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What should you know about gum graft surgery?

Gum Graft Surgery Livonia

By advancedperiodonticsPublished about a year ago 3 min read

Are you suffering from receding gums and looking for an effective treatment to restore your gum tissues? Yes!

You can consider gum graft surgery in Livonia! This procedure is commonly known by its other name, gingival graft surgery!

People often undergo it to treat their receding gums. In addition to restoring the functions of gum tissues, this procedure can help prevent further damage to your tooth.

The problem of receding gums is a condition that people experience when their gum tissue is pulled away from their teeth. And as a result, this condition leaves the root exposed and vulnerable to decay! It could lead to other dental issues.

This blog describes everything that you should know about this procedure!

After reading this write-up, you will learn about the reasons to consider this procedure, the different types of gum grafts, the procedure itself, and the recovery process.

Let’s first discuss why you should go for gum graft surgery!

As already discussed, it's a procedure commonly used to treat various dental issues related to receding gums. Here, we are describing some of the most common reasons you should look for this procedure:

When gum recession occurs due to periodontal disease-

If you haven’t been treated for periodontal disease, you are more likely to develop gum recession. This is because periodontal disease may cause the gum tissue to pull away from the tooth. Whatever the cause of this condition, it’s always advisable to consult a periodontist and get the required treatment. Depending on your contusion, he can recommend gum graft surgery in Plymouth!

If you have a habit of flossing or brushing hard-

If you overbrush your teeth or floss too hard, it can cause the gum tissue to wear away. This will again result in receding gums. If this is the case, you can consult a dentist and know if you need gum grafting.


You may have noticed that some people are at high risk of developing gum recession as compared to others. This is because of genetic factors. If you have this problem due to genetic factors, you can also visit a nearby dental clinic and consider this procedure.

Different types of gum grafts-

Most commonly, three different types of gum grafts may be used during this procedure. The kind of graft used may depend on the severity of the condition and the patient's requirements.

Three types of gum grafts include-

Connective tissue grafts-

If we speak about the most common type of gum graft surgery, it’s connective tissue grafts. You may want to know what happens in this procedure! Well, during this gum graft surgery in Livonia, a dentist will remove a small piece of tissue from the roof of your mouth. And then, he will stitch it onto the area of the gum (the area that needs to be repaired).

Free gingival grafts-

It is generally similar to a connective tissue graft. The only difference lies in the removal of tissue. That is, in free gingival grafts, a dentist takes tissue directly from the gum tissue instead of removing the tissue from the roof of the mouth.

Pedicle grafts-

In this procedure, a dentist will take tissue from an area present very close to the tooth that needs to be repaired. He will then rotate it to cover the area of the gum that requires it to be restored.

What to expect from the procedure?

First of all, a surgeon will numb the area around the tooth. Depending on the type of gum graft required to be performed, he may take a small piece of tissue from another part of your mouth.

When the area gets numbed, he will make a small incision in the gum tissue present near your toot. And then, he will place the tissue graft over the needed area and stitch it into place. Generally speaking, this procedure takes about 1 or 2 hours to complete.

A recovery process-

After the procedure, a periodontist will advise patients on how to care for the surgical area and manage any discomfort. It’s common for patients to experience some swelling, discomfort, and sensitivity in the area for a few days after the procedure. So, it’s advisable to follow the recommendations to recover faster and take medicine on time. Most importantly, follow up with your periodontist after gum graft surgery in Plymouth.


About the Creator


Looking for periodontal treatments in Plymouth, visit Advanced Periodontics & Implantology anytime. Our expert periodontists offer preventive care to assist you get rid of periodontal disease.

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