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The Ring of King Pontus

The Sisterhood of the four Seasons

By Ocusan MPublished 9 months ago Updated 9 months ago 8 min read

Horn of Aurochs, Viola Cryana, Cynometra Beddomei, Sterculia Khaslana, Astatic Cheetah! Summer Sister said the incantation while wearing the ancient ring of the pre Roman princess. Alright my coven sisters, it is said. The circle of a secluded women were holding hands in a circle underneath a eclipsed sun while a golden Caldron bubbled with the said ingredients of the spell. They chose this time to evoke the departed spirit of Cleopatra, daughter of King Mithridates of Pontus born 110 BC. (CIX BC. ) The predicted eclipse with a inscribed date was engraved onto the ring buried along with a spell book in the ashes of Pompey. The book detailed to gather the herbs along with the combed fur of an exotic cheetah all added to the brew. This in turn would conjure up the ghost of Cleopatra of Pontus who they hoped would guide them to the afterlife where they could speak to other departed spirits by using her ancient spirit as a guide. It was said that Princess Cleopatra was buried wearing her ring having her image transpired onto the tainted olive green glass. She had been an admirer of Astronomical phenomena while she included in her spell book that the ring must be worn during a solar eclipse for the spell to work. Writing that the magnetic energy of the eclipse had overwhelmed her body as she had passed out where a vision of her departed father, King Mithridates had appeared within the scythed Sun. Looking down upon his daughter from the darkened image of the Sun he told her the needed ingredients she needed to cross into the afterlife’ Her father believed that death was only a brief encounter where certain poisonous elements could undo the dying body, restoring it whole. The King had wanted to know deeply about death while he attempted suicide several times believing the magical healing power of his potions would restore him. Successful he was until a snake potion gave him a final bite, ending his eccentric journey into the dark realm forever’ And then the clouded image within the black Sun shone through the heavens creating a bridge between this world & the eternal world’ He wanted his daughter to join him when her time was near. She remembered the ingredients, inscribing them into a book of potions while she too ingested the potion hoping to join her father. While living a lush life among the grape leaves of fruited vines she hadn’t expected for the volcano to erupt ending her life & burying her Oscan writings. No one knows to this day if the Princess made it to the afterlife to join her father. Millenniums later, the coven restored the spell book while Sister Summer wore the ring. There were four sisters that made up the coven & were unique being all identical quadruplets each named after the four seasons. Each season in turn corresponded to the four positions of the compass according to the prayer wheel. Sister Winter stood in the North, Sister Autumn in the West, Sister Spring in the East & Sister Summer in the South. The prayer wheel was derived from the ancients as each direction had a certain rock assigned to the season by its color. A white rock of Quartz placed in the North, Chinese Cinnabar for the South, a yellow piece of sulfur in the East, & a black rock of sparkling Onyx placed in the West. When standing inside the circle, each Sister wore a ephod breastplate adorned with more stones inscribed with Latin runic letters. The prayer wheel ceremonies were preformed during seasonal changes such as the welcoming of winter & Summer solstice & spring & fall Equinox. Their were also different animals assigned to each direction as well as herbs. Burning of sage, cedar & sweetgrass added to the ceremonial dance as a prayer wheel was also referred to as a medicine wheel. The four sisters kept a enlarged medicine wheel permanently on their property that they considered sacred. The stones stretching outward for one mile that served as a daily prayer site that they constructed a circular sweat house in the center. They worked as healers as people with ailments were drawn to their energy. The ancient ring of Cleopatra Pontus was used as a catalyst such as Urim & Thummim seer stones were used to harness the power of their Gods. They danced & sang during the Summer solstice as Sister Summer pointed her ring towards the Sun hoping something would happen. Each night the sun sank with no avail until the sisters realized they needed a solstice along with the potion. The next solstice was in August where they waited among the cliffs that stood over the prayer wheel. As the Solstice beamed down its darkened rays they drank the herbs wearing the robes of the Chetah. Sister Summer raised her hand bearing the ancient ring that held the face of the Pontus daughter. Their was a brief moment of silence as the eclipse itself seemed to look down at the four sisters and remembered the ring. The four women uttered the words of the Pontus ingredients as they became part of the spell. Aurochs !Viola Cryana! Cynometra Beddomei! Sterculia Khaslana! Astatic Cheetah! They called out as the Sun darkened into its eclipse. The ring in turn became as alive as Medusa opening her eyes as she pierced a thin streak of light onto the black Sun. Suddenly a face appeared looking down at the group of Sisters standing in the circle. The ring saw with her eyes the face she recognized as her father, King of Pontus. Father! Your still there! The sisters were surprised to hear the ring as it had spoken. Yes, my daughter, and you I see have preserved yourself within the ring I gave you. Yes father I am but a speck within this ring that lye buried in the ruins of Pompey. I will restore you whole my dear child, once you gather the winged horse that can carry you here. Father I have no such thing. The tiny ring began to weep as the sisters nodded in agreement. Then I shall instruct you on how to conjure one. Gather the oil of water lily, powdered crystal, & glowing mushrooms. Then feed them to a wild horse through an apple. The horse will grow wings allowing it to fly. Wait until the next eclipse & you shall fly through entering the realm where no one goes. I shall be waiting for your arrival. Goodbye my Princess.. With his words he faded into the returning sunlight that ended the conversation. Sister Summer reassured the weeping ring that she knew where to gather the ingredients needed for the potion. In the cave the water lily grows along with majestic crystals & glow mushrooms! Where will we find the horse? Sister Winter asked, as Sister Autumn & Spring were asking as well. No worries, I know of a certain place where in the month of Sagittarius when the stars are aligned to the centaur a certain horse drinks from the river waterfall. The sisters smiled at the insight. Since it’s not quite mid November, let us prepare by transforming the prayer wheel into a horseshoe shape while we can also gather the ingredients needed for the ritual. It was easy to find the lily flowers, crystal & glow shrooms as the sisters filled their baskets with them to prepare. They used a little machine that grounded up the substance filling vials with lily oil, crystalline sand & chopped glowing shroom. It was a ritual itself to see such beauty glowing radiance within the cave. Soon the seasons changed from Summer to fall as the sisters waited each night for the mysterious horse who drank under a full moon. On the last day of Sagittarius it became Winter Solstice, first day of Winter. This was the last day it would show, as they had waited throughout the fall. Waiting outside with winter shawls on, the sisters heard the neighing of a horse hidden in sight. Suddenly he appeared looking as a stunning creature while he drank from the inlet. Give him the apple! Sister Summer motioned to Sister Spring who held the basket of the prepared potion. I almost forgot! The potion of a juicy red apple had been injected with the combined lily oil, crystal & glow shroom that made the fruit glow & shimmer. Sister Summer took the apple slowly approaching the wild horse. He seemed reluctant at first but the beautiful glow of the treat made it irresistible. Biting down with his large teeth he chewed as the sisters watched in excitement. Slowly his body began to morph as the potion worked having wings sprouting like leaves upon each side. It’s working! The sisters hugged each other jumping with joy. As the wings fully extended Summer then placed a saddle around him harnessing her upon his majestic winged body. Hoisting her up in the air as he stood on his hind legs & flew up into the night sky. The horse flew giving hope that he could journey into the afterlife during the predicted eclipse while they kept him in a barn until the elements were ready for him. It would be nice to make a dream catcher with his feathers, since they were larger feathers than any creature known. Sister Autumn exclaimed. Of course we can’t have that, his wings are a creation of magic itself! Sister Winter told while they groomed him with chestnut oil making him shine in the sun streaks among the barn hay. Sister Summer appeared in the barn entrance announcing that it was time for the eclipse. Unfortunately I cannot make the ride into the afterlife, she said looking saddened. Why not? The sisters asked. This is now Winter season & the rings image of the princess has faded. She slipped off the ring giving it to Sister Winter. When she slipped it on the image returned. You see, it has to be worn by the correct seasonal Sister in order to be United with the King! I’m not so good at riding! Sister Winter said feeling uncertain. We still have time to practice as Sister Winter helped her upon the saddle leading her outside as they canopied in circles. Don’t forget to wear this hat. Sister Autumn handed her a velvet riding hat that reassured her confidence. Alright I’m ready! The sisters gathered within the sacred area of the horseshoe design of stones as the sun began to eclipse. The giant face of Pontus returned and saw his potion had worked, astonishing well. My daughter I am waiting for you! Come now before the shadow upon the Earth fades! Sister Winter drew the reins guiding the winged horse upward while the ring opened a threshold with a beaming light as the horse flew through. Then they were gone, as if they had made the journey into the unknown. The remaining sisters were looking through cellophane eclipse glasses as they could see a ghostly shadow slip into the sun. How will Sister Winter return? Autumn sister asked. She will have to wait until the next eclipse as the portal has closed. Summer informed. She will have a long story to tell when she does, Spring sister realized. Let us hope that we can learn from this experience about the world that we know so little about. It is worth the short interval of our Northern Sister. Summer told as they all held hands and meditated upon the remarkable event. Late at night while the North wind blew during the first snowfall, one could hear the sound of a tiny voice! I’m home father!


About the Creator

Ocusan M

I write in a surrealistic style learning new realities as i researched Quantum physics in Quantum Dreaming where the man had a Quantum computer in his home that could see into the future.

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    Ocusan MWritten by Ocusan M

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