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Weight Loss: Current Goals

And Progress...

By Alix NicolePublished 6 years ago 3 min read

Hello my little lovelies!

So as you guys know since June I have been seriously trying to be healthier in terms of diet and exercise. It hasn't exactly been a smooth ride but I can at least say that I have been trying and am continuing to try. So I have set some weight loss goals for myself every time I get to a certain weight, hoping that it will be a good incentive to keep going and keep trying.

So as for current progress. I am currently sitting at 192.6 pounds, making that approximately eight pounds I have lost since I got back from Chicago in June. I have been going to the gym at least three days a week, trying to up that since I went back to work at the beginning of the month and trying to set a routine of going to the gym after work. Dieting hasn't been easy but I have been mostly sticking to the meal preps that I have been making with a couple of cheat meals in between. When you get home after running after four-year-old children, you barely want to get out of bed to heat anything up so that's where the takeout comes in. But I have been mostly sticking to the meal preps which is why I haven't gone up to 200 pounds again.

Now as for my goals, I have quite a few in mind and I hope to hit them within the next nine months by summer. That would mean I would have to work out at Hugh Jackman level but hey, I'll take that over lazy and overweight at this point any day.

First weight goal: 185 pounds

In a couple of weeks, my husband will be home and we'll be taking pictures at one of our favorite spots on the ODU campus when we were college kids. I've taken pictures before at 187 but this time I want to be a couple of pounds lighter and possibly get a new dress to wear for the photo shoot. That and he's in the Navy now, I have to look maybe two steps away from looking just as good. So by the time this photo shoot happens, I want to be 185 and hopefully less.

Second weight goal: 160 pounds

I have always wanted at some point to do just a nice photo shoot in Virginia Beach Town Center wearing a cute little outfit looking completely casual (yeah, okay). I have always liked the idea of being a model but I thought those dreams would never come true because of my weight. But looking at pictures of myself when I weighed 160 I didn't look half bad. Hell, Adam fell for me at that weight so I figured why not do a photo shoot. Again, nothing fancy just something to help me dip my toes in that world you know? And no, I don't plan to abandon my career in education for modeling for anyone who is asking.

Third weight goal: 140 pounds

One of the things I always wanted to do was wear more...revealing clothing. I've always been fascinated by the idea of less is more ever since I was a teenager which bugged my mother to no end. But since I have obviously grown up, matured and got married I want to get my first BuffBunny Collection pieces instead of getting clothes that revealed more than it should. I've always liked the idea of being able to move more freely in the gym and honestly, I just want to see how I look in them too. So at 140 I am going to buy my first BuffBunny Collection pieces as a reward for working my butt off.

Fourth weight goal: 120

So when I hit my ultimate target weight, I want to do a sexy beach photo shoot in my first bikini. Why do you ask? Well first, I love the beach, it's one of my favorite places in the world to be. And two I've never felt comfortable in a bikini due to my body and I figured this would be the best place to do my first bikini photo shoot. I mean who doesn't love being on a beach and a bikini? All I would be missing is a drink and Lucy...if she liked the beach that is.

So these are the goals I hope to hit within the next nine months. It's okay if it will take a little longer. But for now, nine months is my goal.

weight loss

About the Creator

Alix Nicole

24 year old doggy mommy to an an adorable 2 year old Shiba Inu named Lucy. Loves history, loves to write and relax while enjoying a nice cup of coffee.

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