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The Crucible of Ancient Languages


By Ocusan MPublished 9 months ago Updated 9 months ago 8 min read

She didn’t hear the Sub atomic sound as she lay sleeping within her glass meditation pyramid where her bedroom had shaken from the Vibration of an Extraterrestrial visitor. She was standing by the dresser where her jewel box displayed her most worn favorite trinkets. Displayed underneath the above Ultraviolet lights the Uranium bracelets rings & Medallions beamed with a purple green illumination. The Masked burglar was wearing a suit constructed of intricate wire mesh with iridescent sequins. The woman who owned the vibrant collection was a acquired physician & metaphysical healer who specialized in bio feedback therapy using a machine she invented that penetrated light beams from gemstones onto the seven chakras of the Spiritual body. Her Grandfather had been a rock hound living out in the Sierra desert where he had hunted for Uranium rock with his Ultraviolet lantern. This is how she came to be a rock child, a seeker of meaning within the stones. It was fascinating to mold the glowing artifacts of raw earth’s manifestation into works of jewelry. Once set into a silver or gold crucible they looked magnificent under a black light. This is how the attraction occurred from Ultraviolet space as the intruder seemed to be a being who needed the rocks to substantiate her identity. With her fish net dress she dug her hands into the treasure as if she were a paradox or particle of living rock. This was when the Female Meta Physician awoke to find the strange reality of seeing something beyond belief. Quickly she reached for her laser weapon in her nightstand. Pointing it at the illuminated body alarming it with a slight fire of her weapon. Startled the being turned around portraying a hidden face that dissolved into thin air. Where it went was as mysterious as its presence. Searching the area to find not a trace or clues, the young Doctor grew tired deciding to meditate on the situation. Laying down on a sofa that had a overhead projector containing the stones she called a chakra machine. closing her eyes where precious stone of colors beamed through lighted holes covering the parts of the body according to its planet. Jupiter Lavender Amethyst illuminated the crown of her head, Saturn Blue Safire covered her eyes, Mercury Turquoise upon her throat, Moon Emeralds shon upon the heart, Sun Sulfur upon her Solar plexus, Venusian Topaz for the Sacral bones, & Mars Ruby for the feet. Some of her clients preferred the Ruby for the heart where she would place if requested. Going into a deep trance she repeated the mantra, Lam, Vam, Ram, Yam, Ham, Sham, Ommmmm. The lights swirled from the stones as recorded sitar music echoed rocking her into a deep sleep. A dream appeared where a Lakshmi Goddess was dreaming with her chanting out each Chakra with its meditational Yoga dance. She was riding upon a vessel floating at sea ( boat stance ) within a triangle ( sacral chakra stance ) surrounded by butterflies ( crown Chakra stance ) & Dolphins ( third eye chakra stance ) Behind her stood a Mountain with tall trees( Root chakra stance) In her dream the Doctor called out..Dear Goddess why have you appeared in my vision? Through her third eye she portrayed an image of the magnanimous terrestrial who’s image beamed like a holographic photograph captured in a vortex only Holy Oracles could manifest. Yes! Yes! That is why I have summoned your divine wisdom! She screamed inside her dream, yet heard no answer. The Goddess looked sad as she cried tears indicating that she could only speak through images. She then touched her heart where a flaming bird escaped the dream world soaring from the machine into the room. It let out a sound that pierced so high it awakened her meditation. The Lakshmi was gone, yet the bird wasn’t. The golden bird sat it’s talons down upon her dresser looking straight into the Doctor’s soul with its inquisitive eyes. It began to chirp a sing song that sounded like a language. Some of the sounds sounded like words of that of a parrot giving her an idea to try to interpret the bird language. Her memory drifted back to when she learned there were hidden mysteries that were serendipitous for a child. Her parents had been Oceanographers experienced with extensive research with Dolphins & Whales sonar where Excursions such as underwater diving were part of her past. The researched sounds were discovered to be a sonar messages of vocal patterns Mammals used to communicate under the vast Ocean stretching out to the Pacific Islands. On a certain Summer while studying within International Waters out among the native chain of islands they encountered a tribe of islanders who had discovered the boat they were on. While inviting the Chief on board he expressed interest of the underwater speakers that picked up the mammal voices. She remembered him expressing with body language with his ornate hand woven attire to come look at something he wanted to show on the main land. Going ashore on his wooden canoe he led her family into his hut. There inside he revealed a instrument that he had found inside what he described as a ship fallen from the cosmos of stars. Taking his pet Mina bird he showed how when it talked into the device, it translated his animal language into not a spoken language but into what appeared to be hieroglyphics upon a piece of paper. The machine then played the bird song again reading the drawings of notes as pictures of ancient symbols scrolled onto the rice paper. It amazed us so much as my father wanted to know the secret to its workings. The Chief thought it was the work of something extraterrestrial, explaining that our mammal recording had given him the idea to record them like his bird songs. He offered to let us borrow the box as we were delighted in doing so. The songs of the sea were played out onto sheet music that we brought back with us to add to a library of talking picture books that were displayed as interpretations of mammal language. Her Mother had an idea of taking the symbols & embossing them onto metal then made into round rolls of pipes that could be played by a pianola piano. This produced the enchanting sounds from the islands that her family wished they could record more of after being awarded the Pearl Meister Greengard prize via Rockefeller University for their contribution to Anthropological Biology. The music was named Vocal Seismography with requests from around the world for its origin. One vivid day a unexpected crate of mail wrapped in green plastic wrap was brought to the door for a signature. Inside after unwrapping we found the ancient box from the islands with a note attached. Written on bamboo paper the Chief said in a few words he had not long to live in his old age & wished for his animal interpretation box to be contributed to the modern world to preserve the verbal species. This had been sixty years before as she had inherited the ancient device. Now was the perfect time to see if she could interpret the golden bird’s voice. Finding the button that switched it on to where it glowed a bright amber light she sat it next to the bird waiting for its song. He began to sing as the box recorded then printed out its sheet music. Taking the scrolls of what resembled chicken scratching she fed into the emboss machine creating the notes of his language onto tracking rolls. Inserting them into the pianola piano waiting for the song of the dream bird. The words printed out were, Ch3cooh, that sounded like Chthreecooh, as the number printed gave more insight to understand. Vinegar she knew as the chemical element where the next detailed picture translated was the atomic symbol ⚛️ next to the number fifty three. Iodine was of this formula she knew. Playing the song of the two chemicals did something unexpected. Her entire dwelling began to shake as if creating the sound of a volcano eruption shattering the glass windows where the startled bird flew out. She lived not far from the beach as the night sky streaked with lightning whereas something appeared out in the water. Grabbing her opera glasses that served as binoculars she searched the Ocean for the form out in the dark waves. There she could see the strange figure that had appeared in her room illuminated by her Uranium jewelry. Her fishnet dress blowing in the wind. The bird had given her the key to the secret element that made her invisible ghost body visible. Running to the shore she took the recording box & camera to photograph her physically. The voice from her essence was feminine in nature, hauntingly eerie as if draining of energy. The record button was on while she snapped photos that flashed without the lighting above. Wading in the waves to get a closer look she called out to the figure pleading for her to come closer. The storm was too magnetic for the apparition to endeavor where sounds of moaning infiltrated with electrical snaps & static. And then she faded away as she had done before, this time over the sea. The same sea that had brought the adventure of magical box that she used to study many creatures that helped heal the wounds of helpless animals misunderstood & used for science in unobtrusive ways. Each animal had a voice, even the ones used for consumption deserved better treatment. After the storm she played the music of Visibility again trying to recreate the encounter as that stormy night, with no avail. She never saw the form again while the photographs developed showed only the sea. Time passed as she encountered visitations from others who wandered on the beach in sole search. Many thought she was from the Pleiades as she became a legendary beach celebrity who was known as the hurdy-gurdy healer of veterinary medicine. She contributed concerts of animals voices with computerized moving symbols as well as heavy water light shows played under the dome of planetariums. The Chakras of her music portrayed forever in time. Finally she’s found a partner who invented a translation device that could translate words from foreign countries into readable languages used for television & radios. Within the metronomes of immigration they shared something in common of inventions created. Having her first child she recorded baby gibberish giving lullabies a new meaning. The box became part of her life while as she grew old she wondered what was inside. The ancient box that contained inner mechanisms never seen. Throughout the years she decided that she wanted to learn of its nature so she opened it by using her Chakra machine. Placing it underneath the multicolored lights it worked like a charm opening it without destroying its structure. There inside she peeked to find a tiny image of the mysterious woman she encountered so many years in the past. She was sitting in a chair like a puppet at the controls of a printing device as if transfixed. Switching on the box she became illuminated with its warm light while she moved as if becoming alive. In all her years she hadn’t imagined that a wooden puppet was inside. She was a mirror image of the form she encountered years before wearing the same magnetic dress in a puppet size. Sweeping her within her hands she placed her within her jewelry box illuminating her likeness like a Thumbelina fairy tale. She no longer needed a miniature chair. It was so sweet to have her as the Doctor of Metaphysical nature cried a tear down her apple doll face. No longer necessary was her box to communicate as the Doctor worked to create a potion to give life to the puppet that had helped give the unspoken creatures a new meaning.


About the Creator

Ocusan M

I write in a surrealistic style learning new realities as i researched Quantum physics in Quantum Dreaming where the man had a Quantum computer in his home that could see into the future.

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Comments (1)

  • Alex H Mittelman 9 months ago

    So fascinating and intriguing! Great work!

Ocusan MWritten by Ocusan M

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