others, in a good way!

Number 8 - Not Afraid To Lose People who have a charming personality don’t try to win at everything. On the contrary, they don’t expect anything in return for the amount of effort they put in. While some people may be, at least temporarily, impressed by the superficial, everyone sincerely likes and appreciates authenticity. You are open to admitting mistakes and failures, and you are open to talking about your weaknesses. You have no problem asking someone to teach you something, because you know that people appreciate honesty and real emotions.

Number 9 - Treat Others with Respect Charming people treat others the way they themselves want to be treated. Just think of the popular quote: "People won't remember what you said or did, they'll remember how you made them feel!" And by having such a charismatic personality, you really do know how to make others feel good about themselves. You give genuine compliments, and find ways to make each person you come in contact with, feel special.

Number 10 - Optimistic And Love Life The reason charming people seem so compelling, is because by just simply being around, they encourage others to enjoy life. As a charming person, you are genuinely interested in the world around you, and you share this intrigue with everyone you meet. You can turn ordinary moments into unforgettable times by making every moment count. Your optimism is downright infectious! When it comes down to it, being charming is all about the connections you make and the impressions you leave! What do you think about this list? Do you connect with any of these traits? Are you a charming person? Let us know in the comments below!

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Space Online

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