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Top 10 skin care face pack for healthy and glowing skin home remedies

Skincare face pack home remedies

By Cristal CristalPublished about a year ago 5 min read

Top 10 skincare face pack home remedies for healthy and glowing skin


The skin is the body's largest organ and it plays a major role in maintaining healthy appearance. The skin protects us from infections, disease and toxins by producing sweat glands and sebaceous glands that produce oils that keep our skin moist as well as keeping bacteria away from vulnerable areas such as our mouth or genitals.

Honey and Yogurt Face Pack

The first step is to prepare the face pack. You can do this by mixing honey, yogurt and turmeric powder in a bowl or cup. You can also use a spoon to mix it if you prefer.

After that, place some drops of this mixture on your face for 10 minutes or so before rinsing it off with warm water.

You should leave the mask on your skin for at least 20 minutes while sleeping at night, but not more than 30 minutes as it might cause irritation due to its acidic nature (which is why some people do not recommend using this method). After removing it from your face you should apply moisturizer immediately so that all dryness is gone as well as any dirt left behind after washing off with water first thing in morning!

Cucumber and Aloe Vera Face Pack

Cucumber and aloe vera face pack is a great way to rejuvenate your skin. It's also a simple DIY recipe that you can make at home without any fancy equipment. The ingredients for this face pack include:

grated cucumber (1/2 cup)

fresh aloe vera gel (1 tbsp)

To make this DIY skincare product, mix together the ingredients in a bowl until they are well combined; then apply it on your face using fingers or a cotton ball. Let it sit for 10 minutes before washing off with lukewarm water

Grapeseed Oil and Lemon Face Pack for Acne Prone Skin

Grapeseed oil is a natural astringent that helps to dry out acne. Lemon is a natural bleaching agent, so it will help lighten the marks left behind by your pimple or breakouts. Apply this face pack on your skin and let it sit for 30 minutes before rinsing off with cold water.

Turmeric and Milk Face Pack for Acne Prone Skin

Turmeric is a natural skin lightener, so it can help to reduce the appearance of acne scars. Milk is rich in vitamins A, B and C that are essential for healthy skin. The turmeric powder will help to reduce the appearance of acne scars while the milk helps to moisturize and soften your skin.

Mix equal amounts of turmeric powder and milk in a bowl or container that has been sterilized by washing it with soap and water (or using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer). Massage this mixture onto clean face for 5 minutes twice daily until fully absorbed into your skin

Milk and Banana Face Mask for Acne Prone Skin

Milk and Banana Face Mask for Acne Prone Skin:

This face pack is a great option for those who are acne-prone or have oily skin. It's also a simple one to make, so you can whip it up in no time! In this DIY mask, you'll mix mashed bananas with milk to create an exfoliating mask that will leave your skin feeling clean and fresh.

Apply the mixture all over your face before going to sleep, then rinse off in the morning after showering (or at night if you're extra sleepy). In addition to being able to help clear up breakouts on its own, this homemade mask also helps hydrate dry patches by replenishing moisture lost through sweat during exercise or exposure outdoors where temperatures rise above 75 degrees Fahrenheit (24 Celsius).

Papaya and Yogurt Face Mask for Acne Prone Skin

Papaya is a natural exfoliant that helps remove dead skin cells, leaving your skin smooth and supple. Yogurt contains lactic acid, which is also an excellent exfoliant. These two ingredients can be combined to make a face mask—papaya pulp may be applied directly onto the skin or mixed with yogurt before applying.

This mask should be left on for about 15 minutes before rinsing off with warm water to help draw out impurities from underneath your pores as well as prevent blackheads from forming in future days when you use this same method again!

Almond Oil, Sandalwood Oil, and Honey Face Mask for Oily Skin Type

Almond Oil, Sandalwood Oil, and Honey Face Mask

For oily skin type:

Mix 1 teaspoon each of almond oil, sandalwood oil and honey in a bowl. Apply this mixture on your face with a cotton swab to get rid of excess oil secretion. Leave it on for 15 minutes before washing off with lukewarm water. Repeat this once or twice daily until you see an improvement in your skin condition

Turmeric, Saffron, Honey and Yogurt Face Mask for Dry to Normal Skin Type

Turmeric, Saffron and Honey Face Mask for Dry to Normal Skin Type

Turmeric is a natural anti-inflammatory and antioxidant that can be used in many different ways. It helps to fight free radicals, slow down the aging process and even improve your skin's elasticity. Saffron is also known for its amazing properties; it helps stimulate blood circulation which improves the appearance of your face as well as reducing cellulite. Honey has antibacterial properties which will help keep you from getting breakouts or irritation on your face due to acne or other skin problems like eczema or psoriasis which may occur if left untreated longer than 48 hours following application of this remedy! Yogurt contains lactic acid which hydrates dry damaged skin while also providing vitamins B6 & E needed by our bodies every day so we get better looking selves!

Aloe Vera Facial Toner/Lotion

Aloe Vera is great not only because it contains lots of nutrients including vitamin C but also soothing properties such as soothing inflammation caused by sunburns etc.. When applied topically directly onto any type of injury/burn/scalding sensation caused by hot water exposure (like when taking showers), aloe vera gel works miracles healing these types wounds within just 24 hours!"

Honey, Rice Bran Oil, Baking Soda and Apple Cider Vinegar Facial Scrub to Exfoliate the Dead Skin Cells on Your Face. It will help reduce breakouts, fade scars and get your skin clear of blemishes.

Mix together equal amounts of honey and rice bran oil in a bowl.

Add some baking soda to the mixture, then add apple cider vinegar (optional) and stir to combine well with all ingredients except for the apple cider vinegar.

Pour into an airtight jar, then use as you would any other facial scrub by applying it to your face using a washcloth or cotton ball before wiping off after 5-10 minutes for best results!


We would recommend that you experiment with the face packs you find online and see what works best for your skin. While these are some of our favorites, there are many more options out there on the market. The important thing is to start using these natural remedies now so they can help reduce breakouts and fade scars while also giving your skin a much needed boost!

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