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Weight Loss Challenge!

Round 2!

By Alix NicolePublished 5 years ago 3 min read

Hello my lovelies!

So I decided to partake in this year's weight loss challenge at work again. Last time wasn't much of a success, seeing as it was only for five weeks and basically everyone who participated were almost killing themselves just to lose a pound or two a week. This time it started in October and goes on until May so this time we have a good ample amount of time and we're not killing ourselves to lose some weight.

I'll be posting about my weight loss challenge journey not to just to keep myself accountable but also to share my struggles and successes with my weight loss. I want to paint a realistic picture of what weight loss is really like and that it's not all rainbows and unicorns.

I will try to post at least weekly on my progress, whether it be good or bad, again seeing as I want this to be realistic as possible. I will also share recipes that are healthy and filling seeing as I will be changing a lot of my diet if I want to be successful this time. Once I am more successful in losing weight and keeping it off I'll start posting tips and tricks to keep the hunger and unhealthy snacking away. That was always my biggest problem and I am still planning on snacking but just not as unhealthy. Especially when it's my time of the month and God's gift to women is ice cream, chocolate, and on occasions cheesecakes. But anyhow let me share with you how I've been doing so far.

But as a start I have lost three pounds already. That's just due to eating much healthier and reducing my junk food intake. I started drinking propel water because for some reason I can't bring myself to drink normal water. I buy them by the case on Amazon so that I'm not going to the gas station every time I want to drink water. I order 4 cases for less than $30 which is great because it is much cheaper doing it that way. I also cut out carbs for the most part, eating mostly proteins and veggies. Green beans and carrots are my favorites, seeing as I am picky with my vegetables and I don't really want to have to force them down every time I eat. I lessened my soda consumption to only on the weekends. I am also trying to find another soda aside from Mountain Dew, despite it being the best soda on the planet, it also has the most caffeine and sugar. If you have any suggestions on different sodas please let me know.

I also started counting my steps, and I try to average about 6,000 steps a day or at least try to be more active and not just sit on my butt all day. One way I get my steps in is to take the dog for walks and I'm not talking about just 5 minute walks I'm talking walks around the block that tire her out and helps me get my steps in. I also started walking/running with the girls at my work to get steps and cardio in. It also helps to have your students' encouragement too. But overall being more active has helped me lose the weight and having somebody be there to support you helps a lot. Not only does having somebody work out with you make it more fun, but it also just helps keep you accountable too. Hence why I started walking/running with the girls with my co-workers and a few of my students because for a teacher there is nothing more encouraging than your students cheering you on.

weight loss

About the Creator

Alix Nicole

24 year old doggy mommy to an an adorable 2 year old Shiba Inu named Lucy. Loves history, loves to write and relax while enjoying a nice cup of coffee.

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