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Top Quarantine Self Care Items You Need In Your Life

Self care is essential to your mental health and life in general. When we love ourself and take care of ourselves we radiate and feel good overall.

By Silena Le BeauPublished 3 years ago 4 min read

In today's modernized material world of fast paced millenials, online shopping is surely a must. With the amount of Billions of dollars spent yearly it seems as if there's a new syndrome brewing for the last decade called, " add to cart syndrome".

Many people who are introverts jumped on the shop from home on a phone or computer if it meant having the ability to avoid long lines and crowds in some of the worlds major superstores like Walmart, Target and huge shopping malls.

Online shopping is a trend that looks like it will never ever die anytime soon. The first time I heard of this was years ago when I was talking to my cousin Samantha in New York. She would always call me and say she has to go on a no buy for a while because she can't stop adding to cart. Most of the time it was for makeup and beauty products. I laughed so hard for at least 15 minutes until tears formed and fell out of my eyes uncontrollably. It's an inside joke that we laugh about it til this very day!

But I see this has really gotten a hold on millions if not billions of people all across the world from the highs of the mountains to the lows down in the town. For some it has moreso become somewhat of an addiction.

In reality, apparently everyone and their Grandmother has shopped online. I understand it too because its such a convenience. You get to buy things and have it shipped to straight to your door. What makes it even better is the fact that if you need it quicker than the company's shipping alotted time you can pay extra to get it to you faster. Most people opt for this option if they're having a last minute birthday party, wedding event, housewarming gift or a self care product.

Self care is also a steadily rising trend that has peaked the interest of those who know that treating yourself good is a great from of self love. Doing good things such as "treating yourself" as some call it aligns you to the highest vibration of love as well as helping to subconsciously attract love into your life. It's okay to be addicted just as long as it doesn't harm you and instead is for a good cause.

This 2020 pandemic has taken a toll on humanity in the worst way. The only thing that kept me sane was taking care of myself and my health. Many businesses that i used to love had sadly closed down. Some closed for a few months while some closed down permanently. I began my self care journey and began to support small businesses online.

Self care is self love!

Some of the things I searched for online were a direct correlation to my mental health and to remove any and all negative energy and to keep positive energy within my space, which included my car, house and my job. Many of you know how much stress was lurking around work space from those who have suffered terrible losses as a result of the pandemic occurring and interfering in everyone's life whether we wanted it to or not,

I wanted my mood to increase in overall happiness so I started off shopping around for things like sage, and palo santo. Sage is known internationally by many different cultures and is used to remove negative energy. Palo Santo is used in mainly Spanish cultures. It is a stick that is burned like sage and used for healing and to heal or bring loving energy. We all know love is the highest emotion or energy so this was exactly what I needed to raise my vibration and radiate love through me which is great for self love.

Next I wanted to feel like a Queen so I did some research on the Queen's and how they were pampered and the types of baths they took. I found a 24K gold Face masque and a coconut bath milk that was greatly priced and incomparable to any others I fund. As a matter of fact their online shop stood out to me because although some of their product are readily available by others, they took the time to research and add other ingredients that others didn't have.

I was impressed by all my finds and next thing I know it was midnight and I caught myself in a frenzy still adding to cart and my total was almost 200.00 in one hour. But that wasn't bad at all compared to the thousands I was used to spend monthly. I feel like this trying point in time has taught us a valuable lesson in taking care of ourselves.

All in all I'd say that I've been doing good as of lately. But when it comes to my mental health I want no outside energy interference! Always remember that no matter what life throws at you (even if it is a quarantine) make sure YOU are a priority in your life.

self care

About the Creator

Silena Le Beau

She expresses her gift of writing through each piece. She studied writing in college and has been inspiring people for 20 years. She gives back to the community & enriches them with enlightenment. Philanthropist, Empath and Nature lover.

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