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What Type of Drugs can be Tested with the 6 Panel Drug Screen Test?

6 Panel Drug Screen Test processing

By 12panel nowPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

Urine is used to test drug abuse through a 6 panel drug screen test. The most common illicit drugs on this test, also known as "street drugs," which are rarely prescribed, are included, similar to the 10-panel drug test.

Drugs are eventually broken down by the body when taken. As a result, "metabolites" are released and are excreted in the urine. The urine is tested for its presence. The detection period for most drugs is similar regardless of individual metabolisms.

Metabolites of drugs are known to be highly predictable and they are the reliable indicator that the patient has recently taken those certain medications.

Since this test uses urine for testing, the result should be a lot more accurate than a blood test since drugs leave the body so much faster in urine than they do in blood.

Obtaining a urine sample is also non-invasive, painless, and, most importantly, can detect drugs for a longer period. Although it does not have a 90-day detection period, a hair test is another alternative and costs about three to four times more than a blood test.

List of Drugs to Get Tested from 6 Panel Drug Screen Test

• Amphetamine: Amphetamines stimulate the central nervous system and are potent drugs. Parkinson's Disease, ADHD, and narcolepsy are among the conditions commonly prescribed to treat. Amphetamines are detectable in urine for almost 2-4 days after use.

• Barbiturates: A class of drugs that causes calming, pain-relieving, and consciousness-loss effects, as do alcoholic drinks. CNS-stimulating drugs that is extremely powerful. The detection period of short-acting barbiturates is 1-2 days, while the detection period for long-acting barbiturates is 1-3 weeks.

• The opiates: (hydrocodone, hydromorphone, codeine, and morphine) come from the poppy plant. These substances have medicinal and recreational uses. Codeine and morphine are legal opiates, while heroin is illegal. It stays in the urine for 1-2 days with hydrocodone, 3-4 days with hydromorphone, 2-3 days with codeine, and 2-4 days with morphine.

• Cocaine: Listed as a Schedule II drug, cocaine is highly addictive and stimulative. A doctor can administer it for some basic purposes, such as local anesthesia for the surgery on the ear, eye, or throat. Cocaine can be even detected in urine up to 3-4 days after the consumption.

• THC (Marijuana): THC is hence originated from the Cannabis sativa or the Cannabis indica plant. Several forms include dried flowers, leaves, stems, and extracts. Several states have legalized it. Cannabis contains the psychoactive ingredient THC, which affects brain cells to produce the desired effect for the user. THC in urine can be detected after 1-7 days for one-time users and 10-30 days for chronic users.

• (PCP): A form of psychoactive drug that can yet cause hallucinations, PCP, or "Angel Dust," is addictive and is extra mind-altering. Dissociative drugs affect sight, sound, color, self-awareness, and the environment in unpredictable ways. You can take PCP in tablets, capsules, or colored powders. You can smoke, ingest, or snort them. Urine tests detect PCP for 7-14 days.

Approximate Duration for Drug Detection Windows

• Amphetamines - 1-4 days, depending based on type.

• THC (marijuana) - Dependent on use. The effects of a single-use can last up to seven days, but those of a daily user can last between ten and thirty days.

• Opiates (including Hydrocodone, Hydromorphone, or the Morphine) - 2-4 days.

• Phencyclidine (PCP) - 13-14 days.

What to Expect and How to Prepare?

Avoid drinking excessive amounts of fluids before the 6 panel drug screen test. The belief that high doses of fluid will reduce the chances of a positive result is incorrect. Instead, it dilutes the urine and can result in an invalid test result, which means that the technician cannot determine whether the test is positive or negative and must get a new sample.

An official photo ID must be presented at the lab, which you will receive after ordering the test. Once you arrive, you can easily sign in and are taken to the back, where a certain lab technician explains what is required. The urine sample can be later on collected in a private bathroom with a help of small container.

Results explained

You will receive your results within 1-2 business days of providing your 6 panel drug screen sample. Additional testing may be hence required to confirm the positive impact if the final results are found to be positive.

You will either be receiving the positive or the negative response, or you will even receive inconclusive or the invalid results. For a drug test to be classified as positive, the detected levels must exceed a certain threshold.

Your urine sample contained a high concentration of the drug's metabolites. It will also tell you how many metabolites you had in your sample, along with the drug you tested positive for.

Positive results indicate that you did not detect the drug in your urine or that it did not exceed the threshold needed to determine whether you were positive.


About the Creator

12panel now

12 Panel Now Offers Drug Tests in Bulk at Low Prices. ariety of tests that detect many types of drugs. We offer 12 Panel Urine Drug Tests, Drug Test Strips, Drug Test Cups, Drug Test Cartridges, Dip Cards, Oral Swabs Tests, and more.

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