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The Different Types of Periodontal Surgery Available in Michigan!

Periodontal Surgery

By advancedperiodonticsPublished about a year ago 4 min read

Periodontal disease can cause severe damage to the gum tissue and bone supporting the teeth, leading to tooth loss if left untreated. In Michigan, there are various surgical options available to treat periodontal disease, ranging from non-invasive procedures to more complex surgeries.

Understanding the different types of periodontal surgery in Michigan can help you decide which procedure is best for your individual needs and goals.

Let's explore the different types of periodontal surgery accessible in Michigan!

1. Scaling and Root Planing (Deep Cleaning)

Dental scaling and root planing, commonly known as deep cleaning, is a non-surgical procedure used to treat gum disease performed by a dentist specialist or periodontist. Plaque and tartar accumulation is removed from the surface of the teeth and behind the gum line during this process.

By doing so, it helps to eliminate the source of infection and inflammation, promoting healing and reducing the risk of further damage to the gums and supporting tissues. Scaling and root planing can be performed with local anesthesia and are usually done in one or two visits, depending on the extent of the gum disease. It is an effective way to prevent gum disease from progressing and maintain good oral health.

2. Bone and Tissue Grafting-

Bone and tissue grafting is a surgical procedure that involves transplanting bone or tissue from one part of the body to another. This technique is used to repair or rebuild damaged or missing bone or to improve the structural support of a joint.

Bone and tissue grafting can be performed using either autografts (taken from the patient's own body) or allografts (taken from a donor). The success of a bone or tissue graft depends on the quality of the donor tissue, the skill of the surgeon, and the patient's ability to heal. Bone and tissue grafting can improve mobility and reduce pain and is often used in conjunction with other orthopedic procedures, such as joint replacement surgery.

3. Osseous Surgery-

Osseous surgery, also known as bone surgery, is a type of dental procedure that involves removing damaged or diseased bone tissue in the jaw to promote healing and improve oral health. This type of surgery is commonly performed to prepare the mouth for dental implants, correct jaw misalignments, or remove cysts and tumors.

Osseous surgery is performed under local or general anesthesia and requires a thorough understanding of anatomy, surgical techniques, and postoperative care. With advancements in technology and techniques, osseous surgery has become a minimally invasive procedure with a high success rate and minimal downtime for patients. If you are considering osseous surgery, it is important to consult with a qualified dental professional to determine if it is the right option for you.

4. Crown Lengthening-

Crown lengthening is a dental procedure that involves removing gum tissue and bone to expose more of the tooth structure. This is often done to improve the appearance of the tooth or to prepare it for a crown or bridge. Crown lengthening can also be used to improve bite function, as well as to address issues related to gum disease or decay.

The procedure is typically performed under local anesthesia and is considered to be a relatively simple and safe procedure with minimal discomfort. Recovery from crown lengthening usually takes a few days, with the gum tissue taking several weeks to heal fully. If you are considering crown lengthening, it is important to discuss the benefits and risks with your dentist to determine if it is the right choice for you.

5. Dental Implants-

Dental implants are a popular solution for people with missing teeth or those looking to replace dentures. They consist of a titanium screw that is surgically placed into the jawbone, acting as a replacement for the tooth root. The screw is then covered with a crown or other dental restoration that looks and functions like a natural tooth.

Dental implants offer a number of benefits, including improved oral health, increased comfort and stability, and a more natural look and feel. They are also long-lasting, making them a more cost-effective solution in the long run. Dental implants, if taken care of properly, have a very long lifespan.

6. Guided Tissue Regeneration-

It is a dental treatment that helps to regrow lost tissue in the mouth. People who have suffered gum tissue loss as a result of periodontal disease or injury are prime candidates for this treatment. During the procedure, a barrier is placed between the damaged tissue and the healthy tissue, allowing the damaged tissue to regenerate on its own. The barrier used in guided tissue regeneration can be made of various materials, including collagen, titanium mesh, or synthetic membranes.

The success of this treatment depends on several factors, including the severity of the tissue loss, the patient's overall health, and their commitment to maintaining good oral hygiene. Guided tissue regeneration is a highly effective way to restore damaged gum tissue and improve oral health, and it has been widely used in dentistry for many years.

Periodontal surgery is a highly effective method for treating gum disease and improving oral health. With a range of options available in Michigan, patients can find the best fit for their individual needs and conditions. Whether it’s traditional flap surgery, laser therapy, or regenerative procedures, there’s a surgical option that can help improve gum health and prevent future oral health problems. It is important to work closely with a skilled and advanced periodontist to determine the best course of action and ensure a successful outcome.


Maintaining good oral health is important for overall health and well-being. Advanced Periodontics is a great choice if you need help improving your oral health or require periodontal surgery in Michigan. Their experienced staff is dedicated to providing the best possible care and guidance to help you achieve your oral health goals.

So don't wait any longer; contact them today for a professional consultation!


About the Creator


Looking for periodontal treatments in Plymouth, visit Advanced Periodontics & Implantology anytime. Our expert periodontists offer preventive care to assist you get rid of periodontal disease.

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Comments (1)

  • Yerania Jazmin Martinez Reyesabout a year ago

    El tema a desarrollar es sobre las existentes tipos de cirugía periodontal disponibles que se encuentran en Michigan, esto va dirigido a el público en general que esté interesado en el tema y más que nada en el lugar. El tema mas destacado es del raspado y alisado radicular ya que este es el más conocido y común; es de interés para la formación profesional en la carrera ya que se emplean estas cirugías, y el acercamiento con esto hace claro que tenemos soluciones claras y sencillas para tratar la enfermedad periodontal.

advancedperiodonticsWritten by advancedperiodontics

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